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Bob Weir speaks


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The outrage over the archive sbd removal I liken to "wookie culture of entitlement", I mean, didn't we all think the archive was too good to be true anyways? Besides, all these soundboards are still out there and available!!!!!

It's worth saying again:

All these soundboards are still out there and available!!!!!

I know, that culture of entitlement reminds me of the Liberals.

ok, so the logic seems to be: these recordings are available on archive.org, let's make them unavailable there. Oh but don't worry, they are available elsewhere. Then why take them off archive.org? Because it was comprehensive and organized?

do you bobby bashers think jerry didnt make a penny off of his art, or ties, or .. etc.... it is, was, and always will be about the $$. wake up people!

But their approach to earning that money had a lot of grace and class to it, as opposed to today: "Our music department needs revenue" - Jesus. By encouraging a tapers culture to surround them they sold more tickets and - what a benefit! - locked in a golden social contract with their audience, perhaps the greatest extension of their 60's roots in the money hungry 80's and 90s. One hit single in 1987 does not bear out for multi-night stadium sellouts in 1993. Those tickets sold on the backs of those tapes, audience and soundboards, that people so lovingly collected and shared and which added so much to the culture of the later-day Deadhead.

So it is upsetting and distasteful to see and hear a man like Bob Weir lash out at his audience and refer to his business problems as though it also our problem to deal with. I am sorry that every engineer, soundperson, roadie, lover, band member's children, Hell's Angel, sanctioned radio show host and vault keeper leaked a gazillion soundboard recordings into the general populace but is entirely ingenious to suddenly announce in November of 2005 that this now a problem and hide behind some flap about royalty rights.

Oh dear me, Ram Rod got laid off!

And Jerry had every right to set up a side business for his art, just as Bobby can do with his, er, hot sauce or whatever it is that Bobby is into. Please don't confuse these endeavours with music.

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A couple of things to throw in here:

Let's note that while Bob parps on about the dangers of allowing soundboard recordings of other people's songs go unrestricted on archive.org, there are dozens of Ratdog soundboards still available for download on the site, and they include numerous covers. Give him about 30 months, maybe he'll notice.

also, in a positive light for Bob - who, despite my frustrations with him the past wek, I love - here are some thoughts posted on David Gans' blog from a long-time Dead staff member who wished remain anonynous:

No one - and I mean NO one - fought harder than Bob for the people who worked so hard to keep the Grateful Dead thriving and who stepped up to hold things together after the touring gold mine caved in. No one fought harder to keep the merchandising operation in-house instead of farming it out to Coran Capshaw's empire. No one fought harder to honor the loyalty of long-time employees in kind. No one took a more hands-on interest in creating new possibilities for the company (including the ahead-of-the-industry vision of digitizing and making available the entire contents of the Vault, and the never-to-be-realized business alliances with other bands, in which such major acts as U2 and Pearl Jam expressed an interest). When Phil's my-way-or-else conditions for reuniting the Dead spelled doom for GDP/GDM as an independent, viable business, no one took it harder than Bobby, who was near tears during the company meeting at which the layoffs of 2/3 of the workforce was announced.
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And poor VVilly, so much misdirected anger (small penis? :) ) but I know he's dancing his ass off right now to 5.8.77 Cornell (free soundboard!) and loving Bobby's sick wah-wah funk rythm work as we speak! And hey, at least he's not voting Conservative.

Aw, Huxy; getting all personal now are we. I thought we decided that it wasn't that my penis was too small but simply that you had a little too much room in that cavity for there to be much effect. That was before you went on this misguided bonanza with Meagan as a last ditch effort to prove your heterosexuality to yourself. Just accept what you are my leather vest wearing lover from days gone past. :D

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ha ha ha. this is still going on, and people still cant except the fact, that its all about the money!!! sure they love to play music but wouldnt you do it for a living if you could make a million dollars a year! or more. and make a nest egg to pass on to your kids or some other family member. all bob is doing is covering the deads ass, so that what he and the rest of the band have made over the years stays put and doesnt end up in some lawyer or music producers pocket. there are still taper sections are there not? then start taping yourself. its about time people started to realize that this information highway is not as free as we all would like to think. so, in other words, get off yer ass, and start trading again. simple. look, if ya hate bob, ya hate bob! but dont take this out on bob just cause ya hate him. hes just protecting his nest egg.

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look, if ya hate bob, ya hate bob! but dont take this out on bob just cause ya hate him. hes just protecting his nest egg.

If Bobby is concerned about his nest egg perhaps he should stop snorting, shooting, drinking, and popping it all away. ;)

For the record; of course it's all about money. EVERYTHING is always about the money.

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WOW! Now THAT is what I call sexy :o;)

Really eh? I guess I misread you; I wouldn't have thought that appealed to you much at all. I wish Huxy was going to be around for Christmas. I'd like to plant a big kiss on his lips and see how he reacts. To really be fun we need Leslie there though. Damn that woman is funny.

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Michael: I can’t believe you’re not supporting this.

George, Sr.: Because it is obvious what she’s after.

Lucille: Our money.

Buster: Oh, God, our money!

Michael: Let’s just all relax, and remind ourselves that we don’t have any money.

Buster: She’s already gotten our money!

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from Rolling Stone

"Guitarist Bob Weir claims that the decision to pull the music was unanimous and intnded only to curb downloads of official recordings-the removal of fn MP3's was meant to be temporary. 'We had to take it down, re-sort the situation and put back the house tapes people make', says Weir, who blames a significant dip in sales of live CDs and digital downloads this year on unlicensed MP3s. 'People see what we put out and then go download it. That's not gonna get my kids through college'. Bassist Phil Lesh is the only band member who opposed the move. 'I've been supportive of Grateful dead recordings being available on archive.org.' he says. 'This was not a well-thought out or discussed decision. I don't know what the next step is, but I would hope our incredibly loyal audience is treated in a respectful manner.' Weir sees little connection between the tape traders the Dead championed and the file-sharers he riled last month. 'Tape-trading fostered community,'he says. 'The cyber guys can talk all they want about the cyber community, but they can't tell you the color of each other's eyes. What kind of community is that?"

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