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St-Patty's Day in Ottawa


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Do not come to be among heavy drinkers of wine, among those who are gluttonous eaters of flesh.

For a drunkard and a glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe one with mere rags.

Do not look at wine when it exhibits a red color, when it gives off its sparkle in the cup, [when] it goes with a slickness. At its end it bites just like a serpent, and it secretes poison just like a viper. Your own eyes will see strange things, and your own heart will speak perverse things.

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Yeah, I meant to talk to you about that...I may have said I was carrying you, you know, to kind of show you how much I supported you in your time of need, but actually, all I was doing was walking just behind you, carefully stepping in your footprints. I think you're strong enough now to know the truth.

But you gotta admit, it does make a good parable.



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