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Drunken Late-Night Cuisine


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Hey Johnny, member thtime we got drunk and you cooked chicken burgers in a pot in the oven cuz the top of the stove didnt work? Ya, and you didnt tell me, but you said the burgers were ready and they're on the stove? Then I stammered over to the kitchen and grabbed the pot only to realize it was like a thousand degrees? And I had to sleep with my hand draped over a frozen pack of mixed veggies? And for the next week and a half my hand looked like it had leprocy? Remember that? That was awesome.

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it is amazing though how creative you can get in that kinda state- i know i've looked in the cupboard sober before, saw nothing worth eating only to return to the same cupboard hours later to have a feast fit for a [color:#cccccc]drunken king.

all it takes (for me) is some cheese and a vehicle for said cheese and perhaps some sort of counterpoint to add substance...

our neighbour is notorious for cooking roasts, making cakes, casseroles, etc après midnight. last time i hung out with him he ate at least 2/3 of a full chocolate cake that he'd thrown together at about 12:30

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Mine usually involves leftovers put between bread. Lasagna sandwich, chili sandwich..I also grab the ja of salsa verde and douse something with it..bread, a cracker, anything. The brand name is Herdez and it's decent.

I always chase my late night snacks with a few spoons of plain yogurt because my theory is that that prevents hangovers and sour stomach. Though at the time it tastes worse than buckley's

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since you mentioned it, and seem to know about this kinda stuff...what's the difference between salsa and salsa verde....i bought a bottle of herdez the last time i was at the grocery store and noticed it's a bit different from my normal salsa...maybe a bit more watery.

i always want to eat either cereal or oatmeal, depending on the season late at night, but i have this phobia about drinking milk if i've been drinking within the last few hours...so i usually just skip it. if it takes more than 3 minutes to make, i don't have the patience or focus to deal with it. and everything i keep in the house is mealy, rather than snacky, so no quick answers, most times just a big glass of water to fix the dehydration....but if i have to, some veggies and dip, or some raisins, or some cappucino pudding, or just a plain cup of coffee.

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I used to order pizza then I fell asleep a few times before it arrived

that was us last weekend, we woke up as the guy pounded and pounded at the door, it was good za.

i agree with the "all you really need is cheese" most definitly. my go-to drunken latenight snack has been normal salsa and cheddar and garlic salt or powder all on toasted bread, be it a bun or dempsters, whatever, bread is what i need when im pissy loaded to feel not-so-bad the next day.

we got some of that herdez verde too, weve used it only a few times, theres something about it, it just tastes like sweaty mexicans or something, its pretty good though.

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I wonder if we could whip up a series of several-minute-long video clips featuring a couple of people/hosts coming home late/drunk, and digging around to make some pre-crash-out munchies. Upload them to YouTube under a decent brand name (e.g., "The Drunken Groumet") as a series, and see if they catch on...



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since you mentioned it, and seem to know about this kinda stuff...what's the difference between salsa and salsa verde....i bought a bottle of herdez the last time i was at the grocery store and noticed it's a bit different from my normal salsa...maybe a bit more watery.

Salsa verde is rendered green because it employs tomatillos instead of tomatoes for the base and for acidity. otherwise it's often just onions, garlic, chiles and cilantro just as if you were making any other salsa. I like it because it's a little tart and a little sour.

Herdez is a bit watery true, I guess that's the consistency they choose. Keep your eye out for the La Costena brand, they make a few really good salsas and sauces...They have one called Ranchera Salsa which has chipotle and a few other types of chiles in it...it's outstanding.

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