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My daughter starts high school today ...

mark tonin

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... and wow, I haven't felt this emotional in a long time! This will be her first day at a formal school; she has been home-schooled up until now. We will be heading into school together, as she is going to school where I teach.

And I can only imagine how my wife Liana feels, as she has been the primary home-schooling parent up until now. The incredible parenthood journey continues ...

Peace, Mark

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nice work, Mark, and I'm sure she'll be fine. Might be a bit overwhelming at first but high school is where lifelong memories, and hard lessons in life, are made.

I confess a little confusion as to why she is *starting* HS in February, but you needn't answer, I'm sure makes perfect sense.

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Thanks for the positive messages and words that make me smile and laugh.

She's starting now, at the start of the second semester, because the timing seems right when all is considered.

I'm confident that she will do well at school, although I'm sure that she will have to adjust to the huge number of students and the structure and rules at school. And it will take some time for her to meet some new friends at the school. I have my fingers crossed that she won't hit any bumps on the road that she can't recover from, as the teenage years can be filled with bumps, that's for sure.

From what I can figure out, most of the emotion is happening because her starting high school is a signal that the next phase of life is starting, and with it one is coming to an end. Where the heck did those 14 years go? It still seems like yesterday that I was holding my daughter in my arms just after she was born, with a huge dazed and confused smile on my face. That signaled the end of a phase of life and the start of another, just as this does. Maybe not quite as extreme of an emotional experience, but still a very intense one. And when I imagine just how quickly the next 14 years will go, I get a little freaked out ...

Peace, Mark

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Warms my heart to hear your reflections on the trip of parenthood. Sounds like a coming-of-age or rite-of-passage for all involved (parents and student alike).

Now with your daughter the school you teach at you may have to keep a closer eye on the ratemyteacher website!

High fives from Thomson to the Tonin clan.

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