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Free moe.down ticket available

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OK, here's evidence of desparation setting in: I will flat-out give my extra moe.down ticket to the person who can give me a ride from Ottawa, and I'll even split the gas charges. If this doesn't work, I don't know, I guess I'll have to give both tickets to someone who's going, and ask that they be sold at the gate. :(


BRAD (Begging Rides Aggressively, Desparately)

Posted (edited)

Brad M, I wish I could! Dave and I would love to go but I need a visa to cross the border...

So sorry :(

I really hope someone helps you out.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

ottawa-shnottawa....dang it Brad if I were allowed across bro...tell ya what...if I'm allowed across next year you've got the front seat in my car.

Mabey you should make a cry out to Burlington via the phantasy board....bus to burlington can't be so bad?

...or have you checked for a bus going to Turin, then city bus or somethin like that?

Its only 3.5 hours away....there must be a way?

Edited by Guest

This seems fuggin' nutty. You're offering up a free ticket to moe.down and you haven't had a taker yet? There's gotta be somebody with a spare seat somewhere close to you...

Or you could always do the "super-trek" and sadle up a mountain bike and make a real trip out of it. I always think back to the guys from "Bittersweet Motel" who biked to The Great Went from Carolina. Now that was a trek and a half.

Good luck Brad. I'm sure you'll be on your way!


id look into a bus as close as i could get then find heads at the bus station and/or hitch hike the rest of the way

no one going from ottawa has spare room for a ticket? unbelievable!!!!!!


Bradley maybe this will FINALLY teach you to not start looking for rides/planning trips 1 week before the show. You've done this more times than I can count.

That said, good luck in finding a ride, It wouldn't be moe.down without you.


I've got two possibilities, but neither is 100% (this is a case where 2 x 50% does not equal 100%). For one of them, the driver (who'd be coming from Montreal) has to check with a possible other passenger, and for the other, there are already three people in a small car, so I and my gear would get squooshed in behind the rather tall driver, if I/it can be fit in at all (and it isn't sure if I/it can be fit in; this would be the last-ditch, if-all-else-fails-it's-a-cramped-idea-but-it-just-might-work solution).

I looked into the bus, and it didn't look back with a smile, as I'd have to leave Thursday night, and either end up in Syracuse at 2:30am, or, if I wanted to go on to Utica or Watertown, stay in Syracuse for hours, get to Utica/Watertown, then hope/hitch, which I'm not capable of handling right now.




I'm going .down! .down, .down, .down, .down, .dowwwwnnnn!!!

A ride found me: TangerineMan is heading .down from Montreal, and we've made redundant arrangements to hook up. It's just him and a buddy in the car, so room isn't an issue.

Thank you for the kind thoughts (and mild rebuke, Freeker; yes, I wait until the last minute to scrounge for rides; it's a consistent character flaw that's seemingly at odds with my otherwise anal-retentive sense of logistics; unfortunately, no pharmaceutical company has a drug to treat it [yet]).

Save me some space in Camp Canada!



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