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going to experiment...


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tomorrow morning, I have a final exam in Canadian History pre-confederation.. I will have stayed up all night, without studying, without going to one lecture, without reading the text, and at 5:35-- I am contemplating, lighting one up... I wonder how well I will do???

p.s. thankfully, I have already graduated!!!

-tired of school!

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I worked with a guy once who took a psychology course at (I think) Dalhousie (he wasn't in psych; I think he was either engineering or comp sci). One of the concepts taught in the course was "state-dependent retrieval": the idea is that, if you learn something in a particular state of mind, you'll remember it better in the same state of mind.

So he tried it. With the psych course. And black hash.

He smoked a lot of black hash while studying for the psych exam, and then smoked black hash before the exam.

He said that he could remember stuff just fine, it was his hands that didn't work...they tended to keep writing, almost on their own, e.g., "...and as you can see, the concept is proved and I think my socks are growing..."

If the exam doesn't matter, and if the worst happens (e.g., you can't write a single thing) and you can survive it, it might make for an interesting experiment. I wouldn't rely on it to help your grade, though. If you try it, please report your experiences here.



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well, my first experiment was in a spring course last summer in modern Canadian literature... my final essay that I had to write to complete my english degree was on Leonard Cohen... I smoked a couple of bowls with my roomie and wrote my essay a couple of hours before it was due... I received the highest grade I have ever received on a paper... 90... will, let you know how this next experiment goes...

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In high school I had a test, not an exam, but a pretty major test and a friend and I smoked a dube and then studied. Before the test we smoked the same stuff and wrote the test. 89%!! It was one of the highest marks I got all year! Maybe I should have done the same thing with all the rest! Oh well...so long ago it seems...

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when i went for my licence i failed the first 3 times,, then i deciced to go waisted, i drank like 4 beers and and smoked a fatty right before i walked in, i passed tht test no prob that time. and i was so drumk that i got sick and puked as soon as the tester got out of the car.

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well, I think the experiment went off alright... thanks for all the responses, love the stories... I am new to this, registered the evening before last... enjoying it, actually had a dream that I saw Nero at a bar last night!!haha. anyways, I will inform you of the results when I get them... time to go clean the kitchen with some live Cheese.. adios mi nuevo amigos

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Sweet... I've written some of my best stuff while high. I never had the balls to write an exam while high, but I was a psych major, and I'm sure it would have boosted my grades...

I had this one course in particular called "Experiential Psychology" it was all about altered states of consciousness, from drug states to meditation and all points in between. For our one paper we had to write about 5 altered states of consciousness we had experienced, it was pretty wild writing about being on mushrooms let me tell ya!

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Originally posted by Esau:

I'm going to do an expirement this afternoon....

Jager shot dropped in a red bull...its called a "jager bomb"

I wonder what the results will be?

Much like a rum & Coke, I'd expect, from the combiantion of alcohol & caffeine. A friend of my brother's drank rum & Coke just for the combination; he likened it to "attaching a supercharger to your engine and then loosing the steering bolts..."



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In my first year I took a full credit english class. By the end of the year I had read one of the 12 or so required books and a small smattering of the required poetry reading. Also by the end of the year I had been hospitalised (causing me to miss an exam), one prof quit, another died and I ended up with a B+. Though that system is not for everyone.

In my second year my next-door neighbor studied for and wrote all of his exams (both terms) on acid. He did well (in engineering!) too. I couldn't believe it.

I wrote every Buddhism exam I ever had (I took about 5 classes) high except the last one. I never scored less than an A-, and I never finished writing in the three-hour periods, but my last exam I got an A+ (pretty good for a fourth year class huh!).

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Know what I find sort of interesting... Last evening I stayed up until 9am--time of my exam, trying to write a 750 word take home exam question on 3 conflicts of peoples in pre-confederate history that led to assimilation.. I actually knew my shit, writing about the French and English, the conflict between the colonists and the mass Irish emigration, and of course, Native struggles with the expanding colonies... literally, about 9 hours, of procrastinating... boredom... whatever!--9 hours, for 750 words... tonight, in the last hour and half, I have conquered 1500 words of my experiences from the last five days...

=creativity is fun!!!!

"amor vincit omnia"

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