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oh my..... here's a crazy link.


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OK lets get this guy, we got his name, picture, city, state and school. with all that info we must be able to find a phone # or address. i was thinking we could put him on every gay or muslim or anti american or porn newsletter list we can find. C'mon with all the techie brained peole on here we must be able to find out how we can get this guy.

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Unfortunately, there's probably a guy like this in every neighborhood. But isn't it just absolutely mindboggling that anyone could think this way?

I loved how he provides a link to the Republican Party. They must love that! [Roll Eyes]

If there is a God, I figure this guy's bound for hell anyway. We can just leave him alone.

Here's some fun for y'all:


Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Usama bin Laden have a lot in common

Pat Robertson Loses His Mind

Positive Atheism

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Well, our good friend David is now the newest hunk on toyboy.com and gaypersonals.com. Hope he meets someone nice. Also only one Mcnamara in Royal Palm Beach, here's the phone # and address:


12026 Greenway Cir S

Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411-2861


enjoy, I'm off to ruin his life some more

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Originally posted by LittlemissPink:

That's one load I wish his mother would have swallowed.


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Terrific. Send him more proof that we're psychotic and out to undermine his life.

He is entitled to his opinion, as stupid as it may be. He is not necessarily entitled to act on it.

One of the toughest things about freedom of opinion is respecting the same in others.

Yes, I think that if the wind blew the wrong way, he would be trampled by his own rules. However, it would be hypocritical of me to get annoyed at his lack of respect for my opinions, then bombard him with the same crap and harassment from the opposite direction.

We went to his site. Deliberately. He didn't send this stuff to us. He put himself on the radar, larger than life, right where we could keep an eye him. Some of us have responded with the combat equivalent of shooting an unmoving target and giving away our coordinates. Some of us have lobbed grenades and run like hell. Somewhere, there is a decoy covered in poo, trying to figure out what to do with a dozen large, anchovy pizzas.

His hyperbolic web page has served as a hippie trap. Me, I don't want to make myself a target for something as stupid and gratuitous as that.

It's one thing to protest. It's another entirely to bang your head against a wall, shoot yourself in the foot, piss in the wind, or a whole bunch of other cliches about counterproductive behaviour.

Pick your fights. Don't let the idiots yank your chain. All you'll do is flush yourself out and steal your energy away from useful things.

A reaction is what they want--don't give it to them, any more than you absolutely must. When you do, you're letting them call the shots. You're giving them a degree of control over your actions--control they didn't have before--while you take all the responsibility and give them a plausible excuse to fire back at you--an excuse they didn't have before.

Now that is a bad deal.

Don't get me wrong; I'm in it with you, and I can bounce as high as anyone else. By writing this stuff down, I'm reminding myself as much as anyone else.

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dude. say it with a straight face and say 'love is segregated' and somebody'll get your sarcasm. for sure!

I am also 100% against homosexuality and I believe homosexuals (including lesbians and bisexuals) as well as people with fetishes, ought to be put in mental hospitals. This must be done NOW, before they degenerate society and our children's morals even further. I also believe ANY children in the custody of homosexuals ought to be taken away IMMEDIATELY, in order to prevent further emotional and sexual abuse. DO NOT let your children near one of these vile monsters! Read the Fag Facts page to get more insight into the sexual habits of homosexuals and others of their ilk.



[big Grin]

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check out the letter I sent to dave...i hope it gets me a big fat reply.


you should seriously start your standup comedy career sometime soon. that website you made was the funniest!

  I want to ban pornography with a 10-year prison term for viewing or participating in pornography, as well as oral and anal sex with a 1-5 year prison term for oral sex and a 1-10 year term for anal sex. I also want to ban the manufacture and sale of contraceptives (birth control) with a prison term of up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000 for violating this ban. None of these laws will be retroactive.

that's totally hilarious. it's going to make so many porno cop scenes come true. i can't believe i never figured out how that'd happen. (wakkachikkawakkachikka wowow)

    I also support a ban on interracial marriage. While I am not racist, I believe that God intends people to marry within their own race. Any and all interracial marriages currently licensed should immediately be annulled, with any children born to said couple, allowed only to marry with other children of interracial couples. All races ought to have equal opportunity in employment, pay, etc. Therefore, I believe that Affirmative Action is racist against white people and ought to be abolished.

dude. say it with a straight face and say 'love is segregated' and somebody'll get your sarcasm. for sure!

    I am also 100% against homosexuality and I believe homosexuals (including lesbians and bisexuals) as well as people with fetishes, ought to be put in mental hospitals. This must be done NOW, before they degenerate society and our children's morals even further. I also believe ANY children in the custody of homosexuals ought to be taken away IMMEDIATELY, in order to prevent further emotional and sexual abuse. DO NOT let your children near one of these vile monsters! Read the Fag Facts page to get more insight into the sexual habits of homosexuals and others of their ilk.

dude! this passage is super funny - vile monsters...heh heh those evil lisps. buty seriously, it's so tongue in cheek to hint that people have stopped thinking for themselves and just think everything's okay...man - your 'god will save his sheep' bit is priceless. mental hospitals! that's like going back to the 40's - the 20's even...speakeasies and flapper girls smoking pipes and being naughty! - check out your passage!

    I am a firm believer in the Temperance movement. I believe that alcohol and tobacco cause a great deal of problems in our country today. I favor the return of Prohibition as well as a complete ban on tobacco. Alcohol causes stroke, and leads to cirrhosis of the liver and dropsy. It is also a leading cause of automobile accidents and suicides. Tobacco causes lung cancer (cigarettes) and throat cancer (chewing tobacco) and is, along with alcohol, a leading cause of premature death in this nation. Tobacco and alcohol are ruining America and it is up to the government to take the initiative to once and for all take tobacco and alcohol off America's streets, out of our schools, out of our stores, and most importantly, out of our culture. In order for these goals to be met, we must require all schools and employers to regularly test for tobacco and alcohol, as well as other drugs on a regular basis, and report to the Federal government their findings. Any and all violators will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

you're totally saying that alcohol and tobacco are these bad guys that just give you diseases and make you run into cars while you're really taking them yourselves through your own choices(america the free right?? free thought, free actions, freedom to live without negative restraint)...you're so tongue in cheek, brah!

   I support the good moral crusaders in Washington, D.C. who are getting tougher on the War on Drugs. I am in favor of the death penalty for drug dealers, and for a mandatory 10-year prison sentence for anyone caught with ANY illegal drug, including marijuana. This mandatory sentence will be required for any amount of possession, no matter how small it may be. This will send a strong, decisive message to drug abusers that their use of drugs will not be tolerated by the American public.

i bet you toke all the time. send me a photo of your bong. i gotta see it. you're a funny guy and i bet you've got an ice chamber in it too! i doubt your lofty goals(hee hee) will ever get passed because up here in canada we're starting to decriminalize. it's so much better now. people aren't all uptight if they're high and more people are having a way better time...people aren't compelled to think that something that's not wrong is wrong...it's great. people arne't flocking to it either. we're not getting an influx in losers trying to jump on the bandwagon, we're just a bit more chilled out and nice. people tend to be so much nicer when they're not restricted. I've been to palm beach florida and everyone there's on edge...like yuou're gonna get shot or mugged or like you're going to hell for soemthing - maybe for stepping on the grass or sitting on the fountain. it was silly...i totally get your tongue in cheek 'right wing self righteousness is bullshit' spiel...you're a funny guy. you should seriuously get up on stage in a suit and do your standup routine. it's hilarious! i'd see you on television and everyhting...set it up like the hour of power and get a glass tower set...you'd have 'em rollin!

    I propose prison reform. This will be as follows:

    Prison cells will be made smaller. I would set this to approximately 1/2 of their average current size.

    Prisoners kept in their cells 24/7 (i.e. NEVER leaving their cell during incarceration). 

    Prisoners will only be fed bread and butter.

    NO contact with ANY other human being during incarceration.

    NO TV, medical care, or entertainment of any sort.

    NO sunlight will penetrate a prison cell.

    Disobedient or rebellious prisoners can be beaten by the guards as punishment.

    ANY inmate that attempts to escape will be executed on site.

that's almost the icing on the cake, dave because that'd make every prisoner crazy and useless when their prison term's up so essentially, it'd be a huge waste of taxpayers' money and then you'd just say 'we should've shot em when we had the chance'

    I believe in Singapore-style anti-terrorist legislation. I propose that anyone suspected of being a terrorist ought to be required, if necessary, to serve up to 5 years in prison without formal charges being brought forward. This will help stop the wave of terrorism sweeping America today.

yeah...like you've been carjacked with an exacto knife so the hijacker would bust up a building...

the only terrorism in america is the media news.

you know your shit man...you're the funniest, most sarcastic american i've ever read anyhting from!

it's not like these demands or 'improvements' would help anyone feel safer...just more restricted and on edge. you must totally know about your own society to have such biting wit aimed at america at the guise of some dorky uninformed 19 year old guy that got pneumonia 'faith'll heal me' true believer.

i mean come on...someone that'd REALLY go into office wouldn't publish 'fag facts' and put a line like this on the internet

Depending on the city, 39-59% of fags are infected with intestinal parasites like worms, flukes and amoebae, which is common in filthy third world countries (8).

(filthy third world countries...priceless)

and THIS gem

Fags commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming fags make up 2% of the population, means that 1 in 20 fags is a child molester, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molester (19).

where really it'd be stated that of all crazy child molesters, one in 3 is gay. not 5% of all fags...it's not like you have any real mathematically/scientifically backing info...


Part of the fag agenda is to turn people from Christianity: "The teaching that only male-female sexual activity within the bounds and constraints of marriage is the only acceptable form should be reason enough for any homosexual to denounce the Christian religion" (

because I know some gay christians. it's not the religion, it's the man made law they're not complying with.

(if it were really a law made by god and we're in his image we'd all know how to live our lives anyway...know right from wrong...everyone's really know to not take it up the ass)

  I enjoy politics. I hope to run for local office in the near future. If I am successful, I will likely run for higher office later on down the road. I will fight as a moralist. I will try to institute the above goals of mine to restore the traditional Judeo-Christian values that our Puritan forefathers founded the United States upon at Plymouth Rock.

and it's so ultra funny that that's what they were being run out of the country because of. trying to ruin everyone's good times instead of telling people to be respectful of their fun. never had thousands of people leave france for having a good time right?

you know, your website is becoming increasingly angrier the more i read it...doesn't seem quite as funny the first time...maybe if you toned it down a bit people'd get your drift...you come off as being a militant american that hasn't read enough and hasn't tried to understand the psychoilogy and reasoning behind why they do the things that seem less than right.

if your'e not doing this as a joke, you should go out and try to do the things you're afraid of...that's what the amish do. when people get a certain age they go out and act like regular christian folk and most of them go back to being amish and KNOW WHY rather than trying to be a moralist at age 19. if you're serious(which i doubt you cheeky motherfucker) then you should learn that people can have restraint and still have as much fun as the guy that had 2 too many.

puff some mad blunts for me, brah!

Remember there's a big difference

between kneeling down and bending over.

-- Frank Zappa

(my favourite moralist)

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Originally posted by Kitari:

Arcane - by saying nothing are you not passively condoning his warped way of thinking?

Nothing of the sort. I'm one person with only so much time and energy to go around--I pick my battles carefully.

When dealing with a reactive opponent, an effective tactic is to provoke the opponent into wasting energy on minor or counterproductive efforts. Then the attacker initiates an attack once the opponent's resources are tied up or spent, or has lost so much credibility with allies that his support is reduced and he's relatively easy pickings, or the opponent is reduced to squabbling with his allies and the battle is reduced to minor skirmishes on multiple fronts.


Just as staying quiet when someone makes a racist joke;

I see your point. Still, there is a slight difference: We went to him, not the other way around. I really don't think he sees us as his joking-around buddies.


By not speaking out, you're encouraging this person to continue their ignorance.

It's more productive to educate the ignorant than the stupid. This guy appears to be stupid. By the absence of any contradictory information considered in his claims, I'd have to conclude that he's only looking for things that support his argument. Anything that contradicts his position is likely to make him more determined in his bias. Doing *anything* short of killing him will encourage him to continue in his ignorance.

He is a zealot and likely impervious to reason.

You're right; I could waste my time on him, but my time is more valuable than that. On the other hand, there is a far greater number of "ignorant" people out there capable of being influenced by positive examples and information. These people may or may not be hostile, but they're capable of seeing reason and recognizing that our position is not a threat to them (sometimes immediately, sometimes eventually). These are the wiser and more numerous people, and they are better allies. Sending poo would only be counterproductive with them. Rumours spread fast.


Now, I agree that sending poo won't challenge his thought process, but signing him up for some fag rags just might!

It's likely all the same to him. As I said, it's handing over an excuse for his hatred and it gives him a reasonably legitimate reason to strike back--one he didn't have before.

"It's his fault--he punched me back." No, that won't fly.

"It's his fault--he provoked me." I sympathize, but what? You can't control your temper?

At the end of the day, *he* will appear to be the injured party, and *we* will appear to be the attackers.

No, there are other ways, but they require patience and dedication. In the long run, the trick is to cut *him* off from current and potential allies by educating the ignorant. Persuade them to see reason. We won't do that by acting like chimps.

It takes time, but we're starting to see the effects in tackling similar issues with our own government. Look at the marijuana laws. Look at gay and lesbian marriages. They always had their dedicants, but after decades, they've managed to convince enough people that neither are a threat to mainstream lifestyles.

People do not like feeling threatened, whether this threat is real or perceived. Anti-Porn guy sees anything different from his lifestyle as a threat to his lifestyle, as is the way with fundamentalists.

Some people also feel a need to be the moral guardians of others they perceive to be "threatened." They are often harder to deal with since they come across as altruistic. Hang around the second floor of the Elgin Street courthouse and listen in on the conversations about family law. Better yet, contact the Ontario Ombudsman (Claire Lewis) and ask *him.* Maybe sometime I'll tell you about the joys of adoption disclosure, too.

In the meantime, remind yourself that your time has value, and grab a copy of the Art of War (Sun Tzu) from the local library.

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yeah...poo is bad...has bacteria and disease..

but Pee, oin the other hand is harmless...a bit vile and putrid but not diseased.

seriously. we'll be able to (pee in the)pool our resources at some festival by the end of the summer...it'd at least be a funny latrine. get a photo of anti porn guy ffor all the hippies to take a whiz on...

it's ridiculous i know...but imagine him signing for a huge package of pee. he'd have signed for it...i'd love to have that record.

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Originally posted by Canned Beats:

yeah...poo is bad...has bacteria and disease..

but Pee, oin the other hand is harmless...a bit vile and putrid but not diseased.

Not usually, no.

And I should add that just because I don't agree with it doesn't mean that I don't think it's a fun thought. To quote my friend Scott: "Shave their dogs!"

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anyone remember tom green's midnight caller show?? it was on CHUO and he regularly had soccer games scheduled in downtown ottawa at 2 AM.

anyhow, he had a contest to mail urine to the station...i say we have a big party with lotsa beer and fill a water cooler jug...i'm sure someone has a mailboxes etc. hookup somewhere...

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Arcane - by saying nothing are you not passively condoning his warped way of thinking? Just as staying quiet when someone makes a racist joke; By not speaking out, you're encouraging this person to continue their ignorance.

Now, I agree that sending poo won't challenge his thought process, but signing him up for some fag rags just might!

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