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Ever have one of those years?


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I'm not normally one to do this, but here comes a 'why life sucks right now' rant. Hit your back button if your not interested.

So as many of you know I'm not working right now. I'm a web developer and got laid off last August. Which is almost a year ago now. I can't believe I've been out of work for that long. I've got a month or so left of EI, and then I dunno what. The internet/tech industry is basically dead right now, although it seems to be picking up a bit. I thought I may be able to make a crack at things freelance, but the two web contracts I managed to get, the clients both pulled out after I had started development, I'd even hired a graphic artist to come up with the design for one of them. Lesson learned, I'll never start work before I see a contract again. So, lets just say I haven't been having the best year ever...

Recently my wife's boss died, he was 28 and had a heart defect, he died while playing basketball. This was a very unfortunate thing to happen, and if nothing else it has once again reiterated that you should "get your kicks, before the whole shithouse goes up in flames". Unfortunately he was the heart and soul of the business and his family has just decided to shut down the company. This now leaves my wife unemployed. She had what seemed like one of those once in a lifetime opportunities, and was writing/developing cartoons for TV. A dream job for her, as well as her big break into a very tough industry.

So here we are now both unemployed, wondering what sort of cosmic flow we've upset to be getting so much bad Karma. I know it could be much worse, we are still both alive and healthy (knock on wood).

Anyhow I needed to rant, sorry if I've wasted anyone's time.


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I can relate, from the sounds of it you should really pool your resources and go after grants and HRDC money anything that will work. Bell New Media fund works for new media productions if you have a broadcast license. Use some of the goodwill you likely have built up, think about the resources and network of contacts you may be able to tap into. All of these older so called 'producer' types are just going to the trough like everyone else and farming out the work to kids like us. Cut them out of the loop. It's not like you have alot of choice but to throw yourself into it, Canada is socialist as shit and nobody makes anything without sucking off the government teet.

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Hey CH, I can relate too. Life seems to have a way at throwing you the shit all at once. Never really met you (I don't think) but we'll meet somewhere I'm sure and I'm glad you vented out loud (to us). The people around you can help you up out of the holes we all get stuck in. Don't let it get you down, because it will get better, you've just got to be there on the other side when it's over. July 19th (Sat. night) was the first "anniversary" of my bro's suicide. Hard to describe what I felt one year ago, but alot has changed within "me" since then. It took the people around me to realize that "I" had to just keep on going, if nothing more than to see what the happy times felt like again. Music helped alot (which, is why we are all here on the skanc, right??)

After reading this:

- CH's got 1000ish posts to my 15ish. Ouch. "One at a time, Floyd. Play your own game."

-do stuff, like kung said

- lots of people will read this and not respond yet still will understand and relate

- my dad used to say (still does) "Shit or get off the pot" It took on a whole new meaning in my later teen years but good advice nontheless.

- tried to add a picture but couldn't figure it out and in that time there as been another reply. (They don't call him Toungesten for nothin'... I'm still licking my lips over his work on "Live At The Lanc"!! Need a reference TG??)

- Almost deleted this. Kinda corny/therapy when you read it, but may help both him and me a little bit, so i'll post

- this is way too long, but no one will read it anyways. With a catchy title like "ever have one of those years??, have you ever thought of the trashy novelette biz. I may be starting up a joint venture. Get in on the ground level.

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Eric - Shit man, I really feel for you too. You and Tara both hid this happen back at Blab, not so long ago. Now add to that the loss of a friend/colleague. It really sucks.

Floyd - Many thanks for your words. As far as the trashy novellette business goes, actually my wife used to proof-read for Harlequin books (no joke), she still does a couple of books on the side. She's got the forumla down and has been thinking about writing one, just because it's easy money.

I was thinking 'shit or get off the pot' a little earlier. The kind of work I want to do isn't coming to me, it's time to pool some resources and get serious with my business, and make the kinda work I want to do. Man I wish Tara or I was a salesperson to add to our mix of skills, that would definetly help.

As if I've made over a 1000 posts. Where does the time go?

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Right on, hippie, that's the attitude. Maybe I can be a bit character in your wife's book. If you don't like "Floyd" you can always use my real name, Ernest Blucher, no wait, that's my porno name....

Note: Seems like you're stuck at 1080 posts.

Will Floyd catch up?

The plot thickens

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Sometimes I feel like I'm treading water with rocks tied to my feet....and instead of dropping the rocks, more and more get tied on. But then one day, some of the rocks fall.....

I'm still treading water, but all those rocks strenthened me so it's not as hard now.

We may never find out what the big lesson is, or understand the reason why something happened ('cause everything happens for a reason, right???).......but once you understand that you don't have to know, everything seems lighter

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CyberHippie - all I can say is stay strong and it will get better.

I had one of "those years" in 2002. I lost two people I loved and almost bought the farm myself around Thanksgiving. My relationship of 3 years ended, I hated my job and everything seemed pretty hopeless.

But I can happily say that 2003 has been a much better year. I'm back with my beau and we're stronger than ever, my job has improved tremendously, I have a new place that I just love and two of my good friends are expecting for the first time!

It's all a matter of never giving up. As bad as life may seem, tomorrow may be the day it starts to look up. Remember to lean on your friends and on those of us on the board who you may not have met, but feel a friendship with nonetheless. Venting like you did is a fabulous way of letting it out and learning that others have been down a similar road and are now out of the woods.

Learn from this time of frustration. Figure out any mistakes you may have made and make sure you don't make them again. That way, all this pain is not borne in vain. And just think of how strong your marriage will be when it's all behind you and you realise that you did it together!

Just my little 2 cents. Hope it helps a bit.

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I wasn't trying to minimize your feelings, Trev, just trying to lighten your spirit for a moment or two.

I know things will turn around for you two, better than ever. You'll see. It may not sound reassuring but with both of you out of work, it's an opportunity to shake things up a bit, start anew, together. One day, hopefully sooner than later, you'll look back at this period as a truning point for the better, not for the worse.

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Thanks for all the kind words everyone. It definetly helps...

I was in vent mode last night and feeling a little panic. It's nice to know I have somewhere I can come and express those feelings. Today I'm looking at things with a little more optimism and trying to see things as a new beginning.

The future is always about change I guess. You just gotta keep on keepin' on.

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hey CH - i kinda know what you're going through. being out of work or in a bad work situation is hard in a lot of ways. i don't have any advice, cause i still havent figured much out. i recently discovered somn pretty cool though - check out a book from the library on bach flower remedies - i've known of them for a while but actually tried a couple out a few months ago and wow.. see i've been really uncertain as to what path to follow so i found the flower tincture that was intended for this feeling and after a few days, i didn't realise anything had changed, but the anxiety and uncertainty had just dissolved and i wasn't troubled by my situation so much. of course the situation hadn't changed, but it really helped my emotional health. the ups and downs are hard on a person, and from my experience, these flower remedies ease emotional trouble. check out a book and see what you think - you can pick up the bach tincture or a less expensive brand of the same thing at a good health food store. (a vial is $8-15 and will last a long time)

i was talking to a coworker about herbs a couple weeks ago and he asked me what herb had had a profound impact on me - any 'miracle' cures kinda question... it took me a minute, but as soon as i thought of bach flower remedies there's no question in my mind that that's it for me.

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Do not get me started on the Dennis Miller tour bus.


Originally posted by Velvet:

When life really sucks is when you look around and realise you feel like garbage for no good reason at all.

Rest assured, I always know what's making those sucking sounds in my corner of the sandbox. What's annoying is not being able to do anything about it in a reasonable time frame or without cash.

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life can really suck sometimes! All I can say is you have to take a step for the next one to fall into line. I'm a GM with indigo and will certainly forward you any opportunities that arise in this company. I guess you really are gonna have to stretch yourself and see what you're capable of - a part time job will give you less time to look for other stuff, but, will keep your momentum up, record store, something out doors...just for now.

I had one of those years a couple back and wrote a song to better understand it - here is perhaps the only helpful snipit:

"Well now he's standing up, and a message fills his ears.

And when he finally begins to walk, the clouds begin to clear..."

Hey - I'll put you on the indefinate Electric Meat guest list so at least you can come out and rock it down for free, i'll add the +1 for your wife. You know I'll always have a bowl waitin' for ya!

keep it up man...Jon

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