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Is it the weekend yet???


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Oh man...next week is reading week and I have an assignment overdue...the prof said he's accept it at the end of the week but I just couldn't get my shit together. Gonna try and fart it out tomorrow and argue that Saturday is actually 'the end of the week'. Ready to party tonight, though; going to check out The Constantines with Jon Rae and the River. Woo hoo!

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shitidiot -- you are a god. call me later btw -- lowell's coming over, we're doing it up!

good rev -- you're in for a treat w/ the cons tonight. i've seen them play 3 times in the past 3 weeks and they've been rockin' it out niiiiice!!!! have a blast!

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ps. arcane - - just noticed your projectile poop note -- ewwww. at least the baby probably looked cute doing it?! sorry, just trying to find the silver lining... ;)

She always looks cute. The silver lining is that she sure was happy afterward.

It's worse when she has gas. I swear those fart bubbles have edges or teeth or something. I'm blaming Lazlo :)

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