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Unofficial QoD Feb.20


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Also Moses Mayes and the Funk Orchestra, I never got a chance to see these guys but it must have been some crazy shows. They ended there time together by opening for James Brown, how cool would that be...

I read that either the keys player or the DJ played with blue quarter on there way to the east...

anybody out there....

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Originally posted by bradm:

the Freeway Band, which used to feature . . . Beau Dixon.

Beau Dixon is still living in Peterborough and playing somewhat regularily with King Cordova. Saw them about a week ago and they were pretty good! He also plays with a project called Dub Trinity, they play about once a month or so.

Interesting fact -- Beau Dixon used to play in a band with Jamie Shields and one of the other dudes from tND (and a few others) back in the day, like before the days of One Step beyond and Gypsy Sol.

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Originally posted by KevO:


Originally posted by bradm:

the Freeway Band, which used to feature . . . Beau Dixon.

Beau Dixon is still living in Peterborough and playing somewhat regularily with King Cordova. Saw them about a week ago and they were pretty good! He also plays with a project called Dub Trinity, they play about once a month or so.

Interesting fact -- Beau Dixon used to play in a band with Jamie Shields and one of the other dudes from tND (and a few others) back in the day, like before the days of One Step beyond and Gypsy Sol.

Thanks; I couldn't remember the name "King Cordova", even though I've seen them a couple of times (once at the Mercury, and once opening up for [and playing with] The Formula).

He's on The Formula's album ("Gettin' There", IIRC), but I don't think he's a permanent/touring member; I hope he is, but I guess I'll find out on Saturday.



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Hey! I'm not 100% sure they qualify as a jam band, but I gotta go with the legendary Toronto combo The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir.

The whereabouts of the members (to the best of my knowledge):

* Chris Brown & Kate Fenner are probably the best known part of the old band in Canada at least, having had a pretty successful career as a folk rock duo

* Bassist Jason Mercer arguablely has the best current gig - he's a member of Ani DiFranco's fabulous band

* Guitarist/singer Andrew Whiteman has had a number of projects around TO, including doing some solo stuff and a band project called Apostle of Hustle

* Singer Dave Wall was rumored to have had some drug problems, but now apparently has that under control, and the last thing I heard from him was a very interesting record of Yiddish folk songs!

Those are the folks I've heard about anyway, if anyone has more info I'd be happy to hear it.

In their heyday (early 90s), The Bourbon's were an unbelievable band! If you ever see their one CD (Superior Cackling Hen) or any of their various tapes in any bins, do yourself a fave and grab 'em!!!


Mr. M.

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My answer is ..She Stole My Beer...

But I destinctly remember a dude in the forum recently saying he saw them in Van(or on the coast somewhere) which really got me excited. They split, I heard, because of some screwed up record contract fiasco that bound them in ways they could not cope with(this is hearsay-so don't quote me on that) But I am so there if they come around these parts-they are AWESOME~So perhaps the terms of the contract have come to an end and there are playing together again...I will be waiting, drinking some rum and whatever....


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Freeway band was the most original and talented bands I've ever seen (I must have seen the 30 times or so when I lived in Ottawa) I used to smoke fatties with them at setbreak and always mentioned how they should jam-out their song Cafe Phoenix longer - finally they did and holy shit - amazing. Their harmonies were so unique and tight - there's nothing to campare them to. I still have my purple Freeway Band T-shirt with the dragonflies on it. "It's a groovy day, on a Saturday. it's a sunny day and I'm feelin' alright..."

She Stole My Beer played here for the first time in years on Jan. 25th @ The Commodore. It was cougar-central. They played all the fav's from 'Sparks Off The Guardrail" and "Mule" - plus a few heady covers. Chad (the lead guitarist) has another band called 'Sweaty Cheddar' (Geoff the drummer is in SC too) They play bluesy, lounge-y stuff - chick lead singer - very professional stuff, but it's an 'adult' vibe.

Someone (Tracy?) sent me a message asking more about SSMB when I first posted it, but I couldn't find a way to respond to it...

Anyways - I got the whole scoop from Geoff, the drummer (he was going to audition for my band - but was too late) He told me that they got that recording contract, made the album "Mule" and were dropped by the label half-way through recording. The label wanted them to be this new Blue Rodeo style thing - and they didn't satisfy the weasle's vision. So they broke-up. A few of them live like hermits in Whistler - and the rest have projects of their own.

so, uhh, I guess my answer is Freeway Band and SSMB...

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What is your fav. jamband that has broken up and what are the members involved in now?

Canadian and/or American?

Mine: The Dalai Llamas

*I think some of the members are in a band called urban divide.....



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