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We are happy to announce that Both The Fat Cats and The Gratefully Dedicated Soundsystem will join The Burt Neilson Band in a celebration of Canadian Jam music on December 19th at Toronto's Opera House.

In what has become somewhat of an annual holiday event, we thought who better to share the stage with than the band who helped form the basis for all Canadian Jambands.

As well, Rory Levy brings his incredible collection of Grateful Dead music. I can still remember those endless nights at evolve listening and dancing with friends to the GDSS.

There was a time when BNB and Fat Cats made regular appearances on the same bill. A deep respect and friendship formed through these musical endeavors. Although these meetings have become few and far between, the spirit in which they originated remains.

We are excited and happy to bring you this event, and hope that we see faces both new and old..are you ready?

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