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need advice - trying to quit smoking!


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Okay, if any previous smokers have any advice about how they kicked the habit of smoking - Please, Please, Please fill me in!!!!!!!!

I've been smoking since I was 14.....(I'll be 26 in April)...I smoke about one pack every day and a half.....

I've tried to quit numerous times - chewing the gum (makes me vomit), don't have money for the patch! I get extremely emotional.....

I know it's mind over matter - but there has to be some tricks that someone can share with me!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! It's been 12 hours since my last smoke (and 8 of those hours I was sleeping).

Wish me luck!

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I do wish you luck and strength Sunshine.

Quitting cold turkey is by far the best method IMO. It takes 2-3 weeks of courage and self discipline and after you've accomplished it you will be so proud of yourself. You'll be much stronger to take on other challenges.

I joined a gym the very day I quit smoking. I hopped on a treadmill and thought I was going to die right there and then. I walked for 10 minutes, got up to a jog for about a minute and just couldn't go on.

Each day I went, I was able to do more and more. This kept me motivated. It's incredible to me that after abusing myself with smokes for 9 years, how quickly my body became healthy.

You can do it darlin'. And when you do tell Dr. Hux how terrible he looks holding a cigarette. [Wink]

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I have only two pieces of advice (from a former smoker!)

1.) If you have a benefits plan, try the drugs. They magically make smokes taste horrible and take away that wonderful feeling of inhaling. I don't know how - but it works!

2.) Stay away from that Dr. Huxtable dude. He's a totally bad influence!

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i did zyban and didnt have any problems (drug plans cover if you get the generic brand)

but the best advice i could ever give is to stay far away from smokers and get rid of any evidence in the house of smoking (ashtrays, lighters etc.) - i STILL get tempted when i see my favourite zippo.

but honestly once you're off for a while it will be the best feeling ! no more worrying whether you have enough smokes to last you the night or if you have enough cash in your pocket to grab some more. No more worrying whether that plan ride to BC is going to be 6 hrs. of hell without smokes or the movie in the theatre --> That monkey will be gone baby!

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I'm also trying to quit smoking now. Right now I'm trying to smoke these herbal cigarettes made with ginseng. They are tobacco and nicotine free, but smell and taste like burning cat shit.

It really just makes me want to light up a real smoke. The patch and the gum never worked for me in the past, but I've heard that Zyban helps a lot of people quit. I think Zyban is like $75 though!

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Originally posted by Dr. Huxtable:

Yeah, my love is like bad medicine.

Yup, it induces seizures, vomiting, and rashes, and should be given to your pharmacist to be discarded as toxic waste as soon as the "Best Before" date is reached...



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Aside from the health benefits, H has some very important benefits DOWN!

I hated being pre-occupied with "when can I get a smoke in" constantly. Especially in movie theatres. To debate on which scene might be a good time to leave for a smoke seems so ridiculous now.

Long car-rides....OUCH! Having to hope someone will need to pee or wathcing the gas needle go down so you can get out for a smoke.

I stayed away from all of the smokers I knew for about a month. As for drinking and smoking, in that month, I would go out and drink with people that didn't smoke. I made it through a couple of nights, and that's all it took.

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doug is on the patch now and he seems to be doing fine - i had a realization the other day that he could just stay on the patch forever - it's cheaper, he's not getting a lot of the added toxins of cigarrette smoke - i'm not getting second hand smoke, the house isnt full of disgusting full asstrays, he doesnt smell, his teeth arent yellow and again it's way cheaper!

i think he thought i was nutz!

btw. drug plans do cover the zyban if you get your doctor to prescribe wellbutrin. Also even at $65 bucks a pop - you'll still be saving a wack of cash in the long run and ultimately your life, right?

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Thanks guys for the great advice and support!

I quit once for 5 months while in Australia... and it seemed so easy (however, they were notorious for putting tobacci in with their wacky) but no one around me smoked and I was constantly active.......

but it seems so hard this time. And the fact that we can still smoke in bars in London makes it worse!

However, I will give it all my strength.....

Thanks for the advice.

I realize I just have to put my mind to it! (Don't worry Ms. Huxtable - Dr. Hux says he can quit just like that!) Team effort! I guess I was a bit of a bad influence! I'm a naughty girl!

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My wife quit about 8 months ago, and she did it cold turkey. She was cranky for a week maybe, but that was all. She kept saying that the hardest parts were missing the "habit" smokes. The one after dinner, etc... If you can skip those, apparently the rest is clear-ish sailing.

Good luck Sunshine-Lisa!!!!

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Hey sunshine,

If you and the Doc can quit together, you'll make a great support team and be that much closer for kicking it together!

Then again...you may end up tearing each other's heads off during nic-fits.

Just stay positive and do whatever feels right for you!

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when you're dying for a smoke, go for a walk... or have sex... or jump up and down... use your lungs for what they're built for... exercise helps you get through a nic fit... eat healthy, get some organic fruits and such and do a detox of sorts...

avoid alcohol for at least a month, if anything'll break you down its a few drinks and sitting in a smoky bar...

(still smoking here but the last time I quit for 5 months thats what worked here)

good luck [smile]

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Originally posted by scottieking:

Try neck surgery.

Anybody else seen that anti-smoking commercial featuring the woman who had to have a hole permanently installed in her neck (trachea, just below the Adam's apple) because of smoking? She talks about having it, and how cigarettes caused it, and at the end, pulls out a cigarette, inserts it in the hole, and inhales...

It's on top-10 list of Creepy Commercials.



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Originally posted by bradm:

inserts it in the whole, and inhales...

It's on top-10 list of Creepy Commercials.

Oh my god, me too. That commercial freaks me out almost as much as that old "House Of Guitars" commercial with the guy dressed as the Easter Bunny... Remember that one? He says, "HOP, HOP, HOP" as he hops everywhere. I used to be scared of that one...

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I saw a commercial on Tuesday night that made me sit with my jaw dropped for about five minutes. It was a drunk driving commercial about a cop getting killed during a traffic stop. If you've seen it - you'll know what I'm talking about and shiver. If not, you're in for a disturbing thirty seconds - grab your blankie and a stiff drink. course...don't go driving after that stiff drink...that'd totally ruin the whole point of the commercial!

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I quit cold turkey about 3 years ago - I actually found that drinking helped me get through the first few weeks!! But stay out of the bars, if they allow smoking, that'll just kill ya. Plus quitting at the same time as my spouse was a real bonus. He used zyban and found it worked for him.

Exercise was the other essential ingredient.

Good luck!!!

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ick. - about the commercials.

If you've seen Dead Again the movie - great flick actually rent it today if you havent seen it... anyway, there is a reporter in there who smokes through his trache hole...

Also, remember MASH when someone performed a tracheotomy in the field with a pen knife and a ballpoint pen? I think i saw that when i was like 10 but i remember it vividly to this day...

Back to quitting - it really is all about the individual - i think it has a lot to do with where you are mentally with it too and somepeople just dont get as addicted as other people whether they realize it or not. [smile]

(i.e. the people who just smoke a few after work or on weekends - i mean puleeze - if you arent out in the cold freezing your ass off for a smoke you arent gonna have as hard a time as the guy who smokes a couple of packs a day)

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Keep the stories and advice coming!

I've made it through today so far! Getting a little wiggy; but a long walk helped and I bought some health candies to suck on .... over and over in my head I just keep telling myself that I need to quit.... there's too much to live for!

My friend's mom died of lung cancer and he said it was horrible to watch a nurse come in every day and drain her lungs, then to have her pass away on boxing day....that would really suck to know I brought that on myself.

Thanks again guys - this support means a lot.


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I have to chime in with the yah cold turkey- you end up feeling so accomplished once you know you've actually made it 3 weeks you'll never be able to go back. A harsh smoker who loved to smoke- even things like strong Davidoffs- a great magnum smoke after dinner- but once I feel in love with a nonsmoker I committed to quite and the only way I did it was cold turkey. Its the will that is the way.

I tried the patch but I found myself cheating anyway and it was as expensive as smokes so I figured either I spent my money on smokes and enjoyed them or I quite...believe me everything is better as a nonsmoker...

I never even thought I'd like coffee anymore - but it's even more enjoyable without a smoke!

good luck!

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