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Do you have a list of things you want to do...


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... and then have grandchildren!

Not from me mama.

don't worry, Myrna, I plan on pregnancy hex-ing both Sharon & Lynn (I have a special talent for this, apparently.)

On my very current "to-do" list: learn to garden, now that we're about to get a humungous backyard. Any one out there willing to teach me to be a green thumb?

On the horizon: get back to India and Nepal, this time with our girls, and do some kind of commmunity-building social project.

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- Live in either Paris or Tokyo (or both!)

- buy a place and stop paying rent

- get good at brewing my own beer

- publish a bunch of articles (start back to school in two weeks now)

- live and work in a developing country

another childhood dream of mine that seems to become more and more possible all the time was to fly to space and back. Maybe by the time I'm old and whithered I'll be able to do that...

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A few more:

-I would like to visit the following places at least once: Amsterdam (for the drugs), England (for the soccer and rugby), Rotterdam (for the gabber), New Zealand (for the rugby), the Bahamas (for the sun), California (for High Sierra Music Fest) and Las Vegas (for the debauchery)

-I'd like to meet all four members of Phish at least once

-I'd like to learn how to play guitar

-I'd like to see the following artists/bands before I die: Bob Weir, Del McCoury, Neophyte, David Byrne, Bob Dylan, Brad Barr solo, Ravi Shankar

-I'd like to meet Amy Millan ( for reasons I'd rather not mention) ;)

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Yes I want to learn to play guitar too (I think velvet and I might set something up for the winter....hmmmmm trade reflexology for guitar lesson....that sounds like good times.)

I would also like to find a place that rents Tuba's (for cheap). I miss my Tuba days very much.

And once I buy a house I want to buy a piano so I can practice again.

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"to-do" list: learn to garden, now that we're about to get a humungous backyard. Any one out there willing to teach me to be a green thumb?

come on by and check out my gardens Deb :)

I have 2 banana trees in my backyard (one's about 6' tall), giant miscanthus (grass) that are around 12' tall right now, and some beauty euphorbias!

I LOVE gardening and can't wait for the day i legally grow my own herb crop amongst my tropicals.

My secret to successful gardening...

water (and lots of it)

food (manures, compost, fish meal, etc)

music (i put on the classical all the time outside)

communicate (talk to your plants and encourage their growth)

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wow Cowboy -- that's so cool. I hope I find time to drop by before we head out of the city for good....

but how's about coming to the house warming and while there, giving me some tips as to what to plant where.

I love the idea of playing music for plants. Have you heard of that community/commune somewhere in Scotland, called Fenhorn or Fenmore, or some such name, that grows humungous stuff, not always indigenous, and accredited to "talking" to the trees/plants....?

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