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Saturday April 29th, 2006 in Ottawa


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woot woot!!!!!

We'll be hosting a whole lotta outta towners for this. Shindiggery shall be afoot on both nights, but O-Towners are most welcome to come welcome our guests on the Friday night, out here where it's allOZgood!

weather permitting we'll be having a big backyard campfire jam. PT for directions if ya need 'em.

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No, I don't think it would work, simply due to the number of people involved. Inglewood Jack is a six-piece, and Harvard Mouse is a five-piece, so even if the drummers share the kit, we'd still have 'way more people on stage than the space allows. (As it is, we sometimes can't even fit Inglewood Jack on stage; when we opened for What The Thunder Said and Lure, the gear that was on stage for them meant we had to put D-Mass on tables just off-stage, which didn't work as well as having him on stage with the rest of us.)

We also haven't played together before, and I think I'm the only member of IJ who's seen or heard Harvard Mouse, so I don't think it would work, musically. Inglewood Jack would be open to maybe having a Mouse or two come up and do a guest spot (vocals, maybe?) with us, though, but we'll figure that out at sound check on Saturday.



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any chance of a set blender?!?

I can't see the word blender without thinking "Kaidy Mae's famous blender drinks"...so if you mean that kinda blender, you're in luck.......as well, I just finished making another of the lovey Miss Mae's specialities: chocolately fungal goodness (aka psychedelic pussy pops) so there's definitely some blending and mangling in the forecast

god, I LOVE my 'at home' days!!!!

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Most forms of chocolate are bad for me to begin with, and with a fungus among us (and with me never having experienced that particular form of chemistry), well, my money would be on the whole thing turning out bad. (You may be right, though, that it wouldn't seem so impossible, but one's perception of [im]possibility has no bearing on the actuality of something being [im]possible.)



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Most forms of chocolate are bad for me to begin with

Not to detract from the fungal dimension of this thread, heaven forbid, but what's the story with chocolate? My grandfather flat-out refused to touch it (it became a running joke among the grandkids) due to some ill-defined complaint that I never quite got explained before he passed away (from wholly non-chocolate related causes).

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also saturday night is julie doiron with shotgun & jaybird at the black sheep. that's where i'll be.

I'd just like to bump the Julie Doiron / Shotgun & Jaybird show one time, Saturday night at the Mouton Noir. Should be a great show!


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