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10,000 Lakes Fest Lineup


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if you think i'm a horrible person because i don't like the same jambands as you...well, you are no worse than Hitler.

Hitler? I mean, come on dude! Hitler?

It's just a harmless jab at you over the internet. Is there truly a need to bring one of your mentors into a JAMBANDS festivals' thread?

In my less than humble opinion the initial lineup announcement is pretty killer. Also half the ticket price of Bonnaroo at $120. With the gates opening on Wednesday. I probably won't go though. If I continue to post on here I won't have any friends left. So how would I get a ride?;)

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plus, trey anastasio (althouygh a big name) is a horrible headliner...keller? i think he's playing 400 other fests this year...same with umph.

I have to disagree with you there. Trey has his weak shows, but I really don't think it's fair or acccurate to call him a horrible headliner. When he's on, he's a great way to punctuate a multi-day fest (refer to Bonnaroo 2002 or 10KLF 2005 for examples).

As for Keller and Umphreys - yeah, they're staples on the summer festie circuit. So what? Doesn't make them any less worth going to see, especially if you don't live close to any other festivals that they might be playing at.

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a person that wants to discuss the topic instead of insulting me.


my reasoning for saying trey is a horrible headliner is his new band does not (in my experience) bring a barn burning, high energy , tear down the whole weekend type of show. TAB on the other hand does.... 2002 was one hell of a way to end the first bonnaroo. even his show in 2004 wasn't bad at that fest...however, i have seen trey's new band a few times now, and they don't bring that Headlining energy...at least imo.

as for keller and umphreys....i think its a valid point...sure they are fun if thats you're thing...but its standard...which is why i think this line up is weak.

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You'll get no argument from me that TAB would be a much better festival closer (or opener, or inbetweener) than 70 VP, but by most accounts, the show at 10 KLF last year was inspiring, uplifting and everything a closing-night's show should be. Plus, this band has evolved a lot from the premature birth it was a year ago.

Edit to add: sorry for deviating from the hijacked topic. Dima: you don't know sh!t about cough syrup. Buckley's tastes awesome.

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well to start,

moe.down is all about moe. playing moe.down.

its the energy, the atmosphere and the magic of see moe. play to their home crowd that makes moe.down so incredible.

the rest of the bands are just gravy.... some years are better than others .... number 4 being hte best in my book... number 6 being the weakest (line up wise....still the best moe.down ever as far as i'm concered).

about what artists i want...that doesn't really matter... but you can't be serious when you think that line up is impressive in the least bit...because its not. it might have a bunch of bands you may like... but that is a weak line up in every sense. minus trey, its pretty much what a moe.down offers cept no 7 sets of moe.

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