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So Much Controversy and Arguing Lately...


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dude, like, that's because you,like, stole my veggie burrito....and like you owed me $3 from that, like, stop for McVeggie burgers...and, brah, like, i ordered 14 tickets to the "it" festival and, like, you only paid, like half price for the one you said, like, you were going to buy....wow, bummer...

....and then you sold me, like, some doses that really were JUST Altoids!!!!

like wow, totally

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like, wow, brah.....you really sound like you've got some, like, negative vibes happenin' man......like, do you want a bite of my veggie dog?....wow, do you need, like, a hug......or.....like.....do you want to step up to the shit trough and take a drink, you good for nothing, shit-for -brains, lick load.........wow, like, i don't know what came over me....wow

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Ok,here's the rules...err....rule I guess.

~You line up face to face and the keep punching each other in the throats until theres only one left standing.

After that its free for all.....may I recommend eye gouging or perhaps a good over bending of the finger or thumb.


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