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Alt question of the day of the month


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Just for fun, let's try the opposite of todays QOTD. Who is your least favourite musician and if appropriate, why?

Due to what I've heard this week, Flute Girl seems like one to put on there, but since I've never seen her, I guess I can't.

Have to be -- Paul McArtney. This guy is only the worst because he was one of the bes and then became such a bitch. He landed in my bottom spot after 9/11 when he wrote that goddam Freedom song. It was honestly the saddest thing I'd ever seen. What a sell-out piece of crap.

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Now this is my kinda thread...

Before Saturday's Summer Sanitarium I woulda said Linkin Park - but admittedly they kicked a Dome's worth of ass so it's got to be DON HENLEY.

I'm soo sick of his anti music-biz stance. Do you think he could have sold a bazillion copies of the Eagles greatest hits out of his trunk?...would he even have 'hits' if it wasn't for the industry? The guy bites the hand that feeds him at every chance.

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Linkin Park - every single one of them. I enjoy a fair share of modern rock, and I worked in rock radio for many years ... and I just can't understand why millions of people love this band. It is awful. It's not like Nickleback or Korn where there's a certain amount of talent but you still don't like it...I truly think they are all incredible awful and horrible and bad and awful and horrible and bad. ESPECIALLY the singers/mc's


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Geddy Lee makes me want to vomit!!

I can't stand Neil Young...

anything from the "I can't belive it's not Pearl Jam" group

Nickelback, Creed etc.

Avril Lavinge (cause she doesn't know anything about the music she makes)

and last but not least Rita McNiel and Anne Murray....eck!

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Just like Schwa's question, " Favourite all-time musician ", I can't answer this with just one.

So here's my list of all-timers, in no particular order, but I'll give you my reasons why they suck hard:

1 - Edwin - pompous Canadian poser with no sense of melody or knowledge of his place in the real music world. The best thing about Edwin's place in the music world today is that it's many notches lower than that of his former band ( the one that he abandoned ): I Mother Earth.

2 - Diana Krall - smug, shameless self-promoting sell-out who does nothing original, including her inability or unwillingness to write at least ONE ORIGINAL song.

3 - Raine Maida - Our Lady Peace lead singer and general jack-ass thinks and acts like he's a rock star. As my boss put it when he was a technical producer at MuchMusic for 20 years ( without prompting ): " He's the biggest asshole I've ever had to deal with in my entire music career ".

4 - Jeff Martin - obnoxious Jim Morrison clone, but denies it, who wouldn't know how to write a catchy melody even if he collaborated with Mel Torme. Oh yeah Jeff: If you think that you're the second coming of Jimmy Page, why don't you start playing guitar solos, instead of wanking on oblivious African instruments whilst staring at the reflection of your fucking face, glittering from the eyes of your legions of 13 year-old fans.

5 - Celine Dion - I can't believe people pay to see and hear her perform. I'll wager that she has a tail, carries around I pitch-fork and dresses in red. Plus, Celine's creepy husband looks good in comparison. Note: her neck is longer than E.T.'s.

6,7,8 - Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode, New Order - horrible wimpy new-wave bull-shit.

9 - No Doubt - Well, Gwen Stefani in particular. She's soooooo fuckin obnoxious: her personality, singing style and No Doubt's songs in general make me ill.

10 - Morrissey - I hate the Smiths too, but Morrissey really makes me wretch.

11 - Yngwie Malmstein - shredder that wouldn't know a melody even if he collaborated with Mel Torme.

12 - Kenny G - ________________ fill in the blank.

13-19 - Nickelback, Puddle Of Mudd, Theory Of A Deadman, Korn, Incubus, POD, Linkin Park and every other Nu-metal band - generic, predictable and generally awful.

20 - Primus - Primus sucks right?

21 - The Eagles - I used to love them, but now I want to kill them... except Joe Walsh. Thanks for setting the trend of jacked-up ticket prices boys. You should send Q-107 payola royalty cheques because no other radio station plays your tunes more than that out-dated dinosaur-rock channel.

22- Blue Grassy High - not a bad band, but that fake-Frenchie mandolin player has got to go. Plus, his fixation with everything Kang gives me the heebie-jeebies.

23 - Roxy Music - Brian Eno + Brian Ferry + Chris Spedding = boredom.

24 - Rush circa 1983-2003 - admit it Rush fans, they haven't put out a good record in 20 years, and the sad thing is that they have been productive. I used to love this band too.

25 - Mickey Hart - funniest album title of all time: " The Best Of Mickey Hart ". I'm sure it was fully funded by his father.

26 - Kraftwerk - Kraut Rock sucks hard.

27 - Nelly Furtado - see Gwen Stefani

28 - Creed - see #'s 13-19 for more info.

29 - The Goo Goo Dolls - The pride of Buffalo New York, replacing chicken wings and O.J. Simpson.

30 - Matchbox Twenty - thank-you Rob Thomas for his musically " influencing " Carlos Santana.

31 - Enrique Iglesias - I usually ignore " artists " like Enrique when making out these type of lists, but he is responible for recording the worst song/single of 2002: " Don't Turn Off The Lights ". It may be the worst song ever recorded PERIOD!

32 - Jewel - pretentious poet wannabe, or should the next " Shakira "? Jewel now has the same production team as the afore-mentioned Colombian " sensation " Shakira, and now has the same amount of music credibility. And Jewel, what were you doing lip-synching on Conan?

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This is hardly the place to defend some people's choices but for God's sake Geddy Lee is the least of your worries when you have to contend with such gold-star performers as:

Yngwie Malmsteen - Blech

That band with the black guy singer who played at May 2-4 come together...I forgot their name but they were horrible and they knew it

Bette Midler

Creed, and whoever did that Spiderman "Hero" song

The Scorpions



Gary Glitter

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I initially couldn't answer this one since I have so many pet peeves it's not funny, but inspired by Jaimoe's list, here's just some musicians and bands I'm just allergic to, in no particular order:

- Janis Joplin (& her related bands): a messy template for generations of boozehounds to equate screaming and moaning with real emoting and expression. Here's a prime example of how the repulsive 60's generation hijacked the critical latitude that perspective should bring to succeeding generations. Classic rock? No thanks. Janis Joplin is one of the most over-rated personalities of the 20th century.

- Bob Seger: unless I'm hopped up on diet pills, driving a 16-wheeler down an American interstate with coke crusties on my beard and a half-empty bottle of Wild Turkey resting between the legs of the tramp I just liberated from a diner in Bendover, Indiana, there's no other reason to give this shill three seconds of my musical attention. "Still The Same", "Hollywood Nights", "Like A Rock", "Turn The Page", it's a never-ending bounty of smelly musical turds only rivalled by.....

...The Eagles: trite, self-absorbed pap sung by the shallowest men in the universe. Sure, Joe Walsh was some oil in the water, and "Life In The Fast Lane" doesn't suck too bad, but nothing makes up for the treachy, vomit-inducing emotional vacuums that are "Desperado" or "One of These Nights". And don't even get me started on "Your Lyin' Eyes". Another living example of the shame of Classic Rock culture. Can they retire now, please? At least they're not making new music (one hopes), that would be just wrong. Best to revel in your shallow, empty past. Next.

- The Matthew Good Band: I heard a story recently - it may or may not be true - about a man who was arrested for having sex with a dog at the side of a highway outside London, England. A pair of motorists driving by saw a commotion at the side of the road, a dog seemingly attacking this man, and they stopped to help. The dog was astride the gentleman, and the couple were obviously devastated. The police arrested him a short time later as he walked down the road with said doggie. In his defence, the man told police "I can't help it if the dog took a liking to me. He tried to rape me". He repeated the rape allegation at the police station and added, "the dog pulled my trousers down". The judge, in sentencing the man was less understanding: "Never before in my time at the bar have I had to deal with somebody who voluntarily allowed himself to be buggered by a dog on a public highway. Frankly it is beyond most of our comprehension. It is an absolutely disgusting thing for members of the public to have witnessed." The man got twelve months. What does this have to do with Matthew Good? Nothing, except that I’d rather be that man than have to endure a second of Matthew Good’s self-important, faux-social-political inane utterances and bloated music. Cancon can be a liability, you know.

- Nickelback: ah yes, a little bit of Seattle, straight from Alberta. Staring directly into the sun would be preferable to listening to these guys. Which raises a point, it’s actually Chad Kroeger we listen to. The facelessness of the other three members of this band makes being a member of Nickelback akin to being entered into the Witness Protection Program: just wear a ridiculous stetson, drop your guitar strap so you can shine your kneecaps while grinding out some cliched riff and Fat Tony won’t know where to find you! We can thank Mr. Goatee for nurtuting precious young musos as Puddle of Mudd and Theory of a Deadman. Yesterday, I heard his duet with Kid Rock on Elton John’s “Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting”. Oh, Mr. Kroeger, you really are spoiling us. Look for Nickelback’s album to be gathering en masse in the used CD racks anyday now.

Jambands.ca probably doesn’t have enough bandwidth for me to continue ranting on about all the music that repulses me so I’ll leave it at that, except to say, I'm with Jaimoe when it comes to Edwin & I Mother Earth (couldn't they have stayed together, it's like an evil spawn), Raine What's-His-Name-Don't-Matter-He-Sucks & Our Lady Peace ("we are all innocent" - yuk) and Diana Krall. She's horrible, like a living Ikea piece.

Thanks for letting me get all that off my chest. [Eek!]

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oh oh!!

I add Raine Maida to my list too!!

and SHAGGY!!! he sounds like a goat caught in a garbage truck trying to struggle for it's life*

-Sakira sounds like shes coughing up something...

-and Justin Guarini from American Idol...

oh and David Lee Roth...what a jerk.

* please note, no actual goats were harmed in the typing of the post

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