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overreact much?

melnyk and alfredsson made a bet - if canada won the juniors, alfredsson would wear a team canada jersey at practice. if sweden won, melnyk would wear a team sweden jersey to an upcoming game.

ps. you'd love to have him on team canada. he's a swedish captain on a winning team.... that's unique in canada...

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It has been brought to my attention by some season ticket holders that the Ottawa Senators have changed their policy regarding the purchase of extra tickets before they go on sale to the public. In years past season ticket holders could purchase a few extra tickets to a game or two of their choice before they went on sale to the general public. Well with the Senators new found success it seems greed has creeped into the Senators front office. If you want to purchase extra tickets to any games for the second half of the season and you are a season ticket holder you must also buy tickets to a Buffalo or Florida game. Nothing like giving your most valued customers the shaft!! As an organization you are supposed to treat your season ticket holders like gold, not take them for granted.

I have had some very long standing season ticket holders contact me regarding this situation because their concerns have gone unanswered. In one instance, an 11 year season ticket holder who owns a small business in Ottawa and has 4 season tickets has always purchased extra tickets to other games so he could bring some less fortunate kids to the games. Much to this ticket holders amazement, he found out he had to buy tickets to a game he already has 4 tickets for, that being a Buffalo or Florida game in addition to the game he was seeking extra tickets.

What is going to happen when the Sens are not a playoff contender and are having trouble filling the arena? I am sure Sens management wouldn't be pulling this kind of stunt if the building was not selling out most nights. These are the type of greedy decisions that hurt any organization in the future. I surely hope this type of stunt doesn't happen again.

I felt it was my duty to make sure these season ticket holders were heard regarding this situation which is why I posted it in my blog.

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Who's Kevin Lee?

What he's saying is half true.

As a season ticket holder, I purchased extry tickets on Monday for the March 1st game against the Penguins. (they go on sale to the general public on Saturday). I bought the tickets for this game in the cheap seats.

On Tuesday, a co-worker asked me if I could buy her some tickets for that Penguins game. I said sure, and logged in to my account. Cheap seats were no longer available. In fact, only very expensive seats were available. However, they were offering a package deal, where if you bought tickets for either a game against Buffalo or Florida, you could get the Penguins tix as well, in the cheap seats.

What Kevin is saying in his third paragraph is an example of "supply and demand", upon which capitalism is based. If he doesn't like that, he can go back to Russia.

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