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QOTD- Do you save for the future? How?


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Thought I'd see what others do. Since going back to school, I've had a tough time putting much cash aside, and I'd like to be able to buy a place in the next few years. I'm putting away 100.00 per month right now into a mutual fund, but it doesn't seem to be growing very fast.

Sometimes I worry I'll be like 40 years old before I can stop paying rent (without taking out a 200k mortgage!)

Any ideas?

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not trying to preach, and hell I don't even mean for retirement or anything, but just setting money aside for a project. I hate the thought that I wouldn't be able to do something I really wanted to do because I couldn't pull my shit together enough to save a bit of coin.

by the way, what's teh deal with the ING accounts? Are they decent?

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i put fifteen percent of my weekly paycheque away in a mutual fund.. automatically debited by the bank.. which is a good way to go.. during the first few weeks you'll feel uncomfortable about it, but then it feels normal..

also every sunday i make a point of completely emptying my wallet of all cash no matter how much there is.. i keep this stash at home and use it for trips, etc.. stuff like that. you'd be surprised how quickly it adds up.

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i have a big fat rrsp i bought when i was 18. other than that...not much.

oh wait...del got me a plastic piggy a few years back and i put my pennies in it and a couple weeks ago i couldn't fit anymore in. so cut the lil piggy and boy did he squeal...and i got $33 in pennies! now imagine if i'd done that with loonies or twoonies or something. that's how my parents sent me to summer camp every year....collected change.

get an ing savings account. and save your money. seriously...it's like 2.5 or 2.9 % interest. compared to 0.000009 the banks give you, it's good.

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Well, my dad is a finanical planner and I will try to pass on some good advice to you.

If you want to make more money in a shorter amount of time then you need to put your money either in a stock or a more high-risk mutual fund. This has the benefit of the possiblity of making more money in a shorter time as said but with the high risk there is more fluctuation and more chance of bigger losses.

But if you are younger and say want to make money for the more long term then you would invest in a low-risk mutual fund (RSP) which doesn't make money as fast but doesn't have as much risk of loss as the prior.

Something I do to help save just at the bank is having 2 accounts. One account is spending money and I put less money into it. The other is for saving and my car insurance and emergency shit comes out of that but otherwise it grows quite well. Basically I don't touch it unless totally necessary. Right now I work 2 jobs, so the money from the lesser paying job goes into the spending and the other into the saving. But before I would go in, stand in line and get the teller to seperate my cheque into the different accounts.

this really does work well, as long as you follow the rule of not touching the saving account unless necessary.

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