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dwarf bunny advice sought

Calamity Jane

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blame it on the fullmoon....we temporarily lost our minds (again!....guess it really aint so temporary, then :P)

but anyway, we came home with a new addition to the family...a teensy-weensy adorable gray dwarf bunny. We bought a large cage and 'starter kit' but really are quite clueless.

any stories and/or advice most appreciated.

ReDD? looking your direction!

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I had some neighbors that had a bunny when I lived in London. They had a leash and would take it for walks.

Later, said bunny moved to an apartment right in the heart of downtown and could no longer go for walks. The thing is, it also constantly got out of its cage and was the bane of anything (predominantly wires) that was at its mouth height.

Really fun to play with though.

I know nothing more about bunny's except I heard they like carrots and say "what's up doc?"

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stupid it's, why not just have one version
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With Jello coming to town my sad excuse for a memory has been shook up with one of his tales about bunnies and carrotts....no idea if this is true but I remember him saying that giving bunnies carrotts is actually really bad...makes them shit shratnel...destroys them....who knows....might be worth looking into though since I think everyones first food thought for bugs is carrotts.

Other than that all I know is if you get tired of little bugsy...my doggy would love a yummy little snack. :P

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MattM provided some good advice there. Bunnies love to chew.

My friend's bunny used to eat the insulation off wires all the time (somehow, without ever being electrocuted). My bunny seemed to really prefer cardboard; especially covers of textbooks and videotapes.

(I had him running loose in a spare room where I store about a dozen VHS tapes that I can't seem to part with; that will theoretically be transferred to DVD one day, and most of which now no longer have covers, or only half-covers.)

They're good pets, though, and really do come to have affection for their owners; despite being constantly scared.

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Like other domestic rabbits, dwarf rabbits consume grasses, grains, and other succulent greens. Their digestive system is somewhat less hardy than their larger cousins, and many leafy vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage can give them health problems.

from here

hmmmmmmm, maybe this?

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thanks for that link mattm...I'll read it all and do some searching on my own (eventually)

gal at pet store said no food other than special bunny food for at least a few months (this baby is only 8 weeks old), then only occasional apples as treats (watery veggies, like lettuce, will make watery poo!)

After only less than a day, I think l'il Twitch has already figured out her litter box. And my friend is convimced she already recognizes my voice. She's out of her cage being cuddled almost constantly (4 adults and 3 children currently in the house) and she seems really affectionate.

There's something to be said about a moment that feels "right"...the moment I saw Twitchie, I knew she needed to come home with us, and in all honesty, the idea of having a pet bunny NEVER crossed my mind before!!!!

I'll see if I can post some pics soon.

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yay! another scully-creature!

carrots, timothy grass and lots of attention, which you already seem to be well on top of. as the weather gets better, be very careful about leaving twitchy unattended outside. you would be amazed at how fast the next critter up the food chain will swoop in and have off with her. can't wait to meet her in person (it is a her, right?)

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Hey! We have three outdoor bunny cages, runs whatever you call them... they're sitting outside in the snow. Our landlord picked them up, they were free, on the side of the road somewhere. He does that...

I'll ask him if he had any specific plans for them, otherwise you want one?

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Welcome Twitch!! Congrats Calamity and Evil!!

I sincerly love rabbits. Dwarfs are known to be very sweet and docile while other rabbits can be quite aggressive. A perfect choice for a home with kids!!

Some ideas for you Calamity:

Daily handling and cage cleaning from an early age socialises your rabbit and causes him to only be friendlier. Keep in mind that the first few days are a huge adjustment phase and the rabbit shouldn't be handled too much just yet.

You should keep your Rabbit in a central location so that he gets used to the familiar noises of your household. He also will come to like seeing you and what you are doing. He's probably hiding at the moment.

Speaking of hiding he needs a small wooden hutch in his cage. It provides privacy as well as helps with his ever growing teeth. They are chewers and they need to chew to keep there teeth at a managable length. Another way to keep them short is provide alpha or timothy hay daily for him to chew on. It also helps with bowel movements and has beneficial nutrients.

I read that the lady from the pet store told you not to feed too many fresh veggies for the first few weeks. Good advice. The change in habitat and learning more about humans will make your Rabbit very stressed which can cause diarehha. Diarehha is the most common reason of death in small animals. When you clean the cage you should note the consistancy of the stool. If there is any sign of diarehha you can get a product from any pet store called wet tail. It is a liquid added to the water and can cure an animal in a matter of days.

Rabbits are very clever little animals and will become fairly tame. You can train him to hop on a leash when wearing a harness, litter train him as well have a sweet lap bunny.

If you need any specific advice just send me a pm!!

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congrats on a new bunny...just in time for easter.

yes...hilarious...Dave realized this the first night and said..oh my god, we'll have an Easter Bunny this year!

ReDD: THANKS! I knew you'd come through...funny, though about the timimg....already learned about the diarrhea last night...all over my shirt...poor baby (the bunny!) Not much different than dealing with poopy diapers, so it was fine for me...but I was quite worrried for Twitch. (Now I know it was just stress/over-stimulation) She's back to normal this morning, but I will keep checking.

Here's a question though: why does she insist on EATING my hair? Dave says it must be the 'carotene' (hahaha!)

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