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Sarah Harmer Benefit Concert


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In case anyone might be interested:

Sarah Harmer Benefit Concert to Save the Great White Oak

Enjoy the music of renowned Canadian singer/songwriter, Sarah Harmer AND help save the Great White Oak on Bronte Road, at the same time!

Sarah Harmer has agreed to perform a benefit concert at the Halton Region Auditorium on November 5 at 2pm, with proceeds going to save the Great White Oak.

The tickets are $30.00 each. Order them today by phone (905-815-2021) or order online www.oakvillecentre.ca/ambassador.htm as seating is limited and tickets are sure to go quickly!

For more information please visit http://www.elgar.ca/The_Great_White_Oak.htm

If anyone is into the Escarpment Blues (both musically and principally), than this show is for you!

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It's a big old tree. We don't have too many of those still kicking around these parts I'm afraid.

I'm hoping to go livingstoned. I just have to check my "date book" and ensure that I can make it.

She actually played last night as well, as part of a presentation given by Gravel Watch (an organization that is trying to prevent yet another quarry from digging up our Niagara Escarpment)

Good on her!

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We saw Sarah here last month, she's touring with a bluegrass type line-up to promote the new album. Awesome, intimate show. An interesting note for the former Kingstonians here - Spencer Evans tore it up on piano and clarinet!

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I'm hoping to go livingstoned. I just have to check my "date book" and ensure that I can make it.

hmmm I need one of those "date books" I can't keep it all straight anymore.

hope to see you there!

edit to add - just rummaging through my purse and found a "to do" list in a notebook (at least 4 month old "to do" list and #1 is "buy datebook/event calendar"


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Hey I know that tree! Its big and gorgeous, like storybook tree.

It used to be on a horse farm on the outskirts of Oakville. It was at the side of the road, at the entrance to the quaint little farm. But as the city expanded the horsefarm was bought and became municipal buildings, a police station and get this, the Halton Woodlands building.

Citizens have to raise $343 000 if the tree is to be saved. The tree is over 200 years old.

Go to the show people!

From the website:

This great White Oak was visited by local ecologist, Paul O'Hara earlier this year. Here's some of what he had to say. "The trunk - over a metre in diameter - swirls up to an explosion of heavy limbs that twist and turn at right angles. The huge crown must be 25 metres or more across... I saw a tree with the most graceful silhouette of any White Oak I have ever seen. I saw a tree older than Oakville itself; a tree that has more stories than any Oakville resident could ever conceive of. I saw a tree that has grown tired, not of standing there in the blowing winds of that Bronte Creek ridge, but of the cancer that has entered the minds and hearts of those who push the land around like furniture in a room."

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