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4-4:20 pro pot speech at cop shop...smart?


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I've just been informed by one of my ummm, colleagues, that there is a pro marijuana march/smoke in at the Hamilton Police Station today at 4pm.

Apparently, the leader speaker is going to spark up a half ounce joint, after his speech. The media is going to be there, to watch all the pot heads smoke joints on teh cops steps.

Now, for all you educated, responsible smokers out there, how is this going to help or improve anything? I dont think this is good media relations. I dont think anyone who is on the fence about the legalization will respect a bunch of stoners rubbing it in the face of the legal organization that is being nice enough to 'look the other way', while our laws are being written/rewritten.

Am I out in left field for thinking this? I asked the person who told me about this event today, why he was going. He replied, to get high on the cop shop steps. This, if anything, is going against our cause.

We have always asked to be allowed to smoke in the responsible confinments of our home. Now there's going to be a 1000 (or so estimates show) people getting high at the cop shop, then driving home; exactly what the police have warned us against.

What do ya'll think about these actions taking place by Hamilton Pot smokers. Apparently, its one of the main High Times writers or editors who is holding this ralley. Dont they understand what they are doing is not proactive?

Or is it, and i'm just not seeing the light? (maybe my room is too smokey right now.)

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stupid wanker bullshit...

hey look how irresponsible we are now, people of all ages sticking our drugs in your face

good way to get the conservatives voted back in and make sure possession becomes a criminal offence again

some people are just dying for attention

if you want to make a pro-pot statement to society, do a good job at work or school, be a good member of your community and admit in a low key fashion that you gladly partake of the herb

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if you want to make a pro-pot statement to society, do a good job at work or school, be a good member of your community and admit in a low key fashion that you gladly partake of the herb

now that is something that would work. maybe i should go down and see if i can get anything said to the media, 'from a responsible smoker'.

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"some people are just dying for attention

if you want to make a pro-pot statement to society, do a good job at work or school, be a good member of your community and admit in a low key fashion that you gladly partake of the herb"

Amen, brother paisley! I guess the idea is that this is a media event. Unfortunately, I can only imagine the representation pot smokers in Hamilton will get when footage and photos get out of people getting stoned at the Hamilton Police Station at 4 in the afternoon. [Frown] I mean, why not have gay sex on the steps of a cathedral? Because that suggests poor taste, poor judgment and a lack of respect for your own cause. Same applies here.

Yeah, I saw that sign today and didn't think twice about whether I would go or not.

Is anybdy paranoid about the herb anymore???

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upon reading more on Cannabis Cultures website (the dude doing this bunk), he claims

"Emery's tour continues to serve an important purpose, establishing pot precedents in every city where he stops. Every time Emery is not arrested, police publicly admit, before the watchful eye of the media, that marijuana laws are of no force and effect in their city."

and here's the problem:

"As one enthusiastic puffer who attended Emery's cop-shop smoke-out in Prince George said, 'At times I've been so tired of hiding my love of pot that I wanted to walk up to the police station and smoke a joint right in their faces. Marc Emery gave me the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream."

if your lifelong dream is to smoke on a cop shop step, you need to get your dreams in order.

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I just found his cell number. He encourages people to call him. Should i call him? Man, i dont want to sound like an idoit.

Maybe i'll conform my thoughts and actually see if i can get through.

"For Ontario activists to call me, my cel number is 604-612-8785."

and yes, he spelled cell like that. [Roll Eyes]

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I was shown a flyer of this last night at mermaids and my very first question was "isn't that kinda rubbin their face in it"? And the reply was as dense as the idea (IMO)..."but it's not illegal dude"....come on,maybe not, but why rattle the cage with this topic,shows a certian lack of respect and responsability in my eyes.

If people want this to continue to be decriminalized then wouldn't showing the johnny laws and nay sayers that people are responsible with it?

my .02

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hahahahhahahahah duuuuuude thats been my dream for years braw

steve we should whip up some signs and head down there, or at least try and get on tv with a halfway decent thing to say,, not just blow smoke into the camera and say this ruuules dewwwwd

i wonder if the cops could still break out the firehoses and say unlawfull assembly or something

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Originally posted by bouche:

It's pathetic, really. Perhaps you should rally up some troops with signs of protest that says "What in the hell are you guys protesting?"


Smokers Against Irresponsible Demonstrations

The only people I've seen handing out flyers for this are dudes who've furnished their apartments and bought their cars sellin... I guess they figure it'll be good for business

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i agree with most of what has been said here, but i also believe that opinions have to change, and that isn't going to happen if we as potsmokers are passive and don't make our choices better understood. i don't think your colleague has got the right attitude going into it, but hopefully he is a minority and there will be a lot of people there smoking pot and being responisible and respectful about it. i do think that the steps of the cop shop is kinda pushin, but then again haven't some cops been kinda pushin us kind plant-lovin folk too? i guess it's a good location for drawing a crowd... but i personally am not up for rubbing it in the cops faces ---- they are, after all, the enforcement, not the law makers.

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they are, after all, the enforcement, not the law makers.

good point... better to have a smoke-in on the beach or in a nice park... let the press know... have shuttle buses available... put up some signs on the periferal warning of second-hand smoke... play some guitars and drums, make some art, blow bubbles, smile a lot and speak your mind

well, lets at least hope its not all 16 year olds that show and everyone is well-behaved and polite

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ok - that last post took me too long to write... reading what the dude putting this on has to say - forget it. this kind of protest is messed. the only way to go is the Smokers Against Irresponsible Demonstrations approach.

keeping with my original point, though, i do think the general public need to better understnad the effects and uses of the herb in order to fully tolerate if not embrace it.

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I went to the smoke out in London yesterday and for the most part it was cool. Two big ass complaints though. !.
Most of the people who showed were either little kids or weedless mooches.
That was okay though share and share alike. @. This is a big one and I think an insult to Marc. Marc brought this joint and I don't think that's the right word, it was like a fucking torpedo.
People let it canoe to fuck. And then some super classy piece of shit walked off with the joint before it was half done. What the Fuck is that?
But as for Marcs part in the whole thing good job and well done. I hope people had a good time at the Hippy Cafe but we couldn't find it. Boo to that. To the guy who took the doobie, I hope it burnt well for you because you are going to burn for eternity in a hell with no weed. I didn't get to try it but people said it was amazing. And the only thing I can say about Marc is that this guy loves to talk and toke.

like you figured, paisley, underage kidz smoking pot on TV. WTF is that!#$@!$!

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Ahh, Emery. Emery is an idiot. There's little doubt of that. I know a lot of west coast 'assoctiates' who would like to see him strung up by the balls for constantly taunting the police and drawing attention to their operations. I saw him in an interview and he was the perfect stereotyped stoned guy: He was slow to respond and had a difficult time concluding his thoughts (probably because he forgot how they started). If you want to do a favour to the pro-pot movement, get him out of the way. Rubbing this in the faces of the police is just going to further alienate the smokers from the non-smokers and the police are going to have a gay old time extracting their revenge if the laws reverse.

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Originally posted by earthfreak:

i do think that the steps of the cop shop is kinda pushin, but then again haven't some cops been kinda pushin us kind plant-lovin folk too?

No, at least not recently. And generally not ever, so long as there was discretion and respect on the smoker's part - this is my experience, yours may be far different of course.

I see your point though but I do want to discourage the idea that since the dirty cops have been hassling us, we'll hassle them, not that that is what you're perpetuating, I realize that.

I've only been hassled by the police about the demon weed once in the 15 years since I first tasted it.


oh yeah c-towns has a good point. I can't really get out of work to go represent at a pot rally, but please, if you can, go, and do us proud!

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Originally posted by c-towns:

All of you people on this board in the area, should go down there and express these opinions and get into the medias ears, don't smoke any herb there, just express your views about all of us responsible smokers out here.

actually, my hot-headed responses aside, thats not a bad idea

too bad I have long hair and a beard and fit the stereotype so well (even though I rarely smoke)

if you go, dress nice... save the tie-dye for seein bands

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well, (this may be pointless) but i just contacted chtv channel 12, hamiltons tv station, and offered another opinion regarding the actions of this idiot.

to my surprise, they patched me through to the editor who is writing the story in the paper tomorrow. he asked if he could record our conversation, then we spoke for around 5 minutes...

he thanked me for my comments, and said he'll email me the finished article, incase i dont agree with something he's written/quoted.


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