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Question of the Year


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So....I am far away and haven't been up to date with the haps in the homeland. Paul Martin, Mad Cow exports and Dalton McGuinty, but I still want to hear what's up. So tell me all, what were your biggest smiles and biggest frowns of 2003?

My biggest smiles:


Phish back in action

Right Thur

The picture of drunken me and three kids at Lose Yer Shoes with the kids holding a bong and wearing Simpsons Dead and Phish shirts

Jared's poor attempt to find a heady wife and then finding one and then losing one.

Canada staying out of an illegal war.

Brief decriminalisation of Pot

My biggest frowns:

George Bush's war on the world

Chretien's retirement 3 months early

Loss of frontier town for the CTMF

So now it's out to you guys....let's hear it...

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Biggest smiles:

Joe Namath's interview last week on the sidelines of a Jet's game

Watching and listening to Jeff Beck perform for an hour at the Molson Amphitheatre

The Soundtrack Of Our Lives putting on the best concert of 2003 at the Opera House

Listening to The White Stripes' Elephant album

Discovering My Morning Jacket after seeing them kick ass on Conan

Smeagol as a triumph of filmmaking, technology and acting

My new apartment on the Danforth rules!!


The death of Johnny Cash and John Ritter on the same day


Mad Cow Disease in Alberta

Tearing down the Uptown Theatre

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- nye 2003

- finding heady and loosing her

- driving to and from labourday at izzy's with tony in the busted up oil squirting on fire no starter van

- spearhead in toronto and chilling with radio active all day and going shopping with him

-scoring the motorhome

-all the parties


tony leaving me to travle

being bored all the time

old van dieing

no more frontire town

loosing my heady wife

and not making it to nye

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Biggest Smiles:

  • Writing this out for TonyRage
    Seeing Radiohead for the first time, and it being better than I possibly could have imagined
    Getting my Phish mojo back after seeing them for the first time since Hiatus
    Meeting tons of cool cats on this board
    Experiencing new found friends and old ones, experiencing new things (music mainly)
    Finding out I can enjoy my career, and learn from it, even though I would rather have none
    Falling in love everyday with my wife (trust me, that isnt corny)
    Trying new foods, the top one this year thus far has been Vietnamese soup
    The bonds I formed on my longest road trip
    Reading Jaimoe's Best and Worst of anything (we are so different sometimes)

Biggest Frowns:

Hate this question, but considering the circumstances, I will do what I can.

  • Jerry as well
    Friends that missed *something*, yet should have been there , but I couldnt talk them into it
    The Hoagie House (Jaimoe, we need confirmation on this rumour. If this is gone, I am going to lose it)
    Hangovers and being so slow some mornings that a 5 minute job took 2 hours
    Not meeting TonyRage, or not remembering it

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Originally posted by Booche:


Hate this question, but considering the circumstances, I will do what I can.

The Hoagie House (Jaimoe, we need confirmation on this rumour. If this is gone, I am going to lose it)


I will find out about this tomorrow. If it is gone, Davey Boy may already be standing on a ledge of a tall building.

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-life as a father

-putting together Electric Meat

-meeting a bunch of yu cats

-phish back from hiatus

-gettin' lit


-picking up smoking again(it goes bye bye afet NYE)

-not getting down to the albany, boston run because of work and money.

-certain "heady" posts [Wink]

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- Mini Huxtable tours and Jerry tributes.

- Finally getting a band line-up that makes every Huxtable happy and play to the best of their ability.

- May's CTMF.

- The freakin' AWESOME bluesfest in Ottawa.

- moe. taking nero under their wings.

- The surprise party for my birthday.

- Spending my first year as Bouche's roommate and getting to wake up with him every morning and experience his kindness every day.

- Meeting more and more of you silly Skancs.

- Getting our kitten Althea.


- Both of my parents were pretty ill this past year.

- I fractured my jaw and skull.

- Bush and his insane acts.

- Getting our terror cat Althea.

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- the enormous genuine smile that crippled fellow I helped get set to eat his lunch in the mall gave me on boxing day

- the folks 40th wedding anniversary yesterday, family is first

- Dead in Indiana and Ohio

- Frontier/Izzy's

- nero, The Slip, Wassabi, Diesel Dog, Fat Cats, Brian Griffith, the Bus, Friends of Hefner and the enormous # of other acts I had the true pleasure of seeing and dancing to this year

- growing smarter [smile]

- making a ton of fantastic new friends off here


- folks losing schoolfriends to cancer (lots this year)

- have to admit Logic didn't do much for me either... thought he treated us like uncultured Canadians (with his set, he seemed nice enough)

- not making either shaker

- all misunderstandings and miscommunications

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