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New to Ottawa - ISO musicians


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Hi All

I just moved to Ottawa and I'm looking forward to seeing what it has of a jamband community. In particular, I am looking to meet competent and creative musicians who want to jam and possibly form a band for shows etc.

I play guitar and sing and have extensive band and performance experience. I am interested in meeting musicians of all sorts (bass, drums, keys, horns, singers, DJs etc.) who love playing music as much as I do.

My repertoire is definitely jammy but not restricted to it and we may find common ground in the music of the Grateful Dead, Phish, Wilco, Radiohead, the Beatles, MMW and Scofield.... and the list could go on forever, as long as it's good music, I like it!

Anyways, sorry for the long post.



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Welcome aboard! There's a good jamband community here, and we get a fair number of shows. The big one this weekend is Moses Mayes at Mavericks on Saturday; they're a funk band, but "jam" music easily includes funk, in my book. As mattm said, Soul Jazz Orchestra tonight should also be fun; SJO also plays every Thursday at Babylon, and it's the best $5 Thursday night soul/funk/jazz party you can find.

There's also a good number of musicians here, including me (I play guitar in Inglewood Jack; we'll be at Cafe Dekcuf, upstairs from Mavericks, on Saturday, Sept. 16, opening up for What The Thunder Said). I'm not sure how much actual jamming goes on, as a lot of the musicians here are in bands, but I might be up for a get-together now and then.



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Hi guys

yes, I was thinking of heading out to the SJO show at Sparks street tonight so that should be pretty cool.

Also, I don't know Moses Mayes but may check them out. I agree that funk can be jammy too! I'm a big Stanton Moore and Garage à Trois fan and my most recent band in Quebec City played a lot of funk-groove stuff of that nature (GAT, MMW etc.).

I am currently streaming the Inglewood show from April on the LAMA site and it sounds pretty good. Looking forward to catching one of your shows.



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I am writing a musical about .net vs. java. Any takers?


I once wrote a rock opera about people milling around at the base of Mount Olive (aka mount of olives), waiting on something that just wasn't happening. Suspenseful-boredom-rock. We could probably shoehorn some of the tunes into a more contemporary vehicle. But what about -- and I'm just thinking out loud here -- instead of .net vs .java we make it Ruby on Rails vs. THE WORLD. We'll call it: [color:blue]Music[color:red]l, [color:blue]2.0 BETA.

Oh, Lord, there's so much geek in my blood that my liver is thumping under the strain.

Adam - hope to meet you someday soon. Your avatar hurts me all over.

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