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Wilco sells out. WTF!?!


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i think i read that VW is using wilco's whole new album for their campaign. i'll look for that article...

it doesn't really bother me when people put their songs in commercials. actually i find a lot of new songs that i like from commercials!

edit: here's what i read.. it's from "adtunes.com".

Wilco Tango Foxtrot

In what they are calling "an advertising first", car maker VW has licensed the brand new album Sky Blue Sky (iTunes) by the alternative rock band Wilco for use in their new Volkswagon TV commercial ad campaign. According to VW: "This is the first time anyone has ever used one album as a soundtrack for an entire TV campaign." Although it's not exactly clear how many different Wilco songs will be used in upcoming VW spots, roughly half of the new album's tracks are headed for VW commercials.

So far, the new VW Volkswagon commercials have featured the Wilco songs "The Thanks I Get", "Either Way", "Sky Blue Sky" and "You Are My Face".

As expected, this Madison Avenue music licensing deal has created the usual fan backlash. Coming to the band's defense is everyone from lead singer Jeff Tweedy's brother-in-law (writer Danny Miller) to the band Wilco itself:

As many of you are aware, Volkswagen has recently begun running a series of TV commercials featuring Wilco music. Why? This is a subject we've discussed internally many times over the years regarding movies, TV shows and even the odd advertisement. With the commercial radio airplay route getting more difficult for many bands (including Wilco); we see this as another way to get the music out there. As with most of the above (with the debatable exception of radio) the band gets paid for this. And we feel okay about VWs. Several of us even drive them.

It can be puzzling when some music fans are quick to repeat the "music industry is evil" mantra, but then turn around and criticize their favorite musicians for trying to make a living from their own music while that same music industry is in such turmoil.

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I think the idea of artists starving to maintain the integrity of their art is silly.

I didn't always, but nowadays I agree with the fact that if you are talented and can make some money from it, then why not???? Otherwise you'd be that guy sitting in your basement playing guitar and complaining about the music business and how they are "stifling your artistic talent" or some other blather. That just means you suck.


Really though. Wilco is a great band...they are not played on the radio often...I think I've heard them once ever. If this gets them more exposure and makes them a few bucks...more power to them. I'd do the same.

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Isn't Wilco under Warner and the lips under Warner also?

WTF? You don't think Warner Bros. is going to take royalty payments where they can get them, and you do think that the artists have greater control over where their music is played/sold than their publishing-overlords do?

Blame them for getting into bed with the majors, I guess. But they were different times, even in the case of Wilco who is pretty fresh, timewise.

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well, would have to say a lot of people do the school or work thing between 1 and 2 pm on a Wednesday afternoon

in my opinion the ease of downloading tunes simply raised the bar for the recorded music industry... payback for all the albums I bought for top dollar growing up that had one good song on them and the rest of it turned out to be barely listenable... hopefully some better bands will get signed and the barrage of over produced no talents will subside

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In general on this planet the more money you have the more elbow room you have....literally and metaphorically..so in away an artist maximizing profits may allow them to maximize their "artistic integrity" down the line.

Beyond that,it never seems to bother anyone when an artist they don't like sells their stuff...so its likely some sort of reflection of ourselves that bothers us(if it even does).While buying my 5$ chai latte today I noticed that all of the cd's that Starbucks sells(barring Maroon 5) are in my car, and guess what, the Wilco demographic matches the VW demographic(You know...us..dad rock.)We are not a vanguard of cool,we are adult contemporary!

Take a look at the band most frequently mentioned on this board.....this an adult contemporary music board.LOL

The only antidote is listening to punk after every jamband,a.c concert or disc.As someone pointed out a while back punk doesn't age well and is the only thing keeping us all from Roger Whittaker. :)

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Sorry but Wilco isn't starving in a basement somewhere for their art. They are quite successful, maybe not as rich as 50 Cent or Nickelback, but still doing pretty freaking well for themselves. I never knew the point was to be as big as Cher or Micheal Jackson. I thought it was about art, or at the very least rock and roll.

And I'm not angry, just disappointed and a little depressed.

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I was just flipping around the TV and saw not one but two VW commercials with Wilco songs in them. Either Way was in one commercial while What Light was in another. What the fuck?!? The Flaming Lips just did this with Dell not that long ago and Spearhead did it with Virgin Wireless. Where is the artistic integrity?

How else do you think bands that do not get radio support or sell many albums fund thier progress.

Music licensing is a key revenue stream. As long as it is done tastefully I see no sell out.

I didn't hear anyone scream when Ween did a VW commercial or Spearhead a phone commercial.

This is how things work now.

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