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Ottawa Folkfest moving to Hog's Back Park, 4 day festival


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Additional day and new festival site means more music, more accessibility for Ottawa music fans

For immediate release

Ottawa, March 8, 2011 — Ottawa Folk Festival organizers today announced plans to add a day to the 18th edition of the annual event. There will also be a physical move to a new festival site. This means that the 2011 Ottawa Folk Festival will become a four-day event, running from Thursday, August 25 to Sunday, August 28. Along with an additional day of programming, the festival will be moved from its past location in Britannia Park to Hog’s Back Park. Some of the many benefits cited for the move include the central location of the site, and the fact that Hog’s Back Park offers more flexibility in terms of space, sightlines, and stage settings.

“The festival is not viable in its current location for a number of reasons, but mainly because of accessibility,†says festival supervisor Mark Monahan. “This relocation is imperative to solidify the festival’s future.â€

The plan is intended to meet the needs of the festival’s existing patrons for a central location and to attract and develop new audiences by showcasing one of Ottawa’s more beautiful public parks, adjacent to the stunning Ottawa landmark known as Hog’s Back Falls.

“The additional day of programming is intended to do the same in terms of audience development through more music, more to choose from, and more inclusivity,†says Monahan, while adding that the Folk line-up will be announced on May 25, with tickets going on sale Saturday, May 28. This on-sale date for the general public will be preceded by a special pre-sale for Ottawa Folk Festival insiders. To become an ‘insider’ music fans can simply visit http://www.ottawafolk.com to sign up.


Ottawa Folk Festival media contact:

Andre (AJ) Sauve

(613) 247-1188 ext. 229

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not sure if i like this site. Bus wise will not be great. Sure can drive their but will always have to have a dd. Bike path's their are not bad, but it's a long hall from downtown. Still going to buy a pass most likely but i really thought it would be downtown

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It's a 20 minute bike ride from downtown to Hogs Back (unless you are riding on knobby snow tires, then it's about 30 minutes). I live in Sandy Hill and work at Prince of Wales and Colonnade, so this is my route to work.

Is Hogs Back Park the park North of Hogs Back Road, i.e. across the street from Mooney's Bay (and a bit east)?

One of the reasons that they are using for the move is easier bus access.

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Is Hogs Back Park the park North of Hogs Back Road, i.e. across the street from Mooney's Bay (and a bit east)?

This site has been talked about since 2009. Yes it is the park located North of Mooneys Bay Park and South of Vincent Massey Park. On this map where you see the Route 51 demarkation, just north of that where the two roads lead into the park would be the area of the main stage:


The sightlines, natural surroundings, close proximity to bus routes and students, availability and past experience with big events were all mentioned as reasons for the move.

While I agree that downtown would be better, the reality is that sites in the core are limited by their cost and availability.

I'm not sure what to think. I've been thinking about this site change for some time since it was announced internally and while it may make for a bigger fest- I will certainly miss being able to take a break and have a swim during the festival. I will not miss losing most of my crew at 11 so they can hit the buses while they leave the 3 or 4 driver volunteers to do tear down.

Oh and: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/259628/

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those were some haaaaaawt summer days in the past, tons of folks were swimming and only one grew an extra ear. ;)

i will miss britannia, i thought it was a beautiful spot, although clearly not the most practical. i'm sure the new & improved fest will be a blast like always.

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I will certainly miss being able to take a break and have a swim during the festival.

You swim in the Ottawa River? Dude.

DirrrrrrrrTeeeeeee. I skinny dipped as a teen in Andrew Hayden park. In that disgusting swampy bit in the middle..((((shudder))))

Sure hoping to make this festival this summer...I miss Ottawa so, so, soooooMuCH.

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