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I saw the Grateful Dead last night

snarfmaster C

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ya, that was a great mushy night [big Grin][Razz]

I can't wait to get that dvd!

The Rable On Rose that ended the evening was absolutely beautiful...too bad we couldn't have kept it going until sunrise [Frown]

Nice to see Yo and his van again

I loved how everyone was cheering and clapping throughout the night...i think I got my biggest laugh when someone yelled out a request for France! classic [big Grin][big Grin]

keep them coming Rory...more Dead!!

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Geez, I was afraid of not being able to get in if I made the trip to Toronto. Plus, I was there the night before for a show by Guided By Voices - THE most comparable band to the Grateful Dead in indie rock as far as fervent fan support and tape trading goes - and I didn't think it would be fair to leave my wife at home with the baby for a second night in a row!

I can't wait to experience Winterland in supreme 5.1 surround...

that new Allmans DVD sounds great in it!

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I had a blast myself... Jerry was smiling the whole night!!!!

The place was pretty loose too... my only little complaint, next time (and there better be one), they should pick a place that a) is a little louder and B) doesn't have anywhere to sit...

oh and ice for the soda. Warm rum and cokes are rough!

Anybody know where I can pick up a pair of shades like Bobby's?

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...was just down the street at the Uncle Seth/Electric Meat gig on Sat. and managed to make it down to the theatre for the first few tunes...good times!!!! only wish I had some 420, that was a pretty chill theatre....Winterland looked good too, looking forward to digging into it at home when it arrives....!

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An amazing thing to see - I had never really seen footage of that era of the Dead and I loved how they set up a tight little U-shape behind Jerry. Oh and Jerry. Where do I start? Astonishing guitar solo after astonishing guitar solo, it was incredible to watch up on the big screen. Here's where cliches ring true: the guy really did play in an "egoless" manner, a point where personality and proficiency merge and the guitar and the person playing it become one. This is why I rank Garcia as a player alongside the likes of Miles Davis or Louis Armstrong. He breathed music, what an amzing man, and what a treat to see him shaking his hair around, smiling and jamming away with an attitude he lost grasp of more and more as the 1980's took hold, as well as his addictions. An indispensible DVD for any self-respecting Deadhead. Get this before any of the View From The Vault series.

A wonderful evening. [big Grin]

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