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Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon in Ottawa this Friday!!!!


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Okay -- turns out tomorrow is going to be a really busy night for me. Not that I am any way not looking forward to it. :)

Those of you who know me know that I usually work 3pm to 11pm weekday nights. But, when I got word a month and a half or so ago about tonight's show at Mavericks (I'm writing this very early on 31 March), well, hot damn, no way I was going to miss that.

Then, about a month ago I found out that John Akpata, local poet and activist in one of my favourite causes, is holding his CD release party at 7pm. No prob, the doors at Mavericks open at 8, so I'll just miss the end of the CD launch thing.

Then, a couple of weeks ago Steph Regan, an old friend of mine and Cathy's told me that her band -- formerly ChainLinc Head, now known as the Red Marilyns (a name Cathy the Owlette came up with) -- are playing at the Glue Pot at 10.

Well, I've already bought my ticky-ticky to the Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon show, so there's no way in hell I'm going to miss that -- especially Dave's part. But if I take off before the night's completely done, here's a humble apology to The Sisters Euclid -- I've been looking forward to hearing you guys live and I hate to miss any of your show. Keep being awesome.

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Well, I've already bought my ticky-ticky to the Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon show, so there's no way in hell I'm going to miss that -- especially Dave's part. But if I take off before the night's completely done, here's a humble apology to The Sisters Euclid -- I've been looking forward to hearing you guys live and I hate to miss any of your show. Keep being awesome.

I said this to you a couple of weeks ago and now I'm typing it. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY INSANE IF YOU MISS THE SISTERS EUCLID IN OTTAWA.

But at the same time, you're pretty strong to miss the Sisters in order to support a friends band play.

Pros: Kudos with your friend, set break at Barberella's

Cons: Cab fare, missing a rare show with the Sisters, kicking yourself while listening to the Audio recordings and finding out you missed the show of 2006 in Ottawa.

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But at the same time, you're pretty strong to miss the Sisters in order to support a friends band play.

Pros: Kudos with your friend, set break at Barberella's

Cons: Cab fare, missing a rare show with the Sisters, kicking yourself while listening to the Audio recordings and finding out you missed the show of 2006 in Ottawa.

I know, I know... ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking...

Leave my mental competency out of this. ;) Edited by Guest
bouche is entirely too quotable...
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Actually, I'd like to thank SteveTheOwl, for making it possible for the rest of us to think ourselves incredibly more lucky than him for having seen SE while he didn't. ("'Cause everybody's gotta have / Somebody to look down on...")




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I think that'd be the safest plan, one. SE has a big draw outside of our little community, and with the press for the show that bouche got, if you have a chance to get your hands on a ticket, I'd take it.

Edit to add: I bought my ticket from ollie, so maybe he and/or bouche still have some that you could reserve with them?



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Will there be tickets at the door? I'm getting into town around 8:30pm, should I swing by Maverick's and grab them then? I'd hate to come all the way to Ottawa and miss the show...

Yes, tickets are going to be picked up from the ticketspots this afternoon and the rest will be sold at the door tonight. Ollie and I will be at the door for 8:30.

Lauzon will likely be on around 9:30 so if you get there between 9 and 9:30 you should be fine.

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Lauzon's sold out of tix, Compact music (not the glebe) had 4 left but someone was apparanlty coming back for them. We picked up whatever was left from Folklore and the other Compact to brign to the show. I imagine that if you come for Lauzon's set, you shouldn't have a problem.

The tickets were out there for 3 weeks yet they only sold in the last few days. It's amazing really how the collective mind works ;)

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I forgot to ask about. I'm going to be taking some photos tonight and I'm wondering if anyone would be able to right a little review for tonights show to put on on jambands.ca along with some of the photos?

Howler, Dave had to tell someone today that they would have to get one at the door! Gotta be quick.

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