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How to get tickets?


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What do you figure is the best way, the old get there early and stand in line, Internet or phone for a show that will definatley sell out in under ten minutes (Radiohead)?

Radiohead in Massey hall, oh my oh boy oh me oh my

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I've always found internet to be the best bet....but I've never gone to a ticket outlet...but I you'll need to get online just before and click for tix and keep clicking - back - clicking - back....I've missed out on tix by hesitating at 10:00 for a weee half a second.

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I used to just head to the ticket office super early (like 5 hours before sale time) but when they started selling them on the internet that trick stopped working. You wait in line for hours to find that when you get there, like first 10 in line, half the tickets have already been sold (to internet, phone and the other people that waited hours at other ticket master outlets).

One way my buddies and I did it in the old days when we knew it would sell out real fast was get someone far away from the venue to get there early and that way there's no line, they're first. I think they might have killed that though, like offering tickets for the hometown and close offices a little earlier than everywhere else. it seems quite unlikely but for some reason it comes to mind (as in I heard it somewhere at some point but it's obscure so I could very well be full of shit).

All that big long schpeal to say that I would go with the livingstoned and get the clicking fingers ready

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Ticketmaster's computers use the exact same pool of tickets that you access online. The difference is that you likely have people in front of you at an outlet. I've read about too many people today (many on montrealshows.com) that waited in line to find out that tickets were sold out after the first guy purchased a ticket.

The entire system sucks balls.

I had 4 windows open today. 2 searching for saturday, one for sunday and the other window was logged remotely and displayed on my 2nd monitor, into my computer at home with another pair of windows searching. I also had my left hand running redial for the box office. It was very much like playing an RTS like Starcraft ;)

A good technique would be to call the box office 15 minutes in advance. If you end up talking to someone, talk REALLY slowly, like you have a breathing disorder (think stewie on Malcolm in the Middle) and talk about your upcoming trip to Toronto. Ask questions about the venue, what events are coming up, ask questions about hte events, questions about nearby hotels and restaurants....all really slowly. When the ticket time hits....say, "I think I like that Radiohead idea".

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I had 4 windows open today. 2 searching for saturday, one for sunday and the other window was logged remotely and displayed on my 2nd monitor, into my computer at home with another pair of windows searching.

Doesn't this mean that your two windows were competing with each other for a slot, as were the two connections at your home? Doesn't it just mean more objects trying to squeeze through the same size pipe?

I'm not a computer expert, so I'm actually asking. But I always thought that every instance of internet connection you have to the selling site was like another person standing in front of you in line.

Am I totally off base?

Oh and for the other guy, the best way to get tickets is to make sure you know of all the places that are selling tickets ahead of time and see if there are some obscure sellers that the majority of people won't know about.


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I think online is the best method because there are more "slots" available than by the other methods. I figure a web site can take more simultaneous connections than there are telephone operators. And waiting in line has already been shown to be ineffective.

AD, I think you are right.

Edited to add: The best method is a combination of internet and telephone really.

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who else misses the refined yet by-gone era of Mail Order


GD also had a dedicated 1-800 number at one point that my fingers had comitted to lightening fast memory (and before the age of the re-dial button). Dial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--ring-ring-WHOO HOOOOO! :grin:

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who else misses the refined yet by-gone era of Mail Order


GD also had a dedicated 1-800 number at one point that my fingers had comitted to lightening fast memory (and before the age of the re-dial button). Dial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--ring-ring-WHOO HOOOOO! :grin:


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who else misses the refined yet by-gone era of Mail Order


GD also had a dedicated 1-800 number at one point that my fingers had comitted to lightening fast memory (and before the age of the re-dial button). Dial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--ring-ring-WHOO HOOOOO! :grin:

415 457 6388 :P

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who else misses the refined yet by-gone era of Mail Order


GD also had a dedicated 1-800 number at one point that my fingers had comitted to lightening fast memory (and before the age of the re-dial button). Dial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--busy--click--redial--ring-ring-WHOO HOOOOO! :grin:

mail order was fun, but sucked. I remember doing a mail order with Graham for the Dead and we painted up envelopes so they'd stick out. We ended up getting some good tix to a few shows, but the stress was inSANE! Waiting and waiting and waiting. CHecking the mailbox everyday for a couple of months is NO FUN!

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yeah, the reports seem to suggest that waiting in line is a BAAAAAD idea. I remember being at school for Phish NYE 2003, in front of 2 computers, a mouse in each hand, refreshing wildly. Worked for me.

The key to getting in online is to have a fast connection, and hammer away relentlessly. We had 2 comps and one phone line going today and succeeded.

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