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Cops like this give cops a bad name

Kanada Kev

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I truly hope that this officer gets in shit for this kind of behaviour:


You can contact me at stgeorgeoutofcontrol@yahoo.com

This happened in a speed trap town in Missouri called St. George with only a few ... all » officers that think they have more power than they really do. This happened outside of their jurisdiction and they have no police powers, except for felonies in progress, where they stopped me, according to state law.

The commuter lot is open 24 hours a day and can be confirmed by calling 1-888-Ask-MoDOT.

You can see me pass the officer at :08 seconds as he nearly blocks the road as he sits waiting for the next car without license plate lights to come by.

You'll hear this officer tell me he'll make up "9 different charges" including resisting arrest before he has even tried to arrest me. You'll hear him say how I didn't use my turn signal and I was weaving when the video clearly proves him wrong.

I truly thought if I didn't suck up, I would be beaten and maybe killed.

I think the officers last name is Sgt. Kenline, but I am not sure on the spelling, if you know for sure, please email me.

Please excuse the clicking in the video

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Holy shit!

It's not as bad, but this reminds me of when a cop literally had me in tears making fun of me for "not being able to afford a coat".. (I wasn't wearing a coat in January because I had just come out of a venue with no coat check that is smokin' hot inside..)

He got me outta my car and had me standing outside shivering for 20 minutes while he made fun of me.. He came to the conclusion that because I was driving my parents car (because mine was in the shop), and I wasn't wearing a coat, and there were dreadlocks involved, that I couldn't afford a coat.. Nice guy...

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sounds like he was already having a bad night but whatever, if you can't handle the job you shouldn't have the job... just over shit like that I usually include "sir" in any sentence I say when dealing with the cops

if you know the date and time of when it happened (and where) the station should know who was working at that location

shining example of whats wrong with america, might isn't right no matter how loud the person yelling it at you screams it

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Missouri: Police Threaten, Detain Motorist for Parking After Hours

A St. George, Missouri police officer is caught on tape threatening to invent charges to arrest a motorist for parking after hours.

Brett Darrow videoA motorist who refused to discuss his personal business with a St. George, Missouri police officer was threatened with arrest last Friday. Brett Darrow, 20, no stranger to unconventional encounters with police, caught a St. George Police Sergeant named Kenline stating that he had the power to invent charges that would put Darrow behind bars.

"Try and talk back... to me again," yelled Sergeant Kenline. "I bet I could say you resisted arrest or something. You want to come up with something? I come up with nine things."

The incident began at around 2am. Darrow was to meet a friend who was working late and was going to pick him up. Darrow headed toward a 24-hour commuter parking lot in an unincorporated part of Saint Louis County in his 1997 Nissan Maxima. He put on his turn signal and entered the lot which, aside from Kenline's cruiser, was essentially vacant. After stopping the car, the police officer approached and began questioning Darrow about what he was doing. When Darrow declined to discuss his personal business, the police sergeant exploded. Although the video clearly shows Darrow driving properly and using his turn signal, the police officer insisted that Darrow had broken the law.

"Oh, while you were coming towards me you were swerving back and forth within the roadway," Sergeant Kenline said. "I might give you a ticket for that. You want me to come up with some more? When you turned in, you failed to use your turn signal, your right turn signal."

Without the video, Darrow points out that he would have stood no chance disproving the officer's word in court. Twenty-eight percent of the St. George municipal budget comes from traffic citations. Darrow wonders how many of the tickets were legitimate.

"Looking into this guys eyes, he was crazy," Darrow said. "I was really scared he was going to assault me. I just wonder how many other people have been arrested on these charges."

After ordering Darrow against the car and searching him, Sergeant Kenline released the motorist.

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(KMOV) - An area police officer is on unpaid leave after making a series of verbal threats to a driver.

The incident happened around 2 a.m. Saturday in a commuter parking lot near I-55 and Revis Barracks in St. George.

It started when Brett Darrow pulled in the lot to meet with friends. Sgt. James Kuehnlein followed him and quickly got upset when the driver asked why he was being pulled over.

That driver caught the officer on tape cursing and even threatening to make up charges against him.

As driver Brett Darrow questions Sgt. James Kuehnlein, the officer's temper quickly flares.

Darrow says he runs his in-car camera anytime he's driving to protect himself against scenes like that.

Darrow says he mounted the camera after getting a ticket a year-and-a-half ago he doesn't think he deserved.

The St. George police chief says this is the first time he's ever received a complaint against Sgt. Kuehnlein during his 2 years with the department.

The chief is investigating and will watch the dash cam video from the officer before making any decisions.

Darrow says he wants Sgt. Kuehnlein fired. Right now the Sgt. is on unpaid administrative leave.

The police chief says by the end of the week we should know Sgt. Kuehnlein’s fate.

This isn't the first time Darrow has posted video like this. Back in December he had a run-in during at a DUI checkpoint.

Darrow says he just wants to make sure the people hired to protect and serve don't become a danger to citizens.

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KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A thief chased and caught by a group of Malaysians after he snatched a woman's handbag turned out to be a policeman, a newspaper said on Tuesday.

Bystanders gave chase on hearing the screams of a housewife at a coffee shop in Ipoh, capital of the northern state of Perak, when the thief grabbed her handbag, the New Straits Times said.

The man was taken to a police station, where a check of his identification papers showed he was a policeman.

Perak police chief Zulkifli Abdullah confirmed the suspect was a policeman, but declined further comment, saying police would investigate, the paper added.

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Looks like the Chief has reviewed the footage. How could he defend his officer? He couldn't. Hope he gets fired quickly and doesn't get to be on "suspension with pay" (=vacation to me!) for too long:



=St Louis Post Dispatch]Officer in trouble over motorist's video in South County

By Patrick M. O'Connell and Georgina Gustin



ST. GEORGE — A car-mounted video camera — more commonly used by police than against them — captured a loud and threatening confrontation in this tiny St. Louis County community that left an officer on suspension and the whole world able to listen in.

The picture doesn't show much, but the audio part of the recording, posted on Google Video and YouTube on the Internet, brought more than 300 protest calls to St. George Police Chief Scott Uhrig.

"I was very displeased when I saw the actions on the video," Uhrig said. "My officers are not trained and taught to act like that."

He put Sgt. James Kuehnlein on unpaid suspension pending further investigation.

Uhrig said the officer's actions were not justified, and he insisted the episode is not representative of his department.

A voice identified as Kuehnlein's can be heard taunting the driver and threatening to jail him on fabricated charges.

The tape, made late last week, was from a camera running in the vehicle Kuehnlein approached, police said.

Brett Darrow, 20, of St. Louis, said he was the driver who recorded the exchange. He posted it online Saturday.

"I wanted everybody to see that this kind of stuff does happen," Darrow said. "I thought if I just go to the chief or whatever, it would just get swept under the rug."

Kuehnlein could not be reached for comment Monday night.

St. George, a municipality of about 1,300, sits along Interstate 55 at Reavis Barracks Road.

In the video, Kuehnlein, a St. George officer for about two years, approaches a young man who was sitting in a parked car about 2 a.m. in a commuter lot near Spokane and Reavis Barracks roads. Kuehnlein asks for identification. When Darrow asks whether he did anything wrong, the officer orders him out of the car and begins shouting.

"You want to try me? You want to try me tonight? You think you have a bad night? I will ruin your night. … Do you want to try me tonight, young boy?"

Darrow says no.

"Do you want to go to jail for some (expletive) reason I come up with?" the police officer says. Later, Darrow says, "I don't want any problems, officer."

"You're about to get it," Kuehnlein is heard saying. "You already started your (expletive) problems with your attitude."

After the officer notices the camera, he says, "I don't really care about your cameras, 'cause I'm about ready to tow your car, then we can tear 'em all apart."

After more than 10 minutes of interaction, Darrow is allowed to go.

Darrow said he was not trying to entrap the officer. He said he pulled into the commuter lot to meet a friend. When the officer asked him for identification, Darrow said he didn't immediately present it because he believes the officer stopped him without probable cause.

Darrow said he installed the cameras in his Nissan Maxima after past run-ins with police. He said he was involved in a physical confrontation in 2005 with an off-duty St. Louis police officer, in a case Darrow said was later dismissed.

Darrow said he plans to meet with Uhrig today to discuss the weekend incident.

Chief Uhrig said Kuehnlein stopped to talk to Darrow because police have received reports of thefts from cars in the area. But, Uhrig said, based on his viewing of the online video, the officer acted inappropriately when he threatened to make up charges, and used a disrespectful tone and inappropriate language.

"We don't do that," Uhrig said. "Someone either violated the law or they didn't. You don't say, I'll lock you up and then come up with why afterward."

Joel Currier of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.

poconnell@post-dispatch.com | 314-863-2821

ggustin@post-dispatch.com | 618-624-2438


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet justice:


Police officer taped ranting at driver fired

* Story Highlights

* St. Louis suburb aldermen vote 5-0 to fire Sgt. James Kuehnlein

* Brett Darrow had a video recorder inside his car when Kuehnlein approached

* Tape of sergeant's threats, intimidation shown widely on Internet

* Kuehnlein's attorney says they have not yet decided on a course of action

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