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Im going home Donny

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I follow Jesus Christ, so it's a bit of a surprise to find many of my friends on here that are hailing the Dark Lord Satan ;)

That being said the remake of 'the Omen' comes out today there anybody out there would like to see it with me tonight in the Burlington/Hamilton area?

The original came out on 6/6/76, and is one of the most brilliant horror films ever created. Hopefully this updated version will do it justice?


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The original came out on 6/6/76, and is one of the most brilliant horror films ever created. Hopefully this updated version will do it justice?

The problem is that it hasn't been updated. From


Hours after seeing the remake -- with Liev Schreiber reprising Gregory Peck (doing an impression of him in fact) as an American ambassador who raises the Devil's son -- I caught the original on broadcast TV and noticed that nearly all scenes and dialogue had been reproduced exactly as written 30 years earlier.



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As you know, Tim, I follow Satan, but that is mainly because he gets better bands at his parties. (Better parties too.)

You know I'd be at that movie with you tonight in a heartbeat, if I could make it. The Omen with a hardcore (and ultra-cool) Christian? I wouldn't miss that opportunity for the world.

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As you know, Tim, I follow Satan, but that is mainly because he gets better bands at his parties. (Better parties too.)

You know I'd be at that movie with you tonight in a heartbeat, if I could make it. The Omen with a hardcore (and ultra-cool) Christian? I wouldn't miss that opportunity for the world.

Thanks StoneMtn,

One day we'll meet and I'm quite confident it will be at a concert not a movie theatre.

The parties for either God or the Devil really can not be debated though, the Lord God does have Bob Dylan which is good enough for me.


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A Jehova's witness visited our door last night while we were watching the Mormon show, Big Love last night. I almost invited him in to watch it with us.

As soon as I recognized his clothing (white shirt, tie and dark pants) I suspected a bible thumper and he started to invite me to something about some bible and I told him I wasn't interested. He looked perplexed "You aren't interested in THE BIBLE?". I said "no, sorry, and good luck".

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Good approach, Bouche. A friend of mine once told them he was a Satanist; stupidly thinking this would send them running scared. Instead, he received daily visits ... first from two men ... then from a man and his daughter ... then from two old ladies ... then from two hot chicks (who my friend did let into the apartment, of course) ...

I think he eventually had to move to get rid of them!

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There's a 'district convention' in the area on June 16th, so Jehovah's Witnesses are out in full force. A couple were here the other day ... pleasant ladies, both of 'em. Although I felt a bit bad about buzzing them in after the fact, because they proceeded to knock on every door in the building uninvited. I'm a bad neighbour.

For the torrent inclined, the BBC "Mysteries of The Bible" series (which is pretty good, generally) does a decent treatment of Revelation (and all that it entails, such as '666'). You can grab it here

Or read the synopsis here

So it seems that the Book of Revelation is not prophesising the end of the world but is a polemic against the Roman Empire. John frames his attack in a way that parallels other religious writings of the time and which would have made sense to early Christians. John was for first century Christians telling them to galvanise themselves against compromising with Rome, and that their faithfulness would be rewarded.

Not that this is the only way to read Revelation, of course. Don't want to step on any toes.

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Others have had that dream. History shows that it means you will die tonight, and burn in hell forever.

Or as Danzig would put it:

walls start closing in around you my twins of evil they shake you by the collarbone then snap your ribcage and broken bodies in a death rock dance hall please be my partner eyeballs pop, accellerated blood beat veins `a' shaking and all hell breaks loose yea, evil is as evil does and who yea, who but me could write this book of cruel i send my murdergram to all these monster kids it comes right back to me and it's signed in their parents' blood and all hell breaks loose yea, my heart is a-breaking loose yea, my whole world's breaking loose yea, and evil is as does and who yea, but who but me could write this book of cruel i send my mudergram to all these monster kids it comes right back to me and it's signed in there parents blood and broken bodies in a death rock dance hall please be my partner and eyeballs pop, accellerated blood beat veins a-shaking and all hell breaks loose yea, my heart is a-breaking loose yea, my whole world's breaking loose yea, evil is as evil does and who yea, but who but me could write this book of cruel i said my whole world's breaking loose yea, my whole world's breaking loose yea, my whole world's breaking loose yea, my whole world's breaking all hell breaks loose

Does anyone else remember Danzig threatening to rape Erica Ehm? Or am I just showing my age?

(Celebrating 666 by getting drunk alone, tanning on the balcony, and waiting for some workweek suckers to join me. Obviously.)

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it wasn't Erica, it was Teressa Rohncon (sp?)... the hottest metal vj ever ;-)

he threatened her in an interview he'd punch her out, or some stupid shit like that.

speaking of Much Music's Pepsi Power 30, anyone remember back in '91 the time Teressa showed up at a fan's house and interviewed him and his 3 buddies in his room decorated with Metallica posters? I was the one in the SAMHAIN shirt ;-)) Teressa asked me if I was a Danzig fan and I replied, "he's god"

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it wasn't Erica, it was Teressa Rohncon (sp?)... the hottest metal vj ever ;-)

he threatened her in an interview he'd punch her out, or some stupid sh!t like that.

Ah. That's how my memory works. Everything becomes a tad more exagerated, and everyone becomes Erica Ehm. Which makes family memories really weird, but some distant ex-girlfriends way hotter.

peaking of Much Music's Pepsi Power 30, anyone remember back in '91 the time Teressa showed up at a fan's house and interviewed him and his 3 buddies in his room decorated with Metallica posters? I was the one in the SAMHAIN shirt ;-))

That is f'in awesome. Do you have that shit on tape? I say Google Video or Youtube that gold.

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They year 666 would probably have been freaky though.

I doubt it. As far as I know' date=' most people at that time didn't even know, or care, what year it was. Keeping strict track of time (from seconds all the way to centuries and millenia) is a fairly recent (1500s?) thing.



A great read on all this is Robert C. Fuller's Naming the Antichrist (Oxford, 1996). Europe was acutely aware of at least the first millennium when it came around; the target in those days was Muslims (and Jews, by extension). People seem never to miss the opportunity to find round numbers and pour all sorts of significance into them.

(Btw, I've probably thrown this out there before, but there is no such thing in the Bible as "The" antichrist; it's only ever used as an adjective.)

My guess about why "666" was important was that the hexadecimal (root 6) and dodecadecimal (root 12) systems were so important to the ancient world that tying them in to a critique of the whole ungodly civilised world was a special sort of indictment (remember, old people here, all those rantings when Canada brought in the decimal system? Don't fuck with people's numbers! To this day I still feel like an outsider because I don't get Fahrenheit).

More seriously, though - Sumerians, 5000 years ago, developed the system for not only trade but their other applied maths (where we get the 360-degree circle from) and their religion, which produced the 12-point zodiac. What does it mean to indict that whole system?

And was St. John of Patmos not privy to the sweetest patch of shrooms in the Aegean during his exile (that may be Terence McKenna's argument, in fact, though I'm for various reasons hesitant to follow it)?

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And was St. John of Patmos not privy to the sweetest patch of shrooms in the Aegean during his exile (that may be Terence McKenna's argument, in fact, though I'm for various reasons hesitant to follow it)?

Heh! No doubt it is. John seems rather sane and lucid to me, though. Just grumpy and excessive in his use of imagery. (no way an editor would let half that stuff slip through ... "cut to the chase, John!". But then there was probably a whole cultural base of apocalyptic literature to tap into stylistically at the time ... sort of how an editor might want to cut half of Quentin Tarantino's movies out a few thousand years from now, not really jiving with or recognizing the cultural significance of the Samurai and Western references)

That's interesting about the numbers. Does this, in your estimation, extend to the seeming importance of the number 7 - as least symbolically - in the OT?

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7... I suppose, if it's to be taken as the thing beyond 6 that's kind of indeterminate and uncalculated. But then you get into how totally overdetermined numbers and symbols are, which would no doubt lead me to say something perfectly dumb and reductionistic (or dumber and more reductionistic than usual :P).

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no doubt lead me to say something perfectly dumb and reductionistic (or dumber and more reductionistic than usual)

My tactic is to egg you on, to get you to say intelligent things that I'd never think of. Dumb and reductionist my ass :laugh:

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