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moe vs nero

Cosmic Kitty

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I've seen moe. 3 times since 1998 and I'm out: not the band for me!

As an aside, I occasionally wonder if the "do not miss this band! they are the next big thing! the best! the best!" kind of posts about Nero on the US boards (like PT) may not be a bit of overkill. With all that hype, there's an awful lot of backlash at stake if Nero doesn't turn out to be all that for some of those encouraged to go see them. I don't really care, but I have noticed this. They're a great band with a bright future - just let people know where they are playing and let them make up their own minds. First time I saw Nero, I honestly thought "good band but why is everyone so excited?". I'm satrting to come around these days but the level of hype around them kind was kind a deflating experience for me once I saw them.

Flame away.

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Originally posted by MarcO:

I've seen moe. 3 times since 1998 and I'm out: not the band for me!

As an aside, I occasionally wonder if the "do not miss this band! they are the next big thing! the best! the best!" kind of posts about Nero on the US boards (like PT) may not be a bit of overkill. With all that hype, there's an awful lot of backlash at stake if Nero doesn't turn out to be all that for some of those encouraged to go see them. I don't really care, but I have noticed this. They're a great band with a bright future - just let people know where they are playing and let them make up their own minds. First time I saw Nero, I honestly thought "good band but why is everyone so excited?". I'm satrting to come around these days but the level of hype around them kind was kind a deflating experience for me once I saw them.

Flame away.

You are a wise man, Marco. Thanks for posting that.


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I personally do not like moe. all that much so will stay out of the debate, but in terms of seasoned players, the guitairst from Nero (Matt?)has always impressed me. He knows his sound so well and has complete control over his pedals. He doesn't leave them alone which some might say is overkill, but I love a player who knows the sound he/she wants and can get it out each time. They have changed drummers and it did not slow them down at all (it actually gave them the energy boost they sorely needed at the beginning) and they look very comfortable with each other and the crowd. They deserve the hooplah. Better to compare them to smaller bands though (bands like Jiggle have been around for way too long and they suck ass).

And Marco - what is that Avatar. That is the funniest shit I have seen today.

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I thought that Moe show here in O-Town was out of control. Nero was good too. Not much sense in comparing them, only rarely does an opening act upstage the headliner and that show was no exception. Although maybe my opinion would have been different if I hadn't eaten mushrooms.

But maybe some of the other Guelphites experience the same feelings I do when moving away from the G-Spot. When you're fortunate enough to have seen a band like Burt Neilson, the Pocket Dwellers, or Nero over 10 times, and seen each of them for less than 5 bucks(or for nothing at the Jazz), it makes it hard to stay open-minded when you move out of that town and start paying more to see them.

It's like what MarcO was saying about setting yourself up and being let down because you had inflated expectations. So I certainly don't mind paying 8 bucks to see Nero but that might explain why in the past I've come down hard on them....not because they suck but because I was spoiled in G-Town.

The main point of my argument is this: everyone should move to Guelph.

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Nice one MarcO, anything forced down anyone's throat can leave a sour taste. A vile, sour/salty taste....er, did I gay that out loud??(weak Monday AM attempt at humor) And Daniel, love.........is a fickle thing....

Ahess, I eventually hope to sire my offspring in Guelph.

Viva Puerto Rico!!!!

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