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I just spent the night at the Beer Factory


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Not that anyone really gives a rats ass...but I'm working for this temp agency for a month, and I just spent 8.5 hours inspecting Mike Hards lemonade and Laker Beer.

Yes I am working at the Formosa Beer Factory where they make Amber Brick, Red Cap, Laker etc.

It is such an extremely boring job....and I swear some of the people checking the beer just didn't have the proper eyesight to be doing so! [Eek!]

It was weird how much "foreign matter" and "glass" you can find in beer... I will never look at a beer the same way!!!

Oh well....tomorrow night should be interesting. It's going to be a 12 hour shift on an assembly line of making and bottling Laker.

I'm just glad I have two diplomas. Being a beer bitch is no FUN.

That's my story -- oh well I get to drink two free beer at the end of the night. [big Grin]

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Originally posted by Sunshine:

It was weird how much "foreign matter" and "glass" you can find in beer... I will never look at a beer the same way!!!

I found a folded bottle cap in a bottle of Conners Best Bitter this summer. Weird thing is that I didn't even recognize the beer the cap came from, like it was a bottle from the deep south or something.

Sounds like you have the best job ever.

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Thanks for the update, Sunshine ... your friends do give a rat's ass about what you are doing [big Grin]

Sometimes ignorance is best, especially when it comes to things like food prep, beer bottling, etc. I'm sure some people on this board could share some "scary" stories about working in restaurant kitchens, etc.

Peace, Mark

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As for samples....just two beer at the end of the night. If you are a full-time employee I think you get a 12pack every week for free, or they charge you $2.00 if you don't bring back your empty's.

My shoulder is soooo sore from lifting each individual beer bottle up and tipping it up against the white light...oh my eyes!

This one older lady kept giving me the evil eye, cause it seemed like a few of the men were catering to me...."oh let me get that case of beer for you" .... it was cute, but I put them in their place pretty quick.

Tonight should be really interesting! 12hrs..eek! [Eek!]

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We love you too Hamilton!

It's 6am I just got done a 12.5 shift!!!! I stood in one spot and watched bottles go by and pulled them off if the label was torn......TWELVE HOURS --- I had no shame in singing out loud to myself and dancing on the spot!!! That's all a girl can do!

Good night to me....good morning to the rest of you. [Wink]

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Originally posted by Sunshine:

Yes I am working at the Formosa Beer Factory where they make Amber Brick, Red Cap, Laker etc.

....and I swear some of the people checking the beer just didn't have the proper eyesight to be doing so!

It was weird how much "foreign matter" and "glass" you can find in beer... I will never look at a beer the same way!!!

[big Grin]

Judging by the taste of some of those brands, " foreign matter " and " glass " makes a lot of sense.

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