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String Cheese thoughts ....

mark tonin

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I've only seen this band twice, April 2000 in Toronto and July 2001 in Canandaigua, NY. Both times I was really impresssed and had a great time.

I know that a lot of people really like this band, but I've heard a few negative comments as well:

Some people say that the band is too "cheesy" ... if playing songs that make people dance and party and smile is being "cheesy", well I guess they are. I like dancing and partying and smiling.

Some people say that the band doesn't play a wide enough range of music ... I've never understood this, as I've heard them play bluegrass, rock and trancy dance stuff all in one show.

Some people say that the band only got big because Phish stopped touring for a while ... yes, that may have helped with the attendance at their shows, but many people made a decision to see this band over all of the other worthy jam bands that were also playing at the time.

I for one am excited that they are coming to Toronto, and am very much looking forward to attending a larger club concert that will have me dancing and grooving and smiling and laughing along with lots and lots of other kind people.

Peace, Mark

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i'm with you Mark!

I have only seen them once before and I thought it was great. I have several of their OTR releases and some of that material is killer. I think the Cheese is still evolving and from what i see they get better all the time!

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I've seen them 4 or 5 times now. It all started at that Finger Lakes show with you Mr. Tonin! I've been an addict ever since. These guys are one of my absolute favourite bands on the jambands scene today. Rock, bluegrass, country, and jazz all wrapped up into one beautiful, enveloping cloud of sound. If you've never seen this band, don't listen to what either side has to say, ignore all the politics, and get out there and check it out for yourself. I'd be surprised if you were disappointed.

Love and peace!

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I have seen the Cheese 7 or 8 times, starting with a nice small show in Portland, Maine in 1998, and I have seen them pretty much every year since at least once.

When I first listened to SCI in 1997 I loved them. I was on Phish tour in France and some guy from Colorado was going on and on about them so I grabbed some tapes when I got home and loved them as well. I soon started to rave about and love the shows I saw and listened to as well.

They are tight and talented as hell. They seem to have a really good time on stage and really care about thier fans. I have met some really great people at SCI shows, and they seem friendly. The music itself is far from boring. They have a very diverse style and change it up all the time. In recent years they have been getting pretty spacey, which I don't particularly like, but I can live with it. I prefer the older shows where they are more upbeat and energetic. That being said, the spacey numbers are great too.

I think the Cheese did benefit from Phish not touring for a while, and that is because they are a dman good band who people "discovered" when not listening to Phish. Personally I prefer Phish to pretty much anything else, but I love the Cheese and they are a close second in the jam band genre for me.

The shows are fun, entertaining, diverse and interesting. What more do you need for a night of entertainment?


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I've seen them 4 or 5 times between 1998 and 2001 and found that the shows ranged from amazing (10-16-98, 10-27-01) to quite good. Definately a FUN time. On the other hand, there are very few of their shows that I listen to at home. Just doesn't do it for me that way.

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Right on mark!

Well I am a fully 'converted' phishead gone cheesehead.. having seen them 42 times now, I can say that I still can't get enough!! Don't get me wrong, I still love my phish, but there's just something about the smaller, intimate, great sounding theatres that gets me going..even tho I still love the large, raged-out arena shows that ph puts on! Another aspect is the fans.. I will admit that i've thrown myself deep into the 'scene' and have gotten to know quite a few really nice people, i rarely find myself 'alone' at a show and always meet new ppl along the way!

But what really gets me, about the folks that ARE down on the cheese - is that most of these ppl have never really even given them a chance, or experienced it first hand... their opinions have been formed based on the negative views of others.

Its strange that ppl either love or hate the cheese.. the panic scene is a great example of how some folks 'hate' cheeese... i understand not liking a band, if it doesn't float your boat.. but hatred?! I think they all need a cheesy hug! ;o)

Cannot wait for the fall tour closer in toronto!!

Even tho its at a crappy venue... nothin' could possibly get me down for an incident!!

Anyway..just my 0.02... kung...bash away, i'll still be smilin' [Wink] ;o) ;p) !!!!!!!

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The ironic part is that people argue that SCI only got big because Phish took a hiatus. Does anybody remember what size venues Phish was playing in 1994. Let me think, did anything happen shortly after that to make their scene explode? Help me on this one, I know something happened, I just can't quite put a finger on it (maybe the finger is missing?)

Also, WSP is tops on my list right now, but SCI is probably numero two, so lets not sweep Spreadheads with the negative brush we always get hit with.

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I've got nothin wrong with spreadheads! Tho panic is one of the few bands that i've never really caught onto, even after seeing some great shows (bonnaroo...redrocks). But I know that many panic fans USED to be cheeseheads (more or less same territory, CO & GA), but have turned since the 97/98 cheese days.. I just witnessed so much 'rage' against the cheese, i was almost afraid to wear a SCI shirt going to a panic show!!

How one band gets big should have little or nothing to do with how good they are, or how much one can like them.. after all, its really about the MUSIC right?! Everyone has their own taste, lets not bash others for what they like!

I guess another part of the reason I've grown so attached to SCI, is their stellar SOUND...and from a taper's point of view, there's nothing better than going to a show and knowing you'll come away with a good pull!!

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Yes, Wi!!y, that Finger Lakes Canandaigua show was a blast ... what a sweet venue!

I'd go see String Cheese at that venue again in a second ... give me a hotel room with a pool on a hot summer day and a 10 minute walk to a smaller amphitheatre with some tasty Cheese, and I'm in!

Peace, Mark

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I am completely passive about SCI. I don't love 'em, don't hate 'em, although I do have to roll my eyes at the amount of abuse they receive, especially from the hands of my fellow Phish fans. [Roll Eyes] Pretty juvenile, if you ask me.

I saw them when they played at the Guvernment a couple of years ago and had a blast. Since then I have received a couple of shows from a friend, a nice gesture indeed and while I don't mind listening to them they never really grabbed me. I hold on to them to have as a reference point but I'm not really interested in venturing too much further into the SCI world. They just strike me as being somewhat lacking in real substance. A friend of mine has a line on guest passes for the Toronto show and should that go through, I may go to be polite and just check it out, but on the other hand, I may pass it along to someone else who's more excited by the band. I'm really that ambivalent about them.

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devil's advocate time...

The String Cheesy Incident, a summary:

Musicianship - excellent

Singing - poor

Sound - geriatric

Fans - great

Listenability beyond live - not so good

Originality - low

Fromage factor - 11/10 - like the GD's golden-years Foolish Heart phase.

The Cheese to me is just bland. No new twists on anything, just the Dead meets Phish thing again. (and yes, they should thank Phish's hiatus for all of their success AND the backlash) Kang's sound is just like Trey's, doesn't that bother anyone else? Their shows can be very entertaining (I've seen them 3 times), mostly due to the crowd, but singing about getting busted for hash in Texas is just too 'jamband cliche' for me.

If you don't like my opinion,

Heywood Jablomey

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My views here are not particularly a surprise to anyone. Having not seen them many think I have no right to an opinion. For the record I have also not seen Barry Manilow, Barbara Streisand, the Nylons or Creed. Odd how so many of us have a clearcut idea of what is total shite and we would never waste our money on yet that rationale doesn't somehow apply in the jam world. If you don't like a single song by a band, an album, a show- in short if there is nothing for you to latch onto why would you bother. It's like an over exagerated notion of democracy- you're not entitled to vote unless you have given every candidate a chance to plead their case. Nobody functions that way in any other area so why here? Oh yeah because we're obsessed with everyone getting along and respecting one another at least to each other's faces. We're got no issues trashing the shit out of each other behind one another's backs but this appearance of equality is soooo important to everyone. Where was I.... Oh yeah the Cheese suck and can't write a potent song to save their asses- take out the amphetamines, mountain scenery, mountain girls, ski bumming and you've got an overentitled bunch of twits who should have stayed in music school a little longer or gone in the first place.

AND the idea that they could make a 'tough' or 'angry' record is laughable. Add to that the fact that they self-consciously wanted to make a classic album in the spirit of Dark Side is so egotistical it's not funny. Overblown bar bands do not make 'classic' albums even with top notch producers. The laughability of their new album will clearly evidence how far they overreached and how deluded they truly are.

Peace Out

Your Friendly Neighborhood Hippy Basher

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1st saw them on 10/31/00 and had a lot of fun! There were times however where I had to stop dancing and look up at the stage to make sure it wasn't Trey playing those notes.

I've seen them 4 times since (surprisingly the Finger Lakes show almost put me to sleep) and I still have fun, but I can't say they blow me away, nor do I get a kick out of listening to their current live/studio on disc.

Maybe phans and others are so critical and vocal over their adversity towards SCI because they're offended that there's so many Cheese lovers who are overtly vocal in their undenying praise over them.

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Originally posted by zimmerman pt3:

Maybe phans and others are so critical and vocal over their adversity towards SCI because they're offended that there's so many Cheese lovers who are overtly vocal in their undenying praise over them.

Hmmm I don't know about that. If we want to talk about fans and make generalizations, I think there are other PHans who are way more vocal in their undenying praise for their favourite band. The messages of string cheese praise are just a drop in the bucket compared the the praises of Phish, which is fine. In my experience, yes I'm making a generalization, cheese fans love the music but don't run around trying to force everyone else to love it, and further more don't bad talk other bands and remain open minded to other artists.

I dunno... It doesn't really matter. At the end of the day we all love music and will choose to listen to what we enjoy. [big Grin]

As far as who copies who's sound... Trey doesn't sound at all like Fripp?

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Think cheese fans have it tough, try mentioning your love of Panic amongst the Dead Phishies.

To the matter at hand. I too have never seem them live, I bought Carnival a few years ago didn't do a thing for me really. There's no soul in them vocals IMHO. Have a few shows which are allright but like others have said not very replayable. I do have 1 show I like however but I think I like it because Michael Franti and Spearhead are all over it. If I lived in the area i would probably buy a ticket and give them the benefit of a proper listen. My biggest problem is that everything just seems too contrived. Their press releases about their big shows are way too hippy dippy trippy for me. I need Dark with my Light I need Anger with my Happiness. I guess thats why I'm a spreadhead.

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I've seen them three times and have all of their CDs (except the new one) I have also spent many hours trapped in cars driven by people insisting on listening to all 3 CDs from one of those live releases. Once, maybe two years ago, I really liked them. Right now I really don't like them at all. I think their sound is the litest, flakiest, whitest, most stagnant and derivitive fluff out there.

I'm pumped for the Toronto show though. No matter how cheesy or skilled a jamband is, it's all about the crowd. The three SCI shows I've seen (the first one blew me away and the other two just blew) all had huge, way-cool, clean crowds of people having kick-ass times...can't wait!

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I absolutely love SCI. I've seen them somewhere around 10 times now. I've traveled to Vancouver for a 3 night run, I've seen them at Red Rocks, Toronto, Ann Arbour, Finger Lakes, Darien, etc... This is one of the few bands that I will travel to see.

Why do I love them so much? I dunno, I find they have such a positive vibe. I find their music extremely diverse, "post-dead psychedlic bluegrass funk that rocks", but don't forget the latin, jazz, and carribean influes as well. They can hit all these different sounds in the span of 10 minutes. It's insane!

I'm so excited they are finally back up here, I'll definelty be at the Toronto show, even though it's at the shittiest venue in town [Confused] . I'm also really want to go to Montreal. Unfortunatly I don't have wheels for that weekend and haven't found any kind of a ride from TO. [Frown]

SCI is probably my favourite band from the 'jam' genre. All things considered equally, had I actually seen Phish since the hiatus, I'd probably always choose seeing a Cheese show over Phish show. Don't get me wrong, I love Phish, but for me the Cheese gives me more of what I need.

What really gets me down is how a lot of Phisheads are so down on the Cheese. What's up with this? If you don't like them, fine, don't see them. But people seem pretty intent on talking shit about them. I don't know why I take it so personally, but it really pisses me off! That's actually the reason I quit hanging out in the direct connect hub, 'Shnapster'. There was just way too much negativity there from the Phishheads.

Anyway, i LOVE cheese, they make joyful sounds! [big Grin]

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couldn't agree more trev.....the Phishheads who are so against the cheese kind of baffle me. Any person who goes through life replacing the letter or sound "f" with "ph" in all communications obviously have bigger problems than the Cheese.

Besides i get sooooo much grief already about liking the Dead and Phish that the last thing i need is some little hippy telling me what to listen to. [Roll Eyes]

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