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Street team for Canadian moe. dates


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Some people were asking if they could be involved in postering etc. for the moe. dates. Well, I just got the info, so drop rockgirl a line if you are interested. She is the person who runs the moe. field team. She would love some help with flyering in the area. Contact rockgirl@arielpublicity.com and in the subject write postering moe. canada.

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I had the same thing happen to me this past spring when I was shipped a bunch of flyers for the Adirondack Mountain Music Fest. Had to pay around $50 to receive them. Filled out a customs form and weeks later got most of my money back, but what a hassle.

A suggestion/recommendation for the future ... anything like this coming from the states should be emailed to someone in Canada and then printed here ... much faster, less costly, etc. I know that doesn't help for this show, but anyone involved in cross-border promo should keep this in mind for the future.

Peace, Mark

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Ok, did anyone else get the package I got?

Dig this:

20 posters for Warts and All

50 handouts of the Instant Live Tour ad

15 moe stickers

50 hanouts of the whole tour, sorta like what Beamish had printed up for those BluesFest after-parties

I am assuming I should write 'Moe at Barrymores yadda yadda yadda' on the Warts and All posters.

Does that make sense to youse guys?

(I am charging a beer a sticker)


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Agreed on the UPS criticism - cross-border packages always seem to get held up at the border and there is almost always duties, taxes and brokerage fee payable at the recipient's end. I was told once that it was due to their shipping contract, but who knows, I just try not to use UPS solely for that reason.

Alternately, if you recommend to the shipper that they send a package via FEDEX Overnight Express, and label the waybill with a value of $1 and as No Commercial Value, For Promotional Use Only, most times this problem is alleviated, especially if the package only contains documents.

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