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My summer vacation so far...

Tungsten Gruvsten

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Since i've been out of the picture for the last 6 months or so I thought i'd share what the hell it is i'm up to...yeah.

First off, it didn't look this daunting when I got into it. It is a nice house, no yard really, kinda skinny, reminded me of a toronto abode with it's narrow laneway and 'needing to exhale' look but it fit the budget and was practically 'move-in-able'...uh yeah until the $360 heating bills started rolling in....turns out there was no insulation in the walls. at all. or the ceiling. or basement and most of the attic. Sooooo. I 'test-demolished' the stairs leading down to the basement, instantly adding crack-house cred with a blair witch appeal. Over a couple weeks I carted 22 boxes of plaster 'discretely' to work to dispose of after-hours like a friggin' tunnel-digging con emptying his pantleg in the yard. Then I rented 2 bins and had a week long demolition party and took out the rest of the house. 3 and a half metric tons of plaster carted by hand down the stairs and out the door to fill 2x 10 cubic yard bins..Pretty damn satisfying really but physically exhausting and disgustingly dirty work. I don't recommend the 'whole house approach'...maybe a floor at a time but that's it...

so here's some before pictures...looks like I snapped these just before we started taking it apart...







and after we laid in...








For the reconstruction it's been mostly reinforcing and repairing what's there, adding proper steps up to the attic(to become my little studio room) and opening up the main floor to one big room. I'm just hitting the halfway mark for drywalling the main floor...and there's tons to do on the second floor...The main floor has 4" of crazy blown in insulation...goes on as a liquid and puffs up 120% in a couple seconds...weird technology but it basically glues the entire place together...









So now i'm nerding it up a notch, laying out the structured wiring in the house. This is where it gets groovy- 2 video lines, 2 audio lines, hi-speed network and phone to every room in the house, with a patch-panel for data and audio in the basement...one day I'll drop a media server in the basement to serve up whole house audio and video....uh, yeah, soon as I get this friggin drywall done....

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Sweet jebus!! Good for you man, that's pretty hardcore!

My insulation is piss poor as well... But that's way outta my league. I've been agonizing over a backyard deck for two years now and still don't know how to get started. At least I've got it staked out now...

Good job! And while your in there ya gotta do the wiring, that's fuckin sweet! I've been doing a lot of experimenting with wireless audio and video. I've got the audio working good now, with this usb fm transmitter. It's great, I'm broadcasting my music to the whole block. The video ain't so hot though, getting static from my wireless internet.

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Who said pasty-white computer nerds can't get their hands dirty ;) ......way to go man, that sounds like an amazing project that will be immensely satisfying when completed. It also sounds like a shitload of work.

instantly adding crack-house cred with a blair witch appeal.


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So now i'm nerding it up a notch, laying out the structured wiring in the house. This is where it gets groovy- 2 video lines, 2 audio lines, hi-speed network and phone to every room in the house, with a patch-panel for data and audio in the basement...one day I'll drop a media server in the basement to serve up whole house audio and video....uh, yeah, soon as I get this friggin drywall done....

I've been slowly doing that to our house too. It's even more difficult when you can't tear the walls all down. :) If you're looking for any input, drop me a PM. I've done a lot of research into it and it's also sort of my job.

Way to go on fixing up the house! Looks like you're doing a fantastic job!

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Thanks for the replies and encouragement...good to know i'm not completely out to lunch. Denise and I figured it would be better to do it all at once rather than live in mini-construction zones for years...


House is about 1916, there were 3 outlets(all ungrounded) in the whole place and the old knob and tube was patched into new wiring with electrical tape inside the wall cavities here and there...very nice. (You'd be proud, I wired the whole place to new code and it passed inspection!) Got an electrician in to upgrade the service though...that one is outta my league.


The insulation can be blown into existing walls, I had a contractor do that one as it isn't something that can be DIY'ed...


Yeah...uh next time I think it would be easier to build a house!! at least then I could find one square corner to start from.....


Haven't even thought about the attic studio yet(besides moving our bedroom so it isn't underneath it...) Hell I haven't even figured out the second floor!


I can't imagine how hard it is drilling and fishing wires through walls...I walk through my walls regularly now that they are gone!! I do installs with work so I'm getting a good handle on this stuff (and i've read everything online I can get my eyes on) but if you need any wall plates/jacks/wire etc I bought waaaayyy too much!! I'll letcha know when I get into wiring the panels if i'm out to lunch.

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Sooooo. I 'test-demolished' the stairs leading down to the basement, instantly adding crack-house cred with a blair witch appeal. Over a couple weeks I carted 22 boxes of plaster 'discretely' to work to dispose of after-hours like a friggin' tunnel-digging con emptying his pantleg in the yard.

post of the week!

you sir are the master of the mental image.

i hope that it gets easier for you, at the very least you are now able to wire the place the way you like...

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Way to go TG! You've seen my little studio and the techniques I used for elliminating sound transfer are really working out. Let me know if you want the details. I basically researched the net for products that are ready made and then substituted way cheaper stuff to save the bucks. the walls within walls technique is your best bet if the studio will be in the attic. Mine is in the basement so the 10" concrete (airfilled)stops most of the noise. Just remember its not as much how the sound gets out of the room but to try and illiminate any ambient noise getting in from outside. you know like the screaming neighbours just when you about to finish up a really sweet track;)

Keep at it ...its looking awesome!

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