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Recipe for magic butter?


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i beleave that, if you boil it, it will kill the potiancy, i seem to recall hearing that if it goes over 220 the thc will start to burn out.

as fas as the simmering time. the longer if simmers for the more of the thc you will get out of the bud, or shake.

i've done it before for 48 hours on low, adding a bit of water when needed, it came out so strong it was making our hands go numb while we were pressing it.

but i know that my friend does it in a crocpot, so its just blow boiling and leaves it.

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the sleepiness would probably be more of a result baised on weather or not you were using a sativa or indica, but someone that knows more about that would probably be more help.

plus, my fav if the pixi dust, i carry it around in a film container in my back pack, and add about 1.5 tsp to my food

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Indica will make you sleepier, higher 'shitty' canabinoid content regardless of THC content in Indica.

Boil 4 cups water, add 1 lb. butter and add your ganja. The water temperature will only reach 100C and therefore won't evaporate the THC.

Strain out the plant matter using a cheese cloth and then put the left-over water-butter into the fridge. The cold will separate the water from the butter and voila. You're cooked.

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Dude, the water itself will only ever reach 100C, that's the nature of water, ask a physicist, the vapor is another story. Just keep it not too hot and everything will be fine. It's actually pretty hard to screw up.

marijuana doesnt vapourize until 365 degrees Farenheit...burns at 375

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bring it all to a boil, and simmer for up to an hour.

you don't really need to cook it any longer than that.

when you strain through cheesecloth, make sure you really squeeze out the wet trim, the last squeezes are where you get the greasiest, best stuff. *someone i know* uses a silicone oven mit to squeeze with.. you can really give'r.

have fun!

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I’m am surprised no one has mentioned pressure cookers. They make it possible to cook at much lower temps. and are great for butter.

But even better here is a recipe for real magic beer (not just hemp flavored with the magic kick as well)

Use your pressure cooker to infuse the herb into a quality honey now known as green honey. Next brew your fav. homebrew and replace the priming sugar with your new honey. You can even use herb when you add your flavoring hops but this will only give you a flavor and no active THC. (but it helps with placebo) I would recommend a honey wheat with light German hops so the full magic flavor comes out. This also requires more honey and therefore will be more potent.

My friend (a seasoned beer drinker) bet me he could drink a six pack. I said were on and he finished four of them before he clamed to be hallucinating, he said that the walls were vibrating so we took him outside for fresh air and he didn’t want any more. I drink about 2 and then move to the non/magic beer myself.

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I’m am surprised no one has mentioned pressure cookers. They make it possible to cook at much lower temps. and are great for butter.

only thing i really use mine for is sterilizing stuff. the gauge is busted, so i dont know how many PSI it is running at.

how many PSI you get it up to while cooking bud?

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Here's my input:

1/4 ounce of goodness

1 cup butter

3 or 4 cups of water

1) Grind the dope up

2) dump all ingreadients into a slowcooker

3) Set slow cooker to "Low" and leave for 8 hours

4) After 8 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Toss the greens, and put the hot water/butter soup into the fridge.

5) After the soup cools in the fridge, your new green butter will form ontop of the water. Remove the butter, discard the water.

You've now got 1 cup of green butter. Use it in your favorite recipe that calls for 1 cup of butter (most cookie recipes). Usually this will yeild 40 or so VERY potent cookies (depending of course on the initial quality of the herb).


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