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This board goes up and down


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That's all it's just so odd when things can be so engaging and energetic around here and then everything just drops straight off. Nobody's really been posting much at all let alone anything of great interest. I guess I wish I had someone to amuse me the way I seem to amuse you all - I guess I've got that in Chives now so I should count my stars.

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don't most things that we enjoy in life go up and down? (no CJ, I'm not talking about sex here! :tongue:) My bottom lip pops out and my eyebrows cross when this board doesn't catch my interest, but when that happens I remind myself that I only get disappointed about things/people that I like. I also know that what doesn't catch my attention could keep someone else pinned to their keyboard for days.

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Debates are fun and hopefully thought provoking, but I cetainly don't have the energy, gumption or desire to get into one every hour of every day.

Hey zero, I noticed in an earlier topic that you mentioned euro-dancehall shock diva Peaches, the formally lead singer of the defunct obnoxious Toronto indie band Fancypants Hoodlum? Are you a fan of Ms Nisker?

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You can't have your hair blown back every time I know that. I liked Bouche's idea. I guess the thing is we have pretty much the best online community in Canada at least music wise I truly believe that. Look at Exclaim!'s message board or Stillepost by comparison- no contest.

I guess the slight frustration is an expression of the fact that there are always so many good stories to tell (something we're generally good at) - it just blows me away that anyone in the media would fabricate a story or have a slow news day because there is just so much going on and at your fingertips. It's inexcusable really.

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Chives digs peaches Jaimoe not I. I don't dislike her but I really find her schtick rather annoying although I have a respect for her since my dreamboat Feist is a friend.

And it is a "shtick". Her roots - back in the 90's - was indie rock with a firm lean towards avant-garde. However, in the late 90's, pushing 32 and seeing no commercial future, she moved to Europe and calculatingly retooled her "act". I dislike her music then and especially now, but at least her former Toronto band had a great guitarist and bassist.

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i listen to her stuff, though only a song at a time. a whole sitting of her music is too hard.

favourite peaches memory though is radiohead in june in montreal, the second last pre-show music track came on and it was fuck the pain away; there was spontaneous dancing and louuuuud beats. i have that song on many many mix cds, and it always gets people up at parties.

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I didn't see the whole thing but fuck if George Takei's monstrously faggoty shpiel wasn't some of the funniest or at least edgiest shit I'd seen in ages. That and Shatner really eloquently ripped them all at the end, obviously pre-prepared but I'm sure he riffed it a bit and fuck was he on point.

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