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EEEK Mice!!!


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The thought of having mice in my apartment makes me quiver. We had one when we lived downtown and I made my poor wife discard of that one. Well, the last couple of days I have notice some little poops on my stove. The little guy hasn't eaten any of our food he just poops! So anyways I say to myself lets move the stove, clean under in and see what's up. More little poops, no big deal, clean it up and hope the little bastard will move on...So I push the stove back to it's area and I find this....


After freaking out for a good 15 minutes, and not knowing what to do I grabbed a broom and pushed it outside...I thought it was a sleeping mouse or it was dead. Anyways, it's pretty light and doesn't have a face, but I really don't know what it is!!!

Any help?

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Hahahahahahahahhaaaaa....These were the things that were going through my head this morning. I have come to the conclusion that this is basically some sort of furry ball. How it got in my apartment, I have no idea. I (shudder) stepped on it and it doesn't seem to be a living creature, furthermore a dog walked by and sniffed it, and didn't seem to be bothered by it. Howler, I actually took a Westboro walk to see your co-workers hoping it would have walked away. It's still on the sidewalk right now Sunshine, feel free to investigate. Here's a picture from my balcony!


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i think the manual on how to beat the mouse trap, by mice, for mice, is out there now... it's been a long time since i've caught a mouse that way.

dingy, what you need is a big bucket, a shitload of bleach, a coathanger, and yes, some peanut butter. get creative, buddy!

and dont worry about that black furry thing, sure, it's disgusting, and somewhat weird, but if you stepped on it, and nothing happened, i'd say you're good.

for now.

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