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The 2004 New Year


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i'm very happy to stay in Hamilton.

I spend nye 98-2002 in differnt cities seeing different bands, but my fav ny (other than for big cypress) was spending last year at PJC with friends just listening to dj's....(imagine that del).

this year, we are fortunate to have the fatties playing nye (unless lightning strikes first).

I can't wait.

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Originally posted by MoMack:

Diesel Dog is playing in Dover...

If I do not get the balls to try a border crossing attempt,I think this will be my option,since every NYE I do somthing different.

I have stayed in Hamilton and have seen the Cats before(even though they are my favourite band) I really enjoy doing somthing different every year.

If I don't do this then it'll be camping again,probally in northern Ontario this time instead of Nunavut.

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Originally posted by MoMack:

Diesel Dog is playing in Dover...

And we all know anyone from Dover can party! (we make Catamites look like sissy-pants, and don't even get me started on those lame as KW or O-town crews... humph)

if by "catamites" you mean chathamites then momack yous in trouble boy! [Mad][Wink]

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Originally posted by insta-gator:


Originally posted by MoMack:

Diesel Dog is playing in Dover...

And we all know anyone from Dover can party! (we make Catamites look like sissy-pants, and don't even get me started on those lame as KW or O-town crews... humph)

if by "catamites" you mean chathamites then momack yous in trouble boy! [Mad][Wink]

You gotta earn the "h" sissypants!
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alright people, i'm working on finding us a cottage in Dover for New Years. SO far, its not looking too promising. I've received six NO'S, but i'm still waiting for six other places to reply. The hotels have rooms. Angelo's wants between $70-90 for a single, and the BrantHill Inn wants $100. Thats it for now, I'll keep y'all posted. If anyone knows of a cottage available, now would be the time to SPEAK UP!

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