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What Will Happen Next? Ryan Adams (Bedhead 5)


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Okay this collection is beyond superlatives. I like many have deigned half an interest in this fellow's career, his dabbling with Eros and Thanatos, his periodic meltdowns, his humping of the Grateful Dead corpse but this collection has really won me over. It helps that Booche sent me this and the September DVD which is really touchingly shot and shows him in his various states of unravelling and disregard. Please tell me my buddy was mistaken when he said he saw that this guy is dating Lyndsay Lohan. Prolific indy rock titan, sidemen in Post-Dead agglomeration, pillow biting ingenue for the star of Herbie Fully Loaded...

The Ingenue is a stock character in literature and film and a role type in the theatre.

Typically, the ingenue is young, beautiful, sweet, virginal and often naïve, in mental or emotional danger rather than physical danger, usually a target of The Cad; she may have mistaken him for The Hero. The vamp is often a foil for the ingenue (or the damsel in distress, for that matter).

In opera and musical theatre, the ingenue is usually sung by a light soprano. The ingenue stereotypically has the fawn-eyed innocence of a child.

Ingenue and ingenuous may also refer to a new actor or actress or one typecast in such roles.

i know at least one of you was wondering

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I've got this show (the first of his stuff I've heard, I think) going right now, and I like it. I think it would be easy to use the musical foundations he's using and take it in a really cheezy brutal direction, but the songs are more relaxed than that (and are delivered with a relaxed confidence, rather than explosive bravado), and are written to be harder than they have to be, which makes them more enjoyable and rewarding to listen to.

I think I can also hear the things that Phil Lesh was talking about, the places where you can hear him try something (or let something happen) with a song, or the delivery of a line, with the fearless confidence that if it doesn't work, he, the band, and the fans will be OK with it, and things'll get back on track eventually.



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I also have been working my through some of that collection, Luke (thank you Brian) and it just confirms my susupicion that Ryan Adams is one of our finest living songwriters. It's not only just that the songs themselves are superlative, it's that in his hands they become living, breathing, changing things - here is where comparisons to some of the greats, perhaps Dylan, may be in some order (no, I'm not saying he's the "new Dylan" or anything, Adams is far too self-obsessed for that).

I went into 2005 with one of his albums - Love Is Hell. Now, there are no more releases of his to get (except some Whiskeytown stuff) so it's into the live shows we go.....

I hope he tours, I kick myself daily for missing his show in Toronto last May.

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I made the May show last year but I missed his show a few years before that becasue I entrusted ticket purchase to a friend who said "he won't sell out" a few days later it sold out. boooo....

last may i bought two tickets myself (lesson learned) - but had a hard time finding someone to join me. Looks like I won't have that same problem next time around.

Last may was a great show. He covered Wonderwall only drew it out a bit slow and beautiful if you ask me. It was excellent. The Cardinals would leave the stage periodically for Ryan to do some stuff on his own...this was one of the songs he belted out. Never liked the original version of the song much myself but he really did an excellent job of it.

He only stopped the show twice (I believe- maybe three times) to "start over" :)

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I can't believe how this artist has totally overwhelmed my conscious (and uncounscious as I regularly wake up humming those Jacksonville melodies).............in 6 or 8 short months.

The first time I listened to Cold Roses, I stopped at about track 7 since it was pretty slow and mellow. I have to thank DaveO for making me relisten to the whole thing.

I went through the same thing MarcO- never heard of him (I actually have had Whiskeytown Faithless Street for years, but didn't know it was him)- to buying every album I can get my hands on.

Awesome, beautiful, touching music with a little bit of that living on the edge mentality.

Thanks Ryan, and thanks DaveO!


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I like Ryan a little less after hearing he's been frolicking with drugged-out hack-actor/singer and harlot Lindsay Lohan.

Until she starts turning up singing with him I couldn't care less where he sticks his dink. He still writes great songs.


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he's working on a new studio album with Phil Lesh.

no joke.

As long as it's just one of the 14 he's planning on releasing in March I'm ok with that.

I'm now a little sad that Lindsay Lohan is only 2 degrees of separation or less away from the Dead though.


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As long as it's just one of the 14 he's planning on releasing in March I'm ok with that.


and well

I have to admit I experienced a slight 'let down feeling' in the form of a sigh upon hearing the lindsay lohan rumour but if he's just stickin it to her because he's a 30something wild party and she's a crazy 18 or 20 year old wild party then whatever I've come to terms with it. If I heard they were sharing intelligent banter over dinner i'd go back to my original wtf thoughts.

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