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Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story

Freak By Night

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Guest Low Roller

Pfff... get with the times man. This was available for download over a month ago and I'm pretty sure we all talked it about then. Now it's sooo yesterday's news. ;)

(It's pretty good. The best part is of course Stewie going on a profanity-laced tirade against Chris' wife. We're talking about the F-word here people!!)

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Guest Low Roller
Here's a question... am I the only one on the board who actually buys movies and music the old-fashioned way?

I doubt it. I was basically just trying to rile you up. I usually buy DVDs.

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i can't wait to see this. I've read that it's 3 episodes taht are tied in together. I've always thought that they should take a show like Family Guy and serialize it. Imagine a long running thread on the Family Guy that works it's way out at the end of the season. I think it would be the ultimate shit (as in good).

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Guest Low Roller

You nailed it Bouche: It is essentially three episodes that are pasted together. Only Stewie has somewhat of a continuous plot. The reason for this was that three different directors were used for each "episode". It sped up the writing process and the creators wanted all the regular directors to get a payday from the DVD sales.

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I was actually a bit disapointed. Family guy took a long time for me to actually "get". I still hate Peter and there are some long drawn out retarted Peter moments in the movie. I also thought it would be more "movie like" instead of just a long episode. It was a good movie but I don't plan on buying it.

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Speaking of long drawn out Peter parts, I still crack up (and I don't know why because it's not really even that funny) whenever I see that scene where he's on the couch with someone else (can't even remember who) and grabs a guitar, and says something like "you know what song always cheers me up?" and then goes into "Rock Lobster" and it just kepps going and going and going...


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Speaking of long drawn out Peter parts, I still crack up (and I don't know why because it's not really even that funny) whenever I see that scene where he's on the couch with someone else (can't even remember who) and grabs a guitar, and says something like "you know what song always cheers me up?" and then goes into "Rock Lobster" and it just kepps going and going and going...


Definitely, although the holding of the knee is still tops.

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Just saw it this past weekend (thanks, Mike!). Many lines keep coming back to me through the day, like the beer ad -

Man #1 - "I'll have a water."

Man #2 - "I'll have a water as well."

Man #3 - "I'll have a Samuel Adams."

Man #2 - "But it's 9:30 in the morning."

Man #3 - "I know, but I need something to get the taste of weed and hooker-spit out of my mouth"

Man #4 - "- I'll have a Samuel Adams as well!"

Tough call, between that and the scene where Lois shows up tanked at the screening... or all of Stewie's drunken scenes....

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