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Things people do that piss you off

Davey Boy 2.0

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Alright, well given my general hatred of people overall, it's hard to narrow this down, but a particular habit of my mother comes to mind when I think of things that "piss me off":


SM: "Hello"

Mom: "Hi. I know you're at work, so are you busy?"

SM: "Yes, actually I am appearing in Court tomorrow, and I've just been served with an argument incorporating all sorts of caselaw that I hadn't anticipated, so now I am scrambling like crazy to get my Reply prepared in the next hour, and I am going nuts."

Mom: "Anyway, I'm calling because... blah blah blah"

SM: "As I said, I'm really under the gun here to get something completed in the next 59 minutes, so I really have to go..."

Mom: "Anyway, blah blah blah..."


I thought the word caselaw was coleslaw, cuz I hate it when I am anticipating coleslaw and don't get none

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In Korea, the concepts of "waiting" and "standing in line" are unheard of. This angers me. I think these issues will one day cause me to be arrested.

The other day, I was standing in a line at the coffee shop; there were two women in fron of me, and one more behind me. So this older dude (probably around 55 or so) walks right up to the counter and orders a coffee for himself. And what does the counter staff do? Tell him that there are four other people standing in line, and that he'll have to wait? No, they SERVE HIM!! This happens ALL THE TIME in any imaginable location - coffee shops, subways, restaurants, public washrooms - basically anyplace where you might possibly have to stand in line. And although the culprits are usually older men, they aren't exclusively so. It could be anyone. And while I understand the whole concept of elder respect over here, this guy wasn't an old man by any stretch of the imagination.

Just as bad is the subway. While most people will stand nicely in two different lines on either side of the door and wait for everyone else to exit before they attempt to enter the subway car, there will always be a few people who will ignore the lines and then stand right in the middle of the doorway and try to push their way on to the subway before anyone else has had the opportunity to get off. This drives me crazy. Not only are they too rude to wait in the line with everyone else, they're too rude to wait for you to get off - which of course, would only make it easier for them to get on! At 6'3" and 190 lbs, in Korea I'm considered a giant. So I make myself as big as possible, fold my arms across my chest and literally bulldoze these assholes all the way back - my record so far is pushing three people (at once) back about ten feet - by which point it was almost impossible for them to get back onto the train before the doors closed. Assclowns.

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I feel your pain, Hamilton. We are well familiar with those same people in the lineups for the gondolas and chairlifts in Whistler.

Whistlerites generally know that it is considered part of "Asian values", but the lifties certainly educate them on "Canadian values" when they try to get on the lift ahead of those polite enough to wait.

We have a similar problem in Whistler with Aussies who believe that they shouldn't tip anyone in a bar or restaurant because they don't have to in Australia; and we tend to educate them as well.

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Tipping kinda pisses me off. I know service industry workers in restaurants, bars, hotels? make less than minimum wage and rely on tips to cover things.

But when a bartender at a local bar, with average service, is bringing home over $300 a week in undeclared tax-free income, it kinda grinds my gears. People close to me have made over $500 a night in tips working at Capital Music Hall back when it was a good bar.

Why not pay people a decent wage, they'll do their job well, and tie in some incentives for exemplary performance?

I don't like that I'm obligated to append my bill for average service by average bartenders or wait staff all the time.

Damn cultural norms.

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"undeclared" tips = tax fraud.

exactly. how many people that get an envelope of cash every two weeks or a wad of bills every night actually count up that money and declare it?

but it's not really that that pisses me off, although it makes things unfair to the rest of us who pay taxes like we're supposed to.

"Hey barkeep, you really handed me that beer well, which is exactly your job. But, I'm gonna give you a little bonus, because, well, you handed it to me soooo well." F that.

Maybe I'm grumpy.

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How about using "of" instead of the "'ve" contacted form? I've seen people write "I could of done that" instead of "I could've done that" (the contracted form of "I could have done that", with the "'" taking the place of bits of "have" that were left out), and it mystifies me, because you end up with a completely nonsensical sentence.



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I want the collective lot of you here that are irritated by bad grammar to come in to my classes as guest speakers so they can take somebody else's word for it!

On that note, people in government, school boards, and teachers who don't think grammar's worth teaching in school piss me off.

I hear ya! What boggles my mind is how many people who are "well educated," and hold positions of some sort of distinction, have absolutely no ability to communicate with the written word.

FYI, i also hate "FYI," kewl, diss, axe (ask), "I seen it," etc., etc. ...

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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I hear ya! What boggles my mind is how many people who are "well educated," and hold positions of some sort of distintion, have absolutely no ability to communicate with the written word.

hmmm... was that on purpose then?


edit. wait maybe I'm an ass... Is that a real word?

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am i wrong?
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