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US Foreign Policy

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I first wanted to say that I am not trying to pick a fight. With that said... I wanted to get some opinions on what I think is the 'biggest' case study which highlights the problems of 'US Foreign Policy'. Let me first say it is not Iraq, Israel, Central America, Taiwan, or etc...

Of all the issues which I am most troubled by would be Cuba. I spent a number of weeks teaching this (even leaving out JFK-v-Soviets) to inner city youths and they 'ate it up'.

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To 'hamilton', I believe we have made more mistakes (The US) in dealing with Cuba than we have in any other place in the world. If you understand what is wrong with what we are doing (and have done) in Cuba, then you have an idea of what is wrong with our (US) 'foreign policy' in the first place.

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Thanks 'hamiton' (again)in helping me communicate what I was really trying to say. The 'US' anti-castro policy is wrong in so many ways. I was only moved to say something about it (Cuba) because of Castros 79 birthday. I am very frustrated with all of the mistakes we have made in this part of the world.

P.S. While I have issues with some of the things my country has done (and is doing), I believe it is a reflection of complications of being a 'world' leader. ...and I know that this last statement makes me sound like just another 'typical' American but I could not figure out another way to say it.

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Just let them sell their cigars to you addictive Mofo's! FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!! What is America afraid of? Communisim working! Oh yeah... that's it isn't it...

News Flash... Even though you try to economically starve Cuba... communism is working down there. Barely... but it's outlasted America's most desperate attempts at builiding a revolution against Castro. 99% Literacy... and a fresh coat of paint for every home. It's not Disney world... but it's tollerable. And the people know exactly what is going on. Viva Castro... et Viva La Revolution!

If you want to put a list of countries near the top of America's 'we've been fucking them in the ass list'... put Argentina on there. How would you like to wake up one day and have a loaf of bread cost $100. That's what I thought... now how are you going to make it up to them?


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Why I believe our anti-castro is our biggest foreign policy blunder: #1 It was a peoples revolution (much like our own)and if we had supported him from the get go we probably would never had the problems we did (JFK-v-Soviets). #2 Our policy is dictated (today) by a voting block in Florida (Cuban Americans).

While we had no business in starting a war with Iraq, do you think it (the war) would have occured if 9/11 had no taken place? While I believe we were mislead by our leaders, do we not know have the chance to do something special in Iraq. I will complete my list of blunders (foreign policy) when I return from work.


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My Two Cents...

Cuba, what can one say but that it is a beautiful country rich with history, friendly people and distinct culture that is unspoiled by the American culture.

This will change overnight the moment Fidel passes.

If you have a chance to see Castro's Cuba, take it!

Incredibly enough, one of my favourite novels set in Cuba is written by an American, Hemingway's "The Old Man and The Sea". Three pages in and you're swallowed by this tale...

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I'm intrigued by Cuba because it's such a fascinating world of paradoxical thinking and living. On one hand much of Havana is growing organic fruits and vegetables in re-claimed public spaces: concrete lots, and otherwise dead land is being overgrown with fresh produce that's feeding people and creating a source of revenue. The revenue generation has been so strong that some of these farmers are now earning more than government employees, and a new sort of middle class is developing in an environment nurtured on rationing, bartering and equitable living.

Had there been no oil embargo that subsequently banned importing of petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides, there might never have been such a strong government-supported organic movement.

That sort of necessity-based development might lead people to conclude that communism works, which to my knowledge has never worked with the exception of parts of rural india. The alternative democracy has an equally poor track record and what I'm afraid will happen is that like Iraq, Afghanistan and other collectivist economies in transition, Cubans will one day be "freed" by the US and will come to know a world of suburbs, one-passenger car driving and golf courses where, by necessity, there was no opportunity for that before.

Once Castro kicks the bucket I'd give it a maximum of 12 months before the US makes a move.

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To Polkaroo: It should be interesting to see Castos place in history.

Had my blog finished last night but could not post it because the board was down.

If we are going to invade: #1 Puerto Rico- the Latinas, the Carribean, good 'growing season, and they are nearby and almost Americans anyway. #2 Switzerland- the Girlz, those candy fish, chocolate, skiing, and while they are not communist they might as well be.

Honerable Mentions for (US) F.P. blunders

**Africa but the whole world had a hand in messing that place. The whole world needs to help fix it.

* Bosnia It hurt me bad (still does). Nobody was out infront trying to fix that situation.

Now that I am late for work, I will finish this blog when I get home.


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