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Man...I love the 80's


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Dinghy, I was about to start ranting when I saw the title of the thread, but then saw your choice of tune and softened not a little - this one evokes all sorts of bittersweet memories, largely warm. Sure it looks and even sounds a little cheesey, but the Spoons did capture a flavour and did something intelligent with it (not bad, considering what they had to work with in their day).

I mean, hell, I remember seeing Gowan open for Rush. Does it get any more twisted?

The only thing that keeps me smiling these days when I reminisce about the '80s is thinking about the adventures timouse et al. and I got into trying to fucking survive the whole thing. I seem to recall a lot of guitar-playing in the high school stairwells and time spent in the smoking area (the very notion of a smoking area in a high school makes me feel old).

What would it look like if they took all the chemical effluent that went into the hair during those years and put it in one place?

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I mean, hell, I remember seeing Gowan open for Rush. Does it get any more twisted?

The only thing that keeps me smiling these days when I reminisce about the '80s is thinking about the adventures timouse et al. and I got into trying to fucking survive the whole thing. I seem to recall a lot of guitar-playing in the high school stairwells and time spent in the smoking area (the very notion of a smoking area in a high school makes me feel old).

heheheee...i think i've still blotted out great swaths of high school...i do remember jamming in the very echoey starwells, and trips out to the station wagon for...umm....educational enhancement.

some of the music of the 80's, while maintaining a twisted attachement to events of the 80's, is actually not too bad. paisley's talking heads reference got me thinking...

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i'm a spaz.
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I love the 1980's too. No kidding.

that's a great tune.

I have a soft spot for a lot of the music created then and while some of it sure sounds dated, that doesn't always bug me too much.

Maybe you had to live through it.

What he said.

I have no problem with early drum machines, early synth sounds, etc. A lot of production values still stand up well (although not all, admittedly). I realize that many people are put off by the production and/or limitations of the musical technology, but it's a shame that many people can't recognize a decent song hidden behind the production, and write off the '80s as a "lost decade" of music.

I think that '80s music gets an undeserved bad rap amongst many music fans, and people in general. '80s clothing and hairstyles, on the other hand, were admittedly quite silly.

The Spoons were a great band.

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For every Pixies and Billy Bragg lover, comes a Smiths and Cure hater - me being one of the latter.

I'm not sure what category I'm in: I actively disliked the music of The Smiths and The Cure, and seriously dig the music of Billy Bragg (I've got one of his shows going even as I type), but never got around to listening to The Pixies.

Out at the tails of several distributions, I am.



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You know what really grinds my gears?

All these cretins clinging to their youth all the while being disconnected with reality acting like Boy George wannabe’s and break dancers that proclaim they love 80’s music. What? Have you never heard of the 90’s before? What about the 2000’s? Hell, even the 30’s are better than that shit. Were U2 in the 30’s? Of course not! Was the Synchronicity album? Unless you have a copy for trade, I doubt it. I do know this. There is NO way I am going to put on a Duran Duran album right now. And speaking of which, while that Burt Neilson gig at Alfie’s was cool, that NYE 1984 set made me want to piss on the person in front of me. I tried to, but I only pissed on myself because I was sitting down. I mean the Slip is cool enough to do a Bowie tune that SRV played on, so why can’t I hear a heady Say What? I’ll tell you why. Platinum Blonde. That’s why. Just listen for once. We are each old in our own way and love the music we grew up with. Just don’t be stupid about it. Eye this one-eyed tiger.

And that is what really grinds my gears.

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