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About the lookin young thing. I've been noticing lately that a lot of these folks from the eighties or earlier are lookin a hell of a lot younger now. Have you seen Kenny Rogers in that music compilation commercial? He looks way younger than the video clip that they play in the segment.

Also, I was f-in' blown away by Prince's guitar skills....game blouses

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"not that I'm complaining or anything...BUT"

it wasn't his last tour by any means. he was definately quoted as saying that he was putting the past to bed. no more Let's Go Crazy, Purple Rain, When Doves Cry, etc. The sad part is that there are alot of songs that should never be put to bed, like DMSR and Erotic City but the great part is that he easily has HUNDREDS of tunes that have not left his studio. The guy creates nonstop, so there's no way he'll stop playing.

I highly recommend joining his fan club at npgmusicclub.com as there is a lot of music available there that you may have never heard, and also you get first crack at his tour when it's announced.

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I found it interesting that he seems to be playing a regular, off-the-shelf guitar. It looks like a Fender Stratocaster, but the pickup arrangement (humbucker in the bridge, no middle pickup, single coil at the neck) isn't standard.

Is it just the youtube audio that makes his tone sound kind of "thin"? Admittedly I would listen to his guitar playing more for the playing than for the sound (it's never really stood out for me), but between the lack of "oomph" and the (what sounds to me like) digital processing, I was left kind of wanting more.



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Is it just the youtube audio that makes his tone sound kind of "thin"? Admittedly I would listen to his guitar playing more for the playing than for the sound (it's never really stood out for me), but between the lack of "oomph" and the (what sounds to me like) digital processing, I was left kind of wanting more.



Every music video clip on Youtube leaves you wanting more. It's not Prince, it's the transferring process amongst other things. This is a cheap, but fascinating website.

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yeah brad, that was a HUGE departure from prince's signature guitars. Mind you, he still played the Hohner (tele style) in the second tune.

IT was a Strat indeed and he seemed to be pulling off a Hendrix/Prince thing. On real tv, it sounded fantastic. Youtube is shite quality, but at least you get a sense of what went down. Do a search on William Hung if you want to have a laugh ;)

I wish I could get the performance off of my PVR onto the PC. yes Jaimoe...we finally caved and got a HD PVR! Jack Bauer does not own us anymore...we own Jack Bauer!

I'll hunt for a better version of this video and post it if I find it.

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it's starting to look like this is Prince's next lineup. A singer named TAMAR did a song with him later on in the show and is part of his group it seems. They just did a show together and here's pic of Prince holding out the Strat and one of Tamar! They were at the Nokia center in NYC...

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iTunes? :D

I've got princes entire catalog. Much of it I had on LP and haven't been able to listen to it since I don't have a Record player setup at home anymore. It's great to have him on my iPod though. That's a party waiting to happen.

I'll add a link here to Sign O' The Times soon. I think there is one for YouSendIt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back on the net at home and am catching up on a bunch of clips. I definitely like the sound of this direction. I wonder if this song (Woman Scorned? Hell Hath No Fury?) shouldn't be thought of in a way as Prince's R&B infused response to something like All Along The Watchtower, the guitar vamping is certainly very sixties rock with new school touches decidedly Prince's, I even hear a bit of Neil in there, some of the vocal aping even reminds me of the Animals or something like that. I couldn't see the band notably drum and bass in the clip but I wonder if it's not that John Blackwell I think his name is from Prince's touring band last time through on the kit. 3121 sounds promising in the least.

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