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Global Orgasm For Peace


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My support for the troops is a little different. See, I fully support our troops themselves as they're my country's sons and daughters but what I definitely don't support is what they're doing. I like canadian troops doing things like peace-keeping and defensive actions but NEVER offensive unless we ourselves have been attacked and direct action is required. I don't in the least bit support those in office making the decisions about this (it actually disgusts me quite deeply) nor do I support seeing things like spending billions on army and death and cutting programs like the money the government used to give to employers so that they could afford to hire summer students (according to the newspaper at school here there's millions being cut from that as it doesn't bring in any revenue so it's a waste or something on those lines).


and here

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What does it mean to support the troops? I hear people say this all the time, "I support the troops." Does that mean you're sending them care packages? Or does it stop at the words? Similarly, I don't understand how wearing red at work on Friday is showing my support for the troops. Such an overused and thrown around phrase!

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I support the gov't going to afganistan, paying the poppy farmers for their crops (undercutting the Taliban in doing so, thus making them ineffectual), taking the product home and giving it to the elderly and....... homeless!

BOOM! problem solved in afganistan, we can pull the troops out, topple the Taliban and make a few needy people *happy*

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All I say is They should be home learning how to protect us At home. Screw going over picking poppies or gaurding pot fields. Im tired right now to get into anything iv spent my who morning trying to cut down this Hard Ass Dead tree with an axe so i can have fire wood for my shed when the big snow hits. ill get back on this later tonight.


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I got a little of topic
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  • 4 weeks later...

this is the most ludacris thing i've ever heard.

i can just imagine anyone living in a war torn enviorment and have seen love ones die, whole familiest destroyed, and they see this on the net...its like a freakin insult.

u guys are fucking nuts.

"vibes" and "energy" don't mean shit when you're getting bombed.... especially coming from self loving jerks that bust a nut on a certain day.

fak aff.

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this is the most ludacris thing i've ever heard.

i can just imagine anyone living in a war torn enviorment and have seen love ones die, whole familiest destroyed, and they see this on the net...its like a freakin insult.

u guys are fucking nuts.

"vibes" and "energy" don't mean shit when you're getting bombed.... especially coming from self loving jerks that bust a nut on a certain day.

fak aff.

You're life must be really exciting...with all that optimism and stuff.

Loosen up, try to enjoy life, you may find it treats you better.

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Haha, I just called the radio station and they put me on air talking about how its Global Orgasm for Peace Day tommorow....I told them I'd be participating before and after work, and then I'm on holidays so it will be an ongoing peace movement for me...hehe.

I'm hoping they will talk about it more tonight and tommorow so people can be informed and take part! Will be pretty incredible if people can feel the sense of euphoria tommorow.



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