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Nero @ lancaster TAvern.....


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Wow!!! Where do I begin?!?!?!?!?

FANTASTIC NIGHT -- thank you soooo much Mark and Nero! Perfect night to be introduced to sixfootgroove -- super fun.

The energy at the Lancaster Tavern last night was phenomenal!!! It was great to meet some new skanks...ladies you know who you are!!!

Thanks to Tigger and Deb for a great place to crash....Hey Tigger is Willy out of Bed yet? poor guy-- teehee. [Razz]

I think I continued to Dance in my Sleep all night long [big Grin]

Keep smiling kids!


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great times... i love coming home to kitchener. so many amazing people to see. the show was fun, as was the afterparty on erb. thanks to the hosts! there was jager, there was bowling, and bowl smoking... unfortunately i missed 6ftgroove. hopefully there will be a next time.

where were ya blaine?

thanks mark for putting this together!

everyone else, you rock! never met a skank i didnt like [Wink]

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Lisa, no problem. What kind of a guy would i be if i took that cab and left 5 people on the street.....A SMART GUY!! Truthfully don't remember the end of the night with too much clarity. I do remember calling four cabs at once and getting none of them [Wink]

Tungsten, thanks for the ride home BTW [big Grin]

Nero, wicked party as usual, loved the encore! thanks boys!

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Lancaster Tavern

Kitchener, ON

Set 1:

El Vezz



Chocolate Monkey Machine->

Falcon & The Snowman

Pumpkin Song

Whispy Mountain Wonder

Set 2:


Tonto's Underwater Paradise->




Downside Up

Great show, great energy. Fun afterparty. See you at the holiday run

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Originally posted by megrocker:

Esau better watch your shins next time
tee hee

Always a pleasure to see ya megrocker...and I'll be ready,got some new moves,shin-foo.... [Wink]

Great night indeed!! nero & the Lanc never disappoint,thanks Mark for a awesome evening.Cheers Briguy & Stu-dogg for the drivin,another flawless executed after-party...whose ever house it was.Always a great nite when you party with M...you rock my friend.Great to see so many folks from jambands.ca & jamhub.ca...the list is long,cheers to ya'll.

And as always thanks nero for the kind music!

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These don't really get on the website anymore, so here ya go:

Stardate 112803

nero w/ Six Foot Groove @ The Lancaster Tavern, Kitchener, Ontario

Now this was a good time. Me and Stapes and Sloth and Jaybone pile into my car for Sloth's birthday show, far away in Kitchener. A very quick-seeming seven-and-a-half hour drive later and we happily arrived at the preparty, hosted wonderfully by the lovely and talented Greg and Niomi. Yummy snacks and good times and off to the bar.

Just like last time here, the weather outside was frightful, but Mark Tonin is so delightful that we didn't mind. Neither did the more than 200 people that came out for the show. Six Foot Groove were a good solid funk band. Horns, the whole bit. I was working the door so I couldn't really pay as much attention as I would've liked, but they sounded good from where I was sitting.

nero played a great couple of sets. I just love watching them play Centragnome. At the peak each guy gets a chance to be the cue guy, and I get a kick out of seeing it go down. They made a well-deserved dedication to Sloth, playing Pumpkin Song for his birthday request, and I can tell you he had a good time. As usual, huge props go out to Mark Tonin, the man with the mission to make these shows happen. A scholar, and a gentleman.

One interesting episode occurred when a woman with an eastern European accent complained that her husband's coat was missing. Now, there is no coat check at this bar, but what there is is a coat rack right behind the door guy, and we (I and Mark) were kind enough to allow all who asked to hang their coats there, totally self serve, totally nothing to do with us. We tried every reasonable reasoning, to no avail. When I observed that a) there is no coat check and her husband left his coat at his own peril, and B) that she had no coat check number or receipt proving that her husband even put his coat there, she told me to stop talking. Bottom line, she was furious. I understand losing your coat sucks and all, but she laid this on us for a half an hour. Eventually Mark found the husband and made everything cool in two seconds.

Off to the afterparty, at Jeff's place. Very fun, very late, very drunk and stooopid, very very long fuzzy-brained five hour drive home. Ugh.

Quote of the Day: "Man, you're nuts."


El Vezz



Chocolate Monkey Machine>

Falcon & The Snowman

Pumpkin Song

Whispy Mountain Wonder



Tonto's Underwater Paradise>



E: Downside Up

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'twas a drunk & snowy night in the land of k-dubbaya... i'm now convinced everything mark tonin touches turns to fun. [smile]

wow, what a great night... superb hospitality at the pre-events, the show itself was a blast, and the only thing better than the fantastic music was the staggering number of awesome people who came out for the show. it was great to see so many familiar faces, and what a treat to meet some new folks too. cheers to all you out-of-towners who made the trek in the crappy weather.

special thanks to mark tonin & velvet and anyone who helped put this night together, and of course to that great american jamband, nero, and sixfoot groove for the awesome music.

definitely looking forward to the next tonin event!

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Well I also wanted to chime in and say it was great seeing the brothers-in-arms and playa haters alike. The Lanc is a great room I'd never been to before and it was inspiring me to go straight up Patrick Swayze Roadhouse on some feeble twit. Ah but it was not to be. Eveyone was as well behaved as a debauched pile of goo could be. I liked when the band played that song.

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