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Well Cully, what can I say, quite the lashing you gave me, flayed emotional skin is simply dripping from my psyche and that comment about peace and love to those that matter, well, the implied war and hate to those that don't really hurts man. I post before you an emotional wreck who simply can't compete with such a deft display of Caps Lock, although there are one or two things I have to take issue with. First there is nothing quite as stereotypical as an aging scenester telling everyone exactly how things are, transferring the number of shows they've seen into hip-currency to be spent purchasing a higher rung in their personal social ladder, well I can't blame you, other than your lauded ability to get wasted and party, what else are you going to do? But, and this is the big one, you're spreading that currency a little thin if your trying to convince me that at a festival of over a thousand people, with a band playing in the saloon, a portion of one band was not only solely resposible for the noise complaint, but also responsible for the festival being shut down. Now look, it's obvious you don't like them, but spreading that kind of shit around about a band that you probably don't really know is fucking low and I think it says a lot about your character--in fact I feel a lot better about being in that group that doesn't matter to you. Second, I highly doubt you've been a part of any scene since I was sucking on my mother's tit. Not even counting the fact that your writing seems to place you at a grade eight reading level, I've had a few too many years and shows to take your statement at face value. Unless of course you meant to say that you're involvement in said scene preceeded me sucking on your mother's tit, what can I say, isn't it always cougar season? In the future if you wish to try and insult me with something I've already said--you might have to think about that for a bit, review what you've previously written--please feel free to quote me, I won't mind. Maybe I can suggest a few things such as...oh, I don't know...I **** my mother, or, anyone who drags peoples mother's into **** shows no respect...etc. Well there you have King Hippy, it's true,I have no respect for you or your opinions and as long as you want to keep bashing this band and trying to convince others that they're responsible for the demise of CTMF I'll feel the need to respond. It's so unacceptable that you would continue to say these things and fucking low. They've been together for about 2.5 years, they're a young band who do have a ways to go, but they've been working hard and just because being allowed backstage at BNB shows doesn't mean what it once use to is no reason to make the newcomers lives a little harder with unfounded, petty accusations. Shame on you King Hippy, shame.

Kung, thank you, point taken.

As for comments about flakey hippies...in a Jamband scene? You've got to be fucking joking, I ain't never seen none.

PS. No disrespect meant to the BNB who remain to this day one of my favourite Canadian acts.

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I don't recall ever signing a waiver at Evolve or CTMF. Did I miss something? Or is the waiver only for people who look like they might get excessively smashed.

While writing this post AC/DC Bag snuck in there so everyone should stop, go back up to, then read this post and tehn go back to Bag's attack on Cully.

BTW- we all (myself inlcuded) need to start reading a bit more carefully before replying to peoples posts. It is causing all of us nothing but trouble..

And for the record, Cully is 27 if I'm not mistaken, and I now for a FACT that he was ragin at age 5 so, if Bag is less than 22 years old, Cully had a point. But Bag ahas a point too. We all have 'em.

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I dont get the big deal about needing sponsers and more security and more authority- i dont agree at all... I definitley go to Frontier Town for the music first and the party second. I like that it's a situation where you are put in control of your own space. I like that I can bring my own booze and walk around drinking it freely. and usually i leave thinking 2 of the bands are good and come home considering at least 4 or 5 of the bands quality.

I didn't go Canada Day, because I thought the lineup was too weak to afford the trip. But I was there for May24 and labour Day. both awesome times.. I think we should wait and see if we can keep this party the way it is, because there is already hillside and evolve, FT is what it is, and I like it.

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Originally posted by cully:

As for supporting our canadian bands I'm all for it but not for ten bucks at pepper jacks! they tour here to take your money! and they're laughing at you. 10 bucks!

There's this little thing called a "free-market economy" going on in the western world.

If people are willing to pay $10 to see your act (apparently they are, as paisley pointed out PJC was sold-out) then there obviously isn't a problem with charging $10. Could they have charged less? Yes. Could they have charged more? Yes. If they charged too much and nobody came, then they'd certainly be charging less the next time. Pretty simple theory, eh?

If you don't like the price, don't go - it's that simple.

[Roll Eyes]

And, while I don't know the guys from Wassabi, I bet they aren't "laughing" at the audience who came to see them...

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ACDC.....well, well, well.....you certainly had a little vent there now didn't you!?! Can't deal with the heat....you obviously didn't understand my post...as I wasn't saying that I was King jam band, that would be vain (now wouldn't it?) As vain as you....at least I am brave enough to leave my real name....Adam Culliford..are you (or do you just want to hide behind your computer) I don't even care about this whole W issue any more, and no that other post wasn't me, and she doesn't care about it any more..obviously a lot of people do...and thats cool...so end of it.....but ACDC...(by the way thats my favourite Phish song...but you wouldn't care would you?) Your insults are lame, and lack any basic thought.....swearing on the board (lame) Obviously you don't understand sarcasm...weak......

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Swearing removed so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities. You obviously don't want to face up to the fact that you're visably attacking an excited young band with some pretty lame excuses for self-righteous behavior. Trying to insult me or call me "weak" isn't going to work. I don't care who you are, your real name means as much to me as your nickname, zero, quit trying to change the subject--you, after all, are the one asserting that Wassabi is responsible for the demise of CTMF. You were acting like a lame-a...sorry, a lame-bum by saying the things that you were, trying to convince others that your incredibly subjective take on the situation was the truth, that type of thing says a lot about character--either that or you need a lesson on writing sarcasm into your posts. You apoligise for both insulting, swearing at--not too hypocritical there man--and trying to scapegoat one single band and I'll respect you, I'll apologise for anything insulting that I said, until that point you're some fu...frigging guy I don't know making pointed accusations about people that I do know and happen to like, get it?

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my buddy threw a 3day party just up the road from frontier town the same weekend as canada day at FT.... ill ask him about that venue,, maybe a simple venue change is the best,, even tho the land its on now rocks, but the neighbours are lame...

just a thought

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Still hiding behind your computer....how noble of you....listen, no matter how much I like or don't like this band, they did have a hand in shutting CTMF down (you simply can not deny this) I am happy for you that they are your good friends, and it is good to have diversity in the Canadian jam band scene! This issue of W is dead....but the fact that you are insulting me, with no merit is not. DO YOU GET IT?!? I don't care about it any more? I just think that you are pretty lame hiding behind my favourite phish song...if you really want to say something, say it yourself........I would love to sit down and have a beer with you, honestly, and talk about your views on W and other canjam bands, but I doubt that you would have the courage.......prove me wrong. prove me wrong.....

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in any case, if you attack a band on this board you shouldn't be suprised at backlash as there are likely fans or friends of any band who play in the scene reading it... the only place I've heard that W was partly responsible for CTMF's woes is here, and most people here don't seem to agree... whether that is the case or not, the band is from all the way across the country and if they were causing trouble that night someone local should have filled them in... I'm sure they meant no harm and would've gladly switched to hand drums or guitars had they been asked to...

for the record, I'm up for beer anytime with anyone [big Grin]

back to the festival, I like the current site... the saloon is full of funky memories and good vibes, even with a thousand people there there was still lots of room to camp left... as someone mentioned the festival has become known across the country as a great thing which if nothing else is flattering... people who came up from the states were all saying that we're so lucky to have such a scene... I agree

as for the lack of organization, besides first aid and food (both of which I pretty much look after for myself) I like things laid back and loose

so if the festival will continue what do you suggest to improve upon it:

- more visible access to quality first aid... I've always been told there was a nurse on site but if thats not the case they should get one(personally, if I need to chill I head out into the field or to the forest or a friendly campfire... the last place I'd want to get stuck with a headfull would be in a strange tent) (de-fibulators? how far is the nearest hospital? maybe, besides a nurse, there should just be vehicle ready at all times with a sober driver set to get someone to the hospital pronto if necessary)

- the new sound system was pretty buggy and poor Mark Wilson was having to run back and forth too much... definately needs some help... any sound techs intrested in a weekend project if Labour day is a go?

- as for the calibre of the music I went out Canada day not expecting much and was really suprised... Tala and (the other saloon band) Saturday night were fantastic and Burt Neilson/Mark Wilson on Sunday was legendary... I missed Diesel Dog friday night but everyone was glowing about them... I've yet to be disappointed at the ghost town...

- corporate sponsorship? personally totally, 100% against it... next thing you know you'll have to smuggle in your beer or else buy beer from the tent they set up beside the saloon, a rigid timetable and 19 year old security guards freaking out about every little thing... I don't want corporate policy interfering with the freedom I feel when I attend a weekend up there... just doesn't sound good to me at all... call me a left-wing commie but I don't see corporate money doing any good in our grassroots community... I'm sure the day will come but I'm in no rush for it to get here

- if noise complaints are involved in what got the park shut down then obviously there should be some sort of a noise cap... when you enter the park you should be told that we have to be quieter after 12pm or a big crowd of people will come and frown at you... and I'll paint up a sign to hang near the fire that says "no drum kits after midnight please!"

anyways, perhaps its time to drop who said what about who and who did what when and think about how to keep a great thing going

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well I'm up and on the topic so...


how about if the name was changed to the Come Together Charity Fund Raiser, an extra $10 is tacked on and 10 x the number of people there dollars goes to the sick kids hospital in toronto or something worthwhile... 1000 people = $10,000 bucks...

or the donation thing... you have to register on the master list and pay in advance and you get a "Friend of Frontier Ghost Town" certificate when you arrive... top off attendance at 700 or whatever keeps Durham happy, you're on the list or you don't get in...

bigger prices/bigger bands - I personally like having a predominantly Canadian festival... you book Medeski and suddenly there is a whole new crowd there who didn't find out by word of mouth and don't have the same respect for the park or the type of party going on there... I wouldn't mind seeing The Slip again though [Wink] ... maybe take it up a notch to one bigger band per big weekend (it seems Canada day and August 1 are smaller events)

the festival

as with Dead tour before 91, you find that older, more experienced patrons look out for and set a good example for younger festival go-ers... I haven't seen too much trouble up at the ghost town and that makes me wonder if its possible to kind of self-police the festival... besides the friendly bikers who seem to do a good job... maybe a frontier town letter of etiquette given when you arrive and sign the disclaimer, like Phil's newsletter you got when you hit the parking lot...

if there was a newsletter what advice would you put on it?

- take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints?

- your party is fine so long as it doesn't scare your neighbour?

- first aid is located to the rear of the saloon (or wherever), please take note of its location in case you need assistance

- there is an emergency vehicle available at all times... please contact first aid immediately if it is required

I dunno

handing out recycling and garbage bags at the gate would help keep things clean... I was planning on bringing up butt cans to nail up around the dance area by the saloon...

just thoughts... I know the festival isn't everyone's scene... we can all go to Molson Park or festivals in the states but this has been a unique and fine time in my experience... if it is possible to keep it going a while longer I'm in for doing what I can

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I knew you wouldn't have the strength of character to apologise, there is no urge to have a beer with you. As for hiding behind a computer, grow up, not only another weak attempt to shift the focus away from your often insulting comments, my real name would have as much meaning to you as my tag on this board--my emails there if you're that hung up about knowing my full name (I'll even throw in the initial for free). I don't need to know anything more about you than I already do and the great thing about this is I don't have to. Adios, you hypocritical wanker.

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I like your suggestions re:newsletter. Not only does this raise awareness of the emergency services and facilities, it puts out the ol' code of conduct that people assume but could sometimes use a reminder of. Hell, it's even a word-of-mouth vehicle for those people who take it home with them and leave it lying around.

I'd also ixnay the corporate sponsorship. It's not necessary, instead a bigger pull for vendors might be in order. I'd suggest looking for vendors from the Durham area as a show of support for area around the festival...it strengthens the argument that CTMF injects cash into the local economy.

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Well, well, well....so you are from Victoria...that explains so much....you obviously don't know what the scene is like here in the east, and obviously you haven't been to the festival before...so any more intellegent thought on this matter would be wasted on you. If you have actually read my posts, then you would have seen that I have excepted W as a part of the canjam scene, and again have probably seen more of their shows than you (unless you are in the band) You are the reason why computers suck, because losers who sit around in their underwear looking at porn all day can voice their concerns about a music scene (that they have no idea about - being all the way down there) and don't have to own up to their comments.....I have made many stupid statements on this board, but I am not going to waste any more time on you....go tell it on the mountains......as for the festival...look at my new thread about a different music festival near Collingwood on AUG. 16.

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Stay on topic and stop argueing. Take it to email or phone each other.

Moderating roles are going to have start increasing, and there really isn't enough time to move/delete off topic arguements.

This is a topic about Frontier Town, and a peaceful solution to it's current state.

Stop blaming Wassabi who have nothing to do with this.

They are, in my mind are a incredibly fresh injection of music and sharing in this scene. Have a chat with any member in that band, and you'll be intrigued for hours.

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