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The quandary on "hot teen"


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Most of this teenage attraction is simply a cultural/situational predicament. Other cultures at the present time have teenage wives, we don't but we certainly impose our cultural ideals upon them and make judgments. There are tribes in our world where young boys give head to as many adults as possible to fill up on the "life force of God". just a fact.

There are deeper levels of attraction than just appearance though, there is spiritual development, maturity, intelligence, wisdom etc... these things are also attractions. If our society focused on these things as attractions would we start to have porn sites dedicated to wise women, to intelligent women, to spiritual women? I mean if a culture decides that these things are major attractions and it starts to project these ideals outwardly, wouldn't we succumb to them just as we succumb to the 'teenage' 'hotness'?

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Someone mentioned something about the younger age of puberty. I know it's been said this is because of hormones in milk. And this may be true in part, but there could be another cause as well. I just read an article on fluoride and how it builds up around the pinneal gland, which is responsible for hormones. One of the findings was that puberty occurs earlier for people who have fluorinated water.

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they just started putting flouride in the water in nova scotia (in the small town I know someone from in nova scotia anyways)

have heard several disconcerting things about flouride over the years, I like distilled water

reflectin on this the other night I thought that a lot of the right or wrong of it comes down to whether or not you're trying to take advantage of someone or not... if you are trying to take advantage, young person or not, its wrong

like Jaimoe I've had girlfriends roughly 10 years younger (once I was in my 30's) and it didn't feel wierd at all... didn't go out shopping for that in particular... was a comfortable fit, shared the same zest and interests

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Come on guys EVERYONE knows that the pineal gland is where the soul and body meet in the classic Cartesian model.

party-town... in other words

impressed by what an open discussion on the topic this has been... 10 years ago it would've been much more heated... 20 years ago practically taboo

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Come on guys EVERYONE knows that the pineal gland is where the soul and body meet in the classic Cartesian model.

ding ding ding... So our government puts poison in the water, that builds up in an area of our brain that has long been associated with soul, 6th senses, growth hormores etc... I wonder what kind of effects this could have ;)

Ok yeah too far for some of ya hehe

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CyberHippie must have been Milhouse as a kid!

Bart: So finally, we're all in agreement about what's going on with the adults. Milhouse?

Milhouse: [steps up to blackboard] Ahem. OK, here's what we've got: the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people --

Bart: Thank you.

Milhouse: -- under the supervision of the reverse vampires --

Lisa: [sighs]

Milhouse: -- are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner. We're through the looking glass, here, people...


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impressed by what an open discussion on the topic this has been... 10 years ago it would've been much more heated... 20 years ago practically taboo

Yet, oddly enough, about a hundred years ago, people would be wondering what the big deal is and what is so taboo about older men and teenage girls. At one time, older men were expected to seek out teenage girls, who were thus of "marrying age".

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(sung to the melody of Bryan Adams 'Heaven')

I'm finding it hard to believe, you're Eleven.

Haha. The underage thing only matters if it's a young girl. Recently after a hockey game, we were talking in the lockerroom, and one of the guys mentions he's about to become a grandfather. Well, he didn't look that old, so after quizing him a bit, we found that he'd 'put the puck by the goalie' when he was 13, and she was 23. Everyone laughed. No one thought it was wrong, or that he'd been statutorily raped. Then again, they grew up in rural alberta. I'll save you my farm animal comments.

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From: http://www.sacc.to/sya/crime/law.htm

CONSENT (Your Rights About Saying Yes or No)

The law about consent can be complicated.

Even if you do say yes, there are some cases when the other person can still get charged. Sometimes, you're not legally allowed to consent to have sex:

Basically, the legal age of consent is 14 years.

If you are under 14 years old, and you have sex with somebody more than two years older than you are, the other person can be charged with Sexual Assault. If you're 13 years old, you can consent to have sex with someone who' s 15 years old but you can't consent to have sex with a 16 year old person. The 16 year old person can be charged. If you're under 14 years old, you can't consent to have sex with anyone more than two years older than you are.

If you are under 18 years old, you can't legally consent to have sex with someone who is in a position of trust, power or authority over you. For example, a minister, coach, employer, teacher, police officer, etc. can be charged.


For the most part, I agree with the above law. So do most of the high school students that I've taught over the years. But it does make for interesting discussion, that's for sure.

Peace, Mark

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You sort of walked into that one. People have told me before it's a good thing I didn't end up a teacher because I would have slept with one of my students by now and, well, I wouldn't be a teacher anymore. I know it's no laughing matter- just a dig people have made before (with some merit).

It is sad that story about the teacher in Northern Ontario- forget the town- who was falsely accused of interfering with his female student and ultimately charged and killed himself. The Globe handled the story in a very balanced way at the time. It was odd because he had took all the steps he could have to limit his exposure to this female student that clearly had a crush on him. He did however have a history of having a relationship with a student in Nova Scotia that complicated things. He was also married to a former student at the time. Still with all that going against him the Globe was more concerned with how the school board investigated parallel to the police which seemed inappropriate if it was a criminal matter.

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If you are under 14 years old, and you have sex with somebody more than two years older than you are, the other person can be charged with Sexual Assault.

What makes you say this? I have only ever "heard" this, but have never seen any legal authority for it. I don't claim to be an expert, as I do not defend sexual assault actions, but this is certainly a question that I am often asked.

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People have told me before it's a good thing I didn't end up a teacher because I would have slept with one of my students by now and, well, I wouldn't be a teacher anymore. I know it's no laughing matter- just a dig people have made before (with some merit).

I'm the one who tells people that who tell me I should be a teacher. Kinda joking too, probably wouldn't ever have a problem, but prefer not to find out. The teacher who tried to talk me into it said I'd feel different once I held the position of responsibility. For all my crass words I have a very innocent mind. And am pretty sure I'm no mental match for a lot of 17 year old girls out there.

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